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    A Godly View of the World
          Retiredrev's Personal Viewpoint

    Sun, Jul 27th - 11:59PM

    Receiving The Bible Through Your Eyes Into Your Soul

    I recently preached a sermon to our Galilee congregation concerning illuminating the human soul. The text is Matthew 6:22-23. This is the text where Jesus taught the disciples, along with the crowds which were following Him because of the physical things He had done in their behalf. He said to them, "The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!"

    From that text, we can conclude that the window into the human soul is the eye. Someone has correctly said, "trash in, trash out". That is, when one puts trash into the soul by seeing trashy stuff, that life will most likely be a trashy life.

    It is important that we allow only the good of life to enter into our soul through the eye. The book is read, the movie is viewed, the words of the song are seen, the person’s image is pasted onto the mind. These moving objects, lyrics of a song, an individual’s actions — all make their way through the eye into the person’s conscience. That process shapes an individual’s outward character and that character shapes who the person is in life.

    There are numerous good things in this great big beautiful world for our eyes to behold which helps shape positive lives. But above all these helpful things is the Word of God. There’s nothing more helpful. That is where our focus is in this devotion. What comes from the Bible are rays of eternal light shining into the human soul brightening individuals to a positive lifestyle for Jesus.

    First off, you must remember that the Word of God alerts the human soul to the reality of sin. Seems as if most folk have forgotten that sin is the real deal. Adam and Eve discovered its reality the hard way. Their home was in a perfect environment. There were no evil people with whom they had to confront. There were no wars being fought. There were no storms to endanger their lives. Nothing bad!

    Then came disobedience, which is missing the mark of life which God intends for folk to live.. Satan showed them the fruit which God had restricted by telling them that the day they ate it, they would become knowledgeable of sin. It looked good to the eye. When that fruit entered into their soul through the window of their eyes, their fallen nature was shaped and they brought sin into the human race. That’s why Paul could later write, "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God"(Ro. 6:23).

    Also, the Word of God alerts the human soul to the ruin of sin. Adam and Eve learned the hard lesson of sin’s ruin. Billions of individuals have since learned the harshness of sin the hard way. Jesus said in Matthew 7:21-23 that some would remind Him that they had spoken in His name and had done many good works in His name. But Jesus warned that He would respond, "I never knew you".

    The rich man in Luke found that the end of an unrepented life slams one into the torments of an eternal Hell. He wanted Jesus to send just a finger tipped into water for his tongue because he was in torments. Satan can never pay anyone anything. The only thing he can do is keep one from Heaven’s gate.

    Another thing which the Word of God alerts the human soul to is one’s release from sin. John 3:16 is the great "love of God" verse. In that verse we are reminded that Jesus, God’s Son, came into the world to seek the lost. And when one comes in repentance, he or she is forgiven because of what Jesus did at the cross.

    Finally, the Word of God alerts the human soul to the refuge from sin. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Our refuge is Heaven.

    Open your eyes and allow the Word of God to shape your future as you view His roadmap.

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    Sun, Jul 20th - 4:18PM

    God Blesses the Faithful Tither

    Most local churches pause for a few moments in most church services to receive an offering. These are indeed important moments. They are important so the church can receive monies for the continuation of their local and worldwide ministry. It is