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          "The Lord will go forth like a warrior, He will arouse His zeal like a man of war.
          He will utter a shout, yes, He will raise a war cry. He will prevail against His enemies."
           Isaiah 42:13

    Wed, Feb 7th - 12:48PM

    Passion Released ....

    This is a copy of the letter I sent to my Home-group leader this morning. We have been watching a great video series (Following In His steps I think..) put out by Focus on the Family... Every week the impact of the video is observed in the silence that seems to last for minutes once it is turned off... With the combination of the Watchman Nee book on Spiritual Authority and this video there is the sensing of something deeper happening.... and this seem to be but an outpouring of what is stirring within my spirit. Please remember that this is one Christian's spirit sifting through what God's heart is speaking to her, as His daughter...What is He speaking to you, as His child? It must be said, that to grasp for words that would bring any light of understanding to what has been experienced in our home-group, since we began these videos, would not scratch the surface of the effect or impact made on us. There is, for us to understand, more to this Christian walk then any of us have ever considered. Watching the Word come alive before you, with no sugar coating (or special lighting, no Hollywood touch), tears at the very emotion of your soul. Last nights series is no exception; especially when we have been going through Spiritual Authority by Watchman Nee, That many of us have come to a fresh understanding of obedience and how learned obedience is through suffering. We speak with our tongues and chide in with others that tell of wanting to be like Jesus, yet when the suffering part of being like Jesus comes along we dismiss ourselves, justify our actions hide our motives and beg to be delivered from the trial. We are far from being like Jesus Christ, nor do we mirror His image very well, but because of His grace and mercy we are given entrance into the presence of this One, called King of kings and Lord of lords... When one comes to view the truth of how life was lived out in our Lord's time, verse ours, the very breathe is knocked out of you, leaving you speech less. There is such a sense of unworthiness, yet there is comfort found in the silence, afraid that any word spoken would shatter the moment and it might not return. For all the years of blessings that the United States has held, it is little wonder that we are a generation of lip service. Americans hold dear to two areas that the Lord speaks harshly about, Pride and riches. There is the understanding that these two areas do not have to be bad things, yet when we pride ourselves on power strength and riches, we are bound to fall, and fall we will. America has had her days of glory, yet she has lost her passion for the truth and the beliefs of the founding fathers. this is a general statement that not everyone stands under. When all is taken away from us, what will we have? The truth lays within those who truly desire something greater then reasoning and excusing a society that is serving self and worshiping man. Who are the Christians? Those who speak with their tongues, appeasing others or those who seek to bring the truth to the lost? Who are the evangelist, men with a self serving cause, making a name for themselves (speaking in general) ? With so many Christians making excuses for their life styles, it is a wonder that any are truly hearing the Gospel. Granted none of us are perfect, yet when one considers how far a Christian is really willing to go for the cause of the Cross, allowing the Holy Spirit to be in charge (dying to self), you will find only a handful.... As I am sure you would agree I am no exception to the self proclaimed Christian; yet to wrestle with all of this makes a great conviction, one that I desire to see stick to my memory, to change my life...This is one of those moments of truth that few will stand with you, but the only reason you are doing any of this is because of the Passion of the Cross... My sensing is that the Lord is growing tired of listening to the griping, complaining, and lack of obedience. If we would truly allow the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives, and would hear the heart of God verses the heart of man There would be more rejoicing, as we witness; healings, miracles, signs and wonders for the increasing of the faith... hundreds would be coming to the Lord at a time, here in the U.S. . There would be no need for Church buildings because church would be held in parks, the market place and such... This is only a far fetched idea if your Passion for the Lord has become nothing more then a flicker of a flame... This video series has ignited within me that passion that points to the mighty name of God the Father and of Jesus Christ the Son of God, The Holy Spirit our comforter... May our fruit be changed from bitter to sweet; may obedience to the Holy Spirit be our first priority, and bring glory and honor to our Father be an everlasting trait, as the example of Jesus that has been set before us! No more excuses, no more reasoning... It is time to grab hold of the prayer staff and stand accounted for in the army of the Lord. Dressed for battle, ready to dance before Him as though no one is watching, sing as though no one can hear...To worship Him with my very life... I am sure this is probably more then you wanted, so take what works, and leave the rest... Thank you for your obedience in this Home-group, and for the wonderful video series.... With Holy Spirit fire in my spirit and the Passion for Christ burning in my heart ...

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    Thu, Feb 1st - 4:39PM

    What Kingdom Are You Armed In Resistance To?

