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    Raymond Peluszak's Blog
          The thoughts of a Christian dealing with the loss of a loved one.

    Tue, Jan 30th - 11:55AM

    The wonderful Holy Spirit

    Come Holy Spirit Abide in me

    Tell me all about Jesus

    Come Holy Spirit and talk to me

    Teach me all of God’s ways

    Come Holy Spirit and be my friend

    Show me His love and His grace

    Come Holy Spirit and be my joy

    I’ll praise you for the rest of my days

    As I thought about what was written down I couldn’t help but keep going over the that line “Come Holy Spirit and be my joy.” When my wife passed away I was filled with grief. What good was what I had if I couldn’t share it with her anymore. Life was empty. Sure, I had my children and grandchildren but when I was alone too many thoughts would come into my head. I would get down on my knees. I kept looking to God. I said Lord I need your help. I can’t do this without you. Slowly I felt the Lord’s presence in my life. I would start praising him in the midst of my sorrow. I would be filled with joy knowing that my wife was in heaven. I would have a song in my heart. Sometimes I would think that I shouldn’t be feeling this good. But I believe that the Holy Spirit was saying that everything is okay. Keep looking to Jesus and make him the center of your life. The Holy Spirit is waiting to help us. What a friend he is. Love the Lord with all your heart and he will fulfill your life. It doesn’t matter what we are going through. No matter what the situation, his is there just waiting for you to ask him. Father I pray for all your brothers and sisters in Christ, that they will look to you and that you will bless them and guide them in all that they should say and do. Create in them a yearning spirit for you and that you will put your arms around them and not let go. In Jesus name I ask these things. Thank You!

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    Thu, Jan 4th - 6:32PM

    A New Year

    2006 has been the worst year of my life. My wife and best friend of 41 years has gone on to be with the Lord. It has been rough trying to understand why things have happened the way they have. I know I'm not the only one going through the passing of a loved one and my heart and prayers go out to them. I have been trying to read, understand, and ask God for direction. I could have very easily turned my back on God, but something down deep inside has made me closer to him. The Holy Spirit has been ministering to me when I read God's word and praying for my family. I'm reminded of the passage in Luke 18:35 - 43. the blind beggar is begging. he hears the crowd getting louder and asked what was going on. They told him that Jesus was coming. He shouted Jesus Son of David, have mercy on me. They told him to keep quiet. He shouted all the more. He knew that if he could get the attention of Jesus that he would be healed. Jesus asked him what he wanted. he said he wanted to see. Jesus said, go your faith has made you see. I believe that not only was his eyes opened to see but his heart and mind were opened to see and understand what God had in store for him. I don't know what the New Year will bring, but I trust God. He has already been in my future. I pray that the new year will be good to you. May God blessed your life. May this be the year where more poeple come to Christ than ever before. Maybe this could be the time Jesus will come. Remember 1 Tim 4: 16 Watch your life and your doctrine closely. Perservere in them, because you do you will save both yourself and your hearers. God bless you all.

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    About Me

    Name: Raymond Peluszak
    ChristiansUnite ID: ray
    Member Since: 2006-06-03
    Location: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States
    Denomination: Servant of Jesus
    About Me: Read and find out.

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