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    Tue, Mar 20th - 7:18PM



    I have been on the mountain high

    Saw the sunshine of His smile

    Walked with God along its lofty peak

    And talked with Him all the while

    Where the breeze was gentle on my face

    And the sky was blue above

    My heart it sang in praise to Him

    Uplifted by His sweet love

    I knew such peace and joy

    As my feet trod the higher ground

    For on the mountain peak I knew

    God’s presence all around

    I have been in the valley deep

    Walked its grief strewn floor

    But in the silence of its darkness

    I have known His sweet presence more

    Over rocks of trouble on the ground

    The way ahead I could not see

    But God was walking by my side

    And His mighty hand was guiding me

    I have known joy and sorrow

    Sweet laughter and bitter tears

    The mountain peak of hope and happiness

    And the valley of doubts and fears

    But the God of the mountain high

    Is still God of the valley wide

    And where He should choose to lead me

    I can journey the path when He is by my side

    Colin Moffett




    Comment (24)

    Mon, Mar 12th - 7:46PM


    The comfort of contentment is in the touch of a hand

    From a mother to her baby too young to understand

    But knowing from the feeling of her soft gentle touch

    There is one who cares and loves it so much 

    The comfort for God’s child is in the touch of His hand

    Loving and caring when our needs demand

    When we are disheartened and our spirits are low

    To the comforting arms of God quickly we go 

    The comfort of compassion is in the grasp of a hand

    When grief is overflowing and there is a friend to stand

    When not a word is spoken but a comforting embrace

    And a hand to wipe away the tears flowing down the face 

    The comfort for God’s child is in the grasp of His hand

    For the power of healing is at His command

    Leaving all to Him in faith we must

    For it is comforting to know He is the one we can trust 

    There is comfort in a bed but it lulls us to sleep

    We close our eyes to sin when instead we should weep

    Comfort at a fire of fierce burning flame

    But what of eternal burning when we reject Jesus name 

    People look for comfort in so many things

    Drink and drugs and whatever but only misery it brings

    God is patiently waiting; He wants to give you rest

    And the comfort that He brings is comfort that is best

    Colin Moffett


    Comment (14)

    Wed, Mar 7th - 3:10PM


    When the black horse came to give you your last ride

    To take you home over the vast distance wide

    The chariot God sent was built by His own hand

    And it came for you Dad to take you to a better land

    The horse hooves came trotting ever so near

    Coming for you Dad the one I loved so dear

    The wheels of the chariot stopped beside you I know

    And you climbed aboard for it was time for you to go

    The spokes of the wheels were spinning around

    As you left this earth and were Heaven bound

    As the horse pulled strongly; swiftly you went

    And you arrived to your eternal Home in the chariot God sent

    You will have met the great Carpenter; God’s beloved Son

    He gave you the skills for the woodwork you have done

    All your labours are finished for you worked hard and sore

    And pain; suffering and agony you will never know anymore

    Now in your beautiful mansion; Christ’s handiwork you will see

    Greater than the house Dad you helped build for me

    On earth I lived beside you; now you are gone forever more

    But someday I will be coming to live in a mansion next door

    For you have left but only a little time before me

    Someday in the glory your face again I’ll see

    And on the streets of Heaven the greeting will be glad

    When I embrace you once again my dear beloved Dad


    My Dad loved horses and was a carpenter and built carts for horses in his spare time. I wrote the above poem this morning to reflect this....the black horse symbolising death coming...... and have asked my minister to read it out at the funeral service Thursday 1:30 pm British time.

    I want to thank you for all your prayers and kind words. These have meant so much to me. Thank you. Colin

    Comment (11)

    Tue, Mar 6th - 1:17PM


    Come with me my angel band

    A child of mine drifts to sleep

    I must go and take his hand

    And cross him over the Jordan deep

    Ceased and still once beating heart

    Folded hands across the breast

    Come my angels; we must depart

    To bring him over the waters crest

    Extinguished now life’s flickering flame

    A soul it stands at Jordan’s flood

    His hope for glory in my blessed name

    And cleansed from sin in my precious blood

    We will make the crossing swift

    Leaving Jordan’s brimming brink

    A precious soul will not drift

    Or in the rushing torrents sink

    I will hold through waters wide

    When life is gone and breath it fails

    A child of mine in the flowing tide

    With my hands that bore the nails

    Oh you angels shining bright

    Ever have you seen my face

    Think when searching eyes will light

    And my child at last on me will gaze 

    I will bear him to golden shore

    Through the river’s onward flow

    Where my redeemed can explore

    All that Heaven has to show

    His voice in sweet chorus raise

    Golden crown adorns his brow

    Thanking me in his hymn of praise

    Lord for being in your Glory now

    Colin Moffett.

    My Daddy passed into glory today. He died peacefully in his sleep with most of the family gathered round his bedside. We will miss you Dad but now your are at Home and for you no more suffering and pain. We will meet again some blessed day in that Heavenly land.

    Love you Dad.

    Comment (10)

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    About Me

    Name: Colin Moffett
    ChristiansUnite ID: colin
    Member Since: 2006-09-27
    Location: Portglenone, United Kingdom
    Denomination: Christian
    About Me: I live in the beautiful country of N.Ireland near the little village of Portglenone. I have been married to my lovely wife Marlene for thirty years (she deserves a medal!) and I have two sons; Steven and Gregory. My main hobby is gardening and I like... more

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