    As the Lord would have it, I have been studying through Watchman Nee's book: Spiritual Authority, with a group from church. We have recently begun to wade through the two chapters on The Manifestation of Man's Rebellion; which has proven to leave many a christian twisting in their seat. Watchman Nee leaves no stone unturned, nor does he sugar coat the words. There should be a warning label attached to this book, as it is not the typical sit down and read, or even a quick to study book for a small group. This meaty book takes more then one trip to really digest the true body of this book. One may find it to be something like a great piece of steak, you will want to savior each and every bite, others will be tempted to tire of chewing and spit it out. If you make it through the book you will know those who tired of it by what is left in their teeth. It is imporant to remember that one is held accountable for what has been heard and learned. One must admit it is hard to pick that out of your teeth with God watching.... So let us take a collective look at the word rebellion and it's break down. these definitions were taken from: The American Heritage Dictionary third Edition. Rebel: 1).To refuse alliegiance to and opppose by force an established government or ruling authority. 2) to resist or defy an authority or a convention. 3) to feel or express strong unwillingness or repugnance. One who rebels. Rebellion: 1) Open, armed, and organized resistance to a government. 2) An act or a show of defiance toward an authority or convention. Well, that will take a Christian back a step. This is truly more serious then most would like to admit. It is true that to know authority one must first meet authority, or as Watchman Nee writes it; otherwise you will never obey. The mere hearing of the message of obedience is totally ineffective. One must have an encounter with God; then the foundation of God's authority will be laid in one's life. There are three areas that Watchman Nee speaks into, they are; words, reason, and thoughts. It is through scripture and the determination of seeing others set free from the bondage they have learned to live within, that is so easily jared by the words written in this book. It is important for each one of us to take an account and be held responsible for the words we so freely spew into the air, and at each other. consider the basic fact that it would be easier for you to put the toothpaste squeezed out of the tube back into the tube, then to take back the words spoken to or against another person. Words, when used carelessly are like a bullet shot from a gun, it will ricochet in someone's memory until they catch it and dispose of it. With all of this said it must also be said that we are accountable for what we know; One might praise the Lord for His grace and mercy on all that has slipped from our lips before this knowledge became truth to one's spirit. there is now no condemnation in those who are found in Christ Jesus. This does not give us lead way to say whatever our sinful heart desires; according to Matthew 12:36,37 "But I say to you that every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemnded." So then where does that leave those scriptures that speak of being justified by faith? Acts 13:39 "and by Him everyone who believes is justified from all things from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses." Disobedience: Refusal or failure to obey. Rebellion and disobedience seem to cross the same lines, offense toward the One we live to serve. Many seem to live by the idea that they are the final authority, the ultimate obedience is to themselves and that they do not need to obey anyone else (God included). the question must be asked here, What standard are you obeying, that of Jesus Christ, or self? It is not a set of rules written or developed by any denomination, it is to be based on your relationship with God (1 John 2:3,4). Which of course leads us to yet another question, where is your focus? Are you focused on what God can do for you, rather then on what you are to do for God? C. Peter Wagner puts it this way; are you trying to maintain a relationship without honoring the standards to which flow from this relationship (with God)? Romans 7 & 8 further explain through Pauls writtings that our obedience to Jesus cannot be accomplished through the flesh, but only through the power of the Holy Spirit. If you would allow this thought to soak in: this is taken from the "Threshing Floor" Written by Juanita Bynum: "Anyone can come into the outer court through salvation, but not everyone honors God by being obedient. Only the obedient will be able to receive their priestly garments and ultimately enter the holy place in prayer. "Many are called...but few are choosen" (Matthew 22:14) The path of obedience requires that we enter the gate, wash at the laver, and sacrifice at the altar in obedience to God's pattern of prayer. The path of obedience allows us to pass from death into life and prepares us to be clothed for victory in intercessory prayer. Consider if you would John 5: "Whoever does not honors the Son does not honor the Father, who has sent Him. I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, the person whose ears are open to My Words and believes and trusts in and clings to and relies on Him Who sent Me has eternal life. And does not come in judgment, but he has already passed over out of death into life." John 5:23-24 So how important is it to rid self of rebellion? So what government are you opposing by force; the kingdom of God, or the kingdom of man (self)?

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    Name: Mrs. Taitano
    ChristiansUnite ID: blessed
    Member Since: 2006-01-22
    Location: San Diego, California, United States
    Denomination: Christian
    About Me: To walk in the Light and power of the Holy Spirit, touching the hem of His garment as I interceed for others, and to one day see the face of God... For those who know me, they understand that I live by the motto "It is not about me..." It is all abo... more

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