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    Rev Mick's Blog
          Biblical/Christian Living, Apologetics

    Mon, Oct 31st - 2:14PM

    The US was founded on the Freedom of Religion, not the restriction of it.

    It is my belief that the United States of America is regressing, regressing to the kind of government rule that the founders of this great nation where fleeing from. 
    In the aspect of religion, those who came to the new world where fleeing religious persecution. Persecution of those who said that you had to worship God in the way that they prescribed or else face imprisonment, or worse. All over Europe it was the same, religion as specified by the government in power. 

    This is why those aboard the Mayflower came here, the freedom to worship God in the manner that they saw fit. The did not care how others celebrated their faiths, they just wanted to be able to celebrate in the way that they believed proper for them. Ok, yes they did try to convert the Indians to some extent. However, preaching the Word of God and spreading His message to others in a Biblical principle of the Christian Faith. 

    The truth of the matter is that those who follow the Christian Faith have seen persecution since the founding of the belief that God had appeared to us in the form of His only Son, Jesus. Oh nations have proclaimed to be Christian nations every since Constantine converted. By the truth of the matter is that the only true Christian nation in two thousand years has been the United States of America. Since it’s founding two hundred and twenty six years ago, every one has been welcome no matter what your religious beliefs. And this American government was not going to tell you how to worship God. In fact, communities were set up around beliefs of faith, if you did not agree with that community you moved to another. No harm, no foul. These separate communities still traded with each other as well as with Europe as a whole. 

    The First Amendment of the US Constitution explains the founding principle of what brought many to this continent.
    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances

    The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America 

    The spirit of this amendment was not to restrict the free practice of religion, all were free to express there religion as they saw fit without government intrusion. The United States government was not to endorse nor set up a government sanctioned religion. All are welcome. The United States was never intended to be a ‘theocracy’ even though it was founded on Judeo-Christian values. One only has to read the founding documents and the history of the United States to find this to be true. 

    Now as I read the news or hear it on the television and radio I see that persecution of Christians has reached the nation of the United States. Those who would wipe out all references to Jesus Christ have been attacking every instance where symbols of Christianity are displayed. Whether it be on public land, private business or in the holiday greetings of individuals, Christ is under attack. The ACLU has been the driving force to remove all symbols of the Christian and Jewish faiths from public view for years now. The have run rough shod over the American court system finding sympathetic judges and politicians that would bend or bow to their view of a perfect America and thus a perfect world. This organization is the un-official legal power behind all Atheists groups seeking to remove God from the prevue of the public. 

    To me Atheists is a problematic belief as they have to believe in the power of something to fight against it. We all can recall the aphorism ‘there are no atheists in fox holes’ . This explains that in times of great stress and trouble an individual will look for a being greater than themselves to save them. 

    Back to my point. These groups such as the ACLU have engaged in a war against the Christian Faith. They see it as a force to be reckoned with. As the founding principles of the United States, these beliefs state that people are free. Free to be who they are and free to believe in what they wish to believe in. The power in this belief is a threat to those who would love nothing more than to set up a set of laws telling people that a system of faith/religious beliefs are bad for the general public and the continued existence of government. Thus, they have sought to destroy the very foundation of the American government. Here is a warning to all those who think that the ACLU is siding with them to further their religious freedoms. When they are done with Judeo-Christian values yours are next. They want no religion in the world whatsoever. 

    The second reason that the ACLU and groups like them are attacking Christian values and beliefs is that in Christianity, faith is center on one’s own relationship with God and God’s relationship with that individual. This gives the individual personal power not to be persecuted and to be all that they can be in life relying on gifts and talents bestowed upon them from their Creator. This is an affront and completely against the vision of those that believe that every living soul should rely upon a government and those that rule a nation for all that they need. This is at the heart of why these groups are continually attacking Christianity. All one has to do is read the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America to know that the Founders of this Great Nation knew this to be true. Our government was established with the rights of the individual and states that government derives it’s power from those that allow it to exist. Government exists to serve the people, it does not exist to be severed by the people. This is not what these people and groups want. They believe that the people exist to serve the government and any other way will not work. Everything for the government and then the government of men will tell you the individual what you need. Christianity and the founding principles of this nation are standing in the way of that.

    I am not calling for a violent Christian revolt. No. What I am saying is Christians and non-Christians alike that believe in the founding principles of the United States of America need to stand up and be heard. Do not allow one or more groups to persecute one religion of system of faith because they do not like it. That is not what America stands for. If a community of mainly Christians want a cross on a public water tower so be it. If Jews, Muslims, or another group want a equal display of their faith, great! Where do you want it? If you don’t believe in any of it then what is the problem? To you it should just be a harmless object(s). So what if it is there? Let people have what makes them happy. Christians are not persecuting Atheists for there views, so why persecute Christians for theirs? 

    Christians, stand up for your equal rights to exercise you belief as others do. Do not bow to those that are using our courts to silence you. The founding principle of our nation of live and let live as far as religion goes is under continued attack. If you do not do anything about it then we will be returning to the days of religious persecution and you will be the persecuted.

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    Name: Mick Griffin
    ChristiansUnite ID: revmick
    Member Since: 2006-01-09
    Location: Warren, Pennsylvania, United States
    Denomination: Christian
    About Me: Mick is a minister of God's word and had a home based church much like the church of the first century. Since the summer of 2014 He sought out and found a strong non-denominational church filled with people of like minds and hearts, a community in w... more

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