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    Raymond Peluszak's Blog
          The thoughts of a Christian dealing with the loss of a loved one.

    Tue, Sep 19th - 1:39PM


    I would like to thank Lee for the passage of scripture that you gave me.  It has touched my heart (Jer 6:16).

    I sat on the front porch early Saturday morning sipping a cup of coffee.  My wife and I use to sit out there a lot and spend time together just talking, getting things in perspective.  Now the other rocking chair is empty.  I have this dull, empty feeling inside of me that hurts.  I pray to God to help me.  My mind seemed clouded and I was feeling sorry for myself.  Then I thought about Jeremiah 6:16 This is what the LORD says:
           "Stand at the crossroads and look;
           ask for the ancient paths,
           ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
           and you will find rest for your souls.

    That hit me and I thought about when I was younger, how my mother would be all over my back to go to church, especially when I was a teenager.  I accepted Christ at an early age.  When I got married and had children, I use to read to them at night stories from the children’s Bible.  They loved the story about Gideon.  My wife said that they couldn’t wait for Dad to come home and read them the stories.  Proverbs 22: 6 Train [a] a child in the way he should go,  and when he is old he will not turn from it.

    The word of God is true.  It’s nice to know that God puts people in this world that help and encourage each other through His word.  I thank you for your thoughts and prayers.  It has meant a lot to me.   Sometime I will write how my mother came from a war torn country, spent time in a work camp during WWII, had me along the way, how we ended up in America and how God has touched my life when I met my wife. 

                Always in his love and remember Psalm 105:4 Look to the LORD and his strength;  seek his face always.

    Someday when we get to Heaven we’ll be able to get together with our loved ones and have a great time chatting in our rocking chairs.

    Comment (3)

    Fri, Sep 8th - 3:30PM

    Calming the Storm

    I went back and looked through my notes and your responses.  Thank you for your support and your prayers.  We definitely need to be praying for one another.  That’s what God wants us to do!  The hardest part about the passing of my wife is I didn’t want to let go.  I had to get over my selfishness.  I ache for her so!  But she is in a better place with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  I’m glad that she went before me because I would not want her to go through what I am going through.  I’ve heard and read this from other people.  That has helped me let go.  Someone said or wrote that the way to spell heaven is H-O-M-E!  I feel like since my wife was taken home that I walked out the door to work, to either my job or whatever it is God has in store for me to do, that I have been away on some trip.  I feel very soon that my job will be finished and I will be going home……and when I get there and open the door the first person I see will be Jesus and my wife welcoming me HOME!!!!  It has been rough, but I think about the scripture in Psalm 107: 29-30 He stifled the storm to a whisper, the waves of the sea were hushed.  They were glad when it grew calm and He guided them to their desired haven.   My friends, it doesn’t matter how difficult times will be…..God can still the storms in your life if you let him.  Just look to Him, the Alpha and the Omega, The beginning and the end, to guide your footsteps.  Once again, thank you for your thoughts and your prayers.  I will be praying for you all.

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    Name: Raymond Peluszak
    ChristiansUnite ID: ray
    Member Since: 2006-06-03
    Location: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States
    Denomination: Servant of Jesus
    About Me: Read and find out.

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