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    Sun, Feb 25th - 1:43PM


    I sat in the surgery feeling so sick

    A nurse was coming with a needle to give me a prick

    Now roll up your sleeve and give me your arm

    This won’t hurt and will do you no harm

    She came at me like a devil with a smile of a saint

    The sight of that needle made me quite faint

    She searched for a vein to stick it right in

    Launched it like a lance right it into my skin

    I closed my eyes as I felt it jag

    And my foot flew out and kicked her on the leg

    I could have reached up and give her neck a throttle

    But I bore it without screaming until my blood filled a bottle

    Now; said the nurse; I’ll send it away for a test

    Go home; for you look pale and have a wee rest

    When I made it in through my door I went straight up to bed

    And below the blankets these thoughts came into my head

    They might find something wrong with the blood taken from me

    But pure was the blood that was shed for me on a tree

    Sin cleansing blood from the innocent One

    The sacrificial Lamb and God’s only Son

    Blood with no impurity; deep crimson red

    Staining Calvary Hill from my Saviour who bled

    Blood offered for me; the purest and best

    No fault in it the Father could test

    And accepted by Him as an offering for my sin

    As its cleansing power washed me from within

    Jesus gave all of His blood and did not complain

    The loss of its flowing was for my gain

    Blood from me may test with faults and impure

    The results I get will tell me for sure

    But one thing I know; and of it; so confident I am

    That my sins are blotted out by the blood of the Lamb

    Colin Moffett

    Comment (10)

    Fri, Feb 23rd - 6:10AM


    What is the depth of your deepest despair?

    That you think my love cannot reach to you there

    When you pour out your heart telling me your fears

    Know you not that I am listening for I am a God who hears

    Listening to you calling from the agony of your heartbreaking

    From the trembling of your soul in despair that is shaking

    Knowing your hopelessness I bring you my love

    For I am almighty God and listening from above

    It is my arms which will reach and will hold

    Close to my bosom and sheltered in their fold

    My hand will gently dry the tears from your eyes

    For you are my child and I hear your anguished cries

    Great is my comfort and peaceful my rest

    Lay your weary head gently on my breast

    Down your wet cheeks slips another silent tear

    But you are not alone for I am with you here

    I will hold you child in the darkness of your night

    When blackness encloses you and shuts out the light

    In the shadows I am with you; you will hear my sweet voice

    I will turn your tears to laughter and help you rejoice

    I love you my child and I want you to know

    I am in the deep valley of the journey that you go

    And I will lead you to the sunshine of the mountain top high

    Although the way I lead; you do not understand why

    Someday you will know and understand

    Why I led you this road with my nail scarred hand

    But know my child you are in my love

    And I am gently leading you to a home up above

    No more crying on its golden shore

    No heartaches and tears for you anymore

    No more pain to try and to test

    But only everlasting joy in your eternal rest

    Colin Moffett

    I read  the beautiful poem written by my good friend Jeannine. It really touched me and give me a lot to think about. After prayerful thought...I composed the above poem in response to it. I hope Jeannine and all who read it will get comfort and hope from it. God bless.


    Comment (15)

    Wed, Feb 21st - 7:26PM


    When we stand at Jordan’s side

    Ready to cross the waters wide

    And our destiny is Heaven’s forever land

    When this earth will know us no more

    And we are headed for the golden shore

    Jesus will come and take us by the hand


    He will come at still of breath

    When our eyelids close in death

    For He will not let us cross Jordan alone

    We are covered with His blood

    And need not fear the flood

    For Jesus will come and carry off His own


    When we close our eyes and die

    Then our Redeemer draweth nigh

    As deaths blanket lies upon us icy cold

    But our souls are passing on

    Silently; swiftly they are gone

    To a land where we will never grow old


    Where songs of praise are sung

    By the redeemed forever young

    And our voices blend in harmony to God on high

    Where all tears are wiped away

    We will live in eternal day

    And in that Heavenly home we never more will die


    An eternal home for the soul

    While the endless ages roll

    And a death toll bell in it shall never be rung

    To that land some final day

    All redeemed souls will fly away

    And we will dwell within its mansions forever young


    Colin Moffett

    Comment (12)

    Fri, Feb 16th - 3:27PM

    I had this poem posted in here before. I wrote it for my friend Kevin from Pat Scotts site. He photographed the sea scene and combined my poem with it. I think it is beautiful and wanted to share it with you here.

