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    Raymond Peluszak's Blog
          The thoughts of a Christian dealing with the loss of a loved one.

    Sat, Feb 24th - 10:06AM

    Cast your nets!

    Oh to be like Jesus

    Oh to be just like Him

    Oh to be with my Savior

    Oh to abide with Him

    I was reading in the Gospel of John Chapter 21: 1-6. It tells that the disciples, perhaps being bored, wanted to go fishing. Night time was, in the olden days, a good time to go fishing. They caught nothing and they were probably hungry and tired. It was early in the morning when Jesus stood on the shore and called out “Friends, have you caught any fish?” (I have found that for me that is the best time(early in the morning) to have my devotional time. To read and see what God has in store for me to dwell on for the rest of the day.) The disciples response, to the person who they didn't recognized right away, was “NO!” He says to them to throw their nets down over the “right side of the boat” and they will find some. When they did they couldn't haul in the net because there were a lot of fish. (NIV) To me when we accept Christ as our savior we sometimes forget that he is there to fight our battles. We, because of our human tendencies, think that we can sometimes handle our own problems. If we learn to trust and obey and wait on the Lord, He will guide us and do what is right for us and our problems will be victories. When my wife was taken home I was very angry, felt cheated, life was useless. I just started to meditate on his word and pray and just give praise. I didn't get responses right away but I felt peace and joy that only my Savior could give. It may be a long haul but I wouldn't want somebody else but my Savior Jesus Christ telling me to throw my net on the right side of the boat. No matter how big or small your problem is, God is there for it. Just trust, obey and wait on the Lord. Your life won't be the same. Father I pray that you will meet the needs of your people. No matter what the problem is your are there waiting. Let us trust, obey, and wait upon the Lord who can and will renew our strength. Amen!

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    About Me

    Name: Raymond Peluszak
    ChristiansUnite ID: ray
    Member Since: 2006-06-03
    Location: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States
    Denomination: Servant of Jesus
    About Me: Read and find out.

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