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    Rev Mick's Blog
          Biblical/Christian Living, Apologetics

    Mon, Apr 27th - 9:52AM

    Who is a Christian?

          Have you ever noticed that when ever you register at some hospitals they ask your religious preferences? Those who have been in the military service have been asked the same thing. I remember all those years ago, it seems like a life time, you were asked your preference you couldn't just say Christian if you did you were labeled Protestant. Now a days a trip through MySpace or Facebook you see people who choose to list their religious preference as “Christian-other”, what is this? For nearly two thousand years philosophies and human interpretation have fragmented the Christian faith in to several denominations. I have yet to see anyone successfully define “Christian-other”.

          After reading the profiles of these people as well as their blogs that reflect their ideals and thought process I have come to the conclusion that the people that list themselves who list themselves as “Christian-other” are un-churched, unaffiliated persons that believe themselves to be Christians but have no idea what a Christian is. Many if not most of this group of people have been disillusioned with any one of if not all traditional denominations covered under the banner of Christianity. I myself have struggled with the hypocrisy and the self elevated opinions of members of traditional denominations. The hypocrisy is a constant problem and has even made it to mainstream media at times, but most if not all people have a problem with leaders of a religious group saying one thing and doing another. The problem is not just with the leaders, many of the ‘flock’ are just as hypocritical in everything that they do. From being prone to gossip to being openly judgmental of others to the point of harming lives. Turning their backs on the needy to being selective with whom their share their faith with. I am not just talking about the ‘fundamentalist’, the liberal oriented congregations are just as guilty. Elevated opinions of oneself definitely does not lend itself to the humble nature that a Christian should possess. These opinions lend one to be judgmental over others, critical of others, and as a result people new to Christianity or younger in their faith feel alienated or ostracized and fall away from the Church. The biggest complaint I hear about organized religion is the people in the church.

         These people who identify themselves as ‘Christian-other’ have reinvented the Christian faith to fit what they believe Christianity to be. This is dangerous as most are not learned in the Bible and the doctrine of Christianity. They only have an idea what they want a church to be and left alone they will create their church to be what they in vision. The re-invention of Christian Doctrine to fit personal beliefs is also present with in established congregations. I have had several discussions with people that have with out knowing it re-invented Christian Doctrine to fit their own views on the world and events. Christianity has a resource to go to for answers on how God wants us to act. The Bible tells us what is acceptable to Him and what is not. It is not cryptic, it is not a secret, it is available to all in every language. The Bible, the Word of God, is available in text, digital format as well as audio and video format. God’s doctrine for His Church is not for debate and is available for each and every man and woman.

         The lesson of this issue should be taken to heart by the leaders of the Christian faith. Personal interpretation of God’s word has led many astray from what God has said. This is evident with openly homosexual clergy within the Christian church as well as the acceptance of homosexual marriage. The Bible, God’s Word, is clear on these issues yet leaders and teachers in the Christian Church are silent on this issue. The silence is damaging as people interpret this silence as approval. The doctrine set forth by God needs to be taught, not the doctrine as defined by man. There is a reason that God puts forth in the Bible that leaders of the Church will be held to a higher standard. They have been chosen or have chosen to teach and spread the message of the Savior and the salvation that God has set forth for man. What will you, the leader, the teacher, the pastor, the priest, say to God when asked how well did you do your job? Was God first, or was it your own personal agenda hidden with in the Word of God? Is your message biblically correct or is it promoting political or social agendas? The Elders and Leaders of the Christian faith need to refocus on God and the message of salvation denouncing everything that is against God.

    For Further reading; http://pewforum.org/docs/?DocID=409; http://www.usatoday.com/news/religion/2009-04-27-pew-religion-switch_N.htm?csp=34

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    Name: Mick Griffin
    ChristiansUnite ID: revmick
    Member Since: 2006-01-09
    Location: Warren, Pennsylvania, United States
    Denomination: Christian
    About Me: Mick is a minister of God's word and had a home based church much like the church of the first century. Since the summer of 2014 He sought out and found a strong non-denominational church filled with people of like minds and hearts, a community in w... more

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