    Comment (15)

    Wed, Feb 14th - 5:48PM




    Never alone for Jesus is with me

    Walks by my side each step of the way

    Companions are gone; not a friend can I see

    But Jesus holds my hand day after day


    He is a friend who sticks closer than a brother

    Step with my step He matches each one

    Someone like Him I never knew any other

    Who loves me like Jesus; God’s blessed Son


    Loneliness in my life forever is banished

    There is contentment and joy an everlasting peace

    The friendships of this world so quickly have vanished

    But I know with Jesus His love will not cease


    I will not let my happiness depend on others

    To rule my life no one is allowed

    I shall always have Jesus when no one else bothers

    For I have known loneliness in the midst of a crowd


    Lonely are the ones who live on their own

    Thinking in their lives there is no one to care

    But if they have Jesus; then never truly alone

    For He is with them His friendship to share


    Life without Jesus is loneliness for the soul

    A void that cannot be filled by any earthly friend

    For it takes Jesus in the heart to make a life whole

    An if He dwells there that kind of loneliness will end


    Colin Moffett





    Comment (7)

    Sat, Feb 10th - 2:17PM





    He is in the fluffy clouds above

    That shadow me like His love

    He is in the sun shining bright

    That tells me of His light

    He is in the fresh drop falling rain

    Like His spirit that refreshes again

    And in the soft crystal snow

    Is the purity of the One I know


    He is in a sweet bird’s song

    As my heart it sings along

    I see His beauty in every flower

    And in a clock’s fast ticking hour

    I hear His voice saying time is passing on

    But I will be with you until all it is gone

    Tossed no more for I rule the angry sea

    And your soul is safely secured in me


    He is in the air that keeps me living

    Like His grace that’s free and is forgiving

    He is in the waters of fast flowing river

    Like His love for me that flows forever

    He is in my heart and I am in His hands

    The longings of my soul He understands

    And I in Him and Him In me

    Together forever we will be


    Colin Moffett



    Comment (16)

    Tue, Feb 6th - 4:23PM





    It is the arms of God that hold you

    When deep is your despair

    When dark is your valley

    His presence is always there

    When He sees you are hurting

    He sends you His sweet love

    Caring and tender is the Father

    Watching from above


    He knows all your heartaches

    Your hopes and your fears

    He hears all your prayers

    And sees the river of your tears

    When the storms of trouble blow

    Wicked, untamed and wild

    He draws you to His breast

    And says, lean on me my child


    Just trust in Him completely

    Let Him carry out His will

    Rest on His promises

    Humbled quiet and still

    His ways you may know not

    Some are hard to understand

    But walk where He may take you

    As He leads you by His hand


    Colin Moffett


    Comment (11)

    Sat, Feb 3rd - 3:13PM


    I went out taking photos as it was such a beautiful day




    Sinking in the pit of the deepest despair

    No one to love me and no one to care

    In the valley of my depression in the blackness like night

    With no rays of sunshine to make my world bright


    Desolate and shipwrecked on life’s ocean shore

    The waves of its ebbing I could not take any more

    With one more angry billow into its depth I would slip

    But the Master of the waves came and caught me in His grip


    And His voice calmed the waters of the white crested foam

    Whispering to me; I have come to navigate your way home

    Fear not the storm or the angry restless sea

    But hold my hand and put your trust in me


    Blessed scarred hand I grasped it so glad

    Tried to hold on to it with all the strength that I had

    Yet feeble was I and my fingers would slip

    But He lifted me up because I was held in His grip


    Precious dear hand that was fixed to the tree

    My sins had nailed it there; yet He still offered it to me

    I caused His back to be torn by the lashing of whip

    Yet He loved me so dearly to want to hold me in His grip


    And oh so amazing; it’s wondrous I know

    Held forever by His grip which will never let go

    So mystifying; so puzzling; so hard to understand

    That a sinner like me is gripped by God’s mighty hand


    And when stilled breath releases me to go

    There is reassurance in this one thing that I know

    When into eternity my soul shall silently slip

    He will carry me Home because I am held in His grip


    Colin Moffett



    Comment (12)

    Thu, Feb 1st - 5:15PM





    Listen to my words for I am a Gospel song

    With the air of a tune to carry me along

    Its notes go quickly or ever so slow

    Rising high in soprano or deep bass that’s low


    You might not like my melody but listen to me well

    For someone composed me with a story to tell

    The voice of a singer will bring me to your ears

    I may fill you with joy or move you to tears


    How gladly you should hear me for I tell of the Lord

    The tune is a way to travel to bring you each word

    And they will tell of Him who died on a tree

    And the way of salvation when you listen to me


    For you will hear of Jesus as you listen to my story

    Of love and grace and forgiveness and the hope of eternal glory

    You will hear of His Heaven and for His bride returning soon

    If you but listen to my words and forget about my tune


    You may not like the singer who gives my words voice

    Of sad things I may tell you or to help you rejoice

    But should it matter: if of Jesus they are singing

    And my words are of truth in the message they are bringing


    A gospel singer will use me to edify and teach

    Much like a preacher in a sermon they will preach

    For long hours they may try their message to converse

    I may say as much in one single verse


    A presenter may play me in a radio gospel programme

    Along with others for of many I am

    As you listen to me as my tune plays along

    Please listen to my words for I am a Gospel song


    Colin Moffett

    Comment (9)

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    About Me

    Name: Colin Moffett
    ChristiansUnite ID: colin
    Member Since: 2006-09-27
    Location: Portglenone, United Kingdom
    Denomination: Christian
    About Me: I live in the beautiful country of N.Ireland near the little village of Portglenone. I have been married to my lovely wife Marlene for thirty years (she deserves a medal!) and I have two sons; Steven and Gregory. My main hobby is gardening and I like... more

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