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    Rev Mick's Blog
          Biblical/Christian Living, Apologetics

    Sat, Mar 28th - 4:19PM

    Parental Influence

    Parents, have you ever wondered just what kind of influence you are having on your children? Have you been a good parent? Will the succeed or fail because of the guidance they have been given? Here is one that is not asked much, how will my children remember their childhood and the relationship that we had? Most parents do not ask this question as they really do not want to know the answer. As my wife and I sat for hours last night discussing the conditions of our childhood and the actions or lack there of on the part of our parents, I could not help but think that what makes two people who get married and have children care so little for the lives that they have brought into this world? Society has been growing ever more self-centered even at the cost of the children that we have been entrusted to raise, teach and care for. How many parents today that when asked do not know who the child’s friends are, what they are interested in, or even where there children are? The sad truth is that the TV family of the past, the ‘Cleavers’ family, ‘the Father' knows best’ family, ‘the Cosby’s’, has given way to the TV family that is more like the ‘Bundy’s’ or ‘Family Guy’. More and more I see and hear about families that are falling apart because they have no bonding that brings them together. How many children do you know that are being raised by a family member other than their parents? How many children are being raised apart from any family member what so ever? Many say that this is best for the child. The problem is that in today’s ‘throw it away if you don’t want it’ society what is being thrown away is our children. Parents today are not completely to blame. Well yes they are, but you have to think what kind of example did they have to build their parenting skills on. Who taught them to be a parent? Did you ever wonder why their are so many today abusing their children, even killing their own children? Are the roots of the problem in their own childhood? I know that in my childhood for the most part I do not remember my parents being around and if they were they were fighting, hitting the kids, or just to drunk to stand. I was finally abandoned and put out on the street. Others had childhoods where the children were a tool the parents used with in the fight to get back at each other. Sadly these children spend much of their adult lives trying to win the love of the parents that abused them as a child only to find more of the same behavior that they experienced as a child. The foundation that is made in childhood influences the rest of the life of that individual. I know people that their lives are completely messed up because of the childhood they have had. Even if anyone is successful in communicating any feelings to an abusive parent any remorse is short lived and the pattern of behavior is quickly returned to even to the point of denying the complaint of the children. I myself have more than my share of problems left over from my childhood. What is really sad is that a lot of these families are Christian families. The book of Ephesians in the Bible gives guidance on living the Christian life but it is one of the least preached about books in the Bible as some find offense how the roles of Christian family members is discussed. However, chapter six of the book of Ephesians talks of Children and Parents. The Bible does give very useful advice, guidance on living a proper Christian life and is available to all to read. Being too lenient is just as bad as being too strict and over bearing. A proper balance can be found and the Bible is the place to find answers to problems and questions. There is a lot of truth in the saying that children are our future. With that in mind why would anyone want to throw away their future by tossing away the ones that will be leading the government, providing health care, etc. Society is declining and it’s roots can be traced back to the home and the family unit.

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    Name: Mick Griffin
    ChristiansUnite ID: revmick
    Member Since: 2006-01-09
    Location: Warren, Pennsylvania, United States
    Denomination: Christian
    About Me: Mick is a minister of God's word and had a home based church much like the church of the first century. Since the summer of 2014 He sought out and found a strong non-denominational church filled with people of like minds and hearts, a community in w... more

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