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    Raymond Peluszak's Blog
          The thoughts of a Christian dealing with the loss of a loved one.

    Sat, Dec 16th - 2:14PM


    I was reading in my room last night

    I thought I beheld a wonderous sight

    There before me was the throne of grace

    with all the saints standing in their place

    There was Peter, James, John and the other disciples too

    Mary and Joseph, Paul and Billy Graham, just to name a few

    As their names were called they went to the throne

    Some were famous and many not so well known

    As each one went they had great stories to give

    And some just gave their lives so others could live

    They stood before Jesus and couldn't look up

    They started crying and said "we just didn't do enough"

    He put his arms around them and look into each ones face

    He smiled and said, well done thy good and faithful servant now come into this heavenly place

    I've prepared a mansion just for you

    Come and enjoy with me and your loved ones too

    Then ever knee bowed and everyone worshipped in their place

    With the heavenly choir singing God's Amazing Grace

    Come! The feast is ready let us enjoy it togther

    Eat! have your fill and have fellowship with one another

    As I started to rise I heard a voice behind me say

    There is someone here who has been waiting to see you Ray

    I turned around and through my tears

    There stood Jesus with my wife and buddy of 41 years

    I reached out to touch her but I snapped out of my trance

    I just sat there and thanked God for giving me just a glance

    Now I just can't wait for that blessed day

    When Jesus will call all his saints away

    That day is coming real soon!

    It could be morning, night, or noon

    So let us get ready, Do God's will and tell others about God's amazing grace

    So Jesus can say "well done thy good and faithful servant, come step into this heavenly place."

    I pray that this poem will touch your heart and get you ready!

    Comment (1)

    Wed, Dec 6th - 2:01PM

    Thank You Jesus

    It has been six months since the Lord called my wife home. When it was a couple of days it seemed like forever. Now it seems only like yesterday that I was talking to her and holding her. People will ask me how I am doing and I tell them I take it one day at a time and I will see her again soon! I am surprised by the responses I get from people on that statement! Some people don’t know what to say, others say we’ll maybe or you should just keep living, you never know! WOW…..talk about your picker uppers! Christians that are grounded agree with me. When Jesus was on Earth he talked about the wise builder in Matt 7:24-27. We need to build a firm foundation that will not wash away. When trials come our way we will be able to withstand them all. Through out the book of Psalms we read about our firm foundation. God is our refuge. He hides us in the cleft of the rock. I didn’t realize how true that would be. I could have easily given up. I could have quit. I could have turned my back on God, but by his grace through the blood of the Lamb I am where I am today. The three children that were raised in a Christian home were use by God to be with me. Praise God! Now I look up to the sky and wonder when we can go home! When Jesus walked the Earth not only did he talk about salvation, about doing the Lord’s will, he talked about Heaven and that is what we should strive for. When you look to Heaven and eternal life you can’t help but notice how much you need to help others get there. I have witnessed more now than ever. I have given more now because I want to! I pray that no one should be left behind. It’s the least we can do for the One who gave us the most…….His Life! Thank you Jesus.

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    About Me

    Name: Raymond Peluszak
    ChristiansUnite ID: ray
    Member Since: 2006-06-03
    Location: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States
    Denomination: Servant of Jesus
    About Me: Read and find out.

    Dec. 2006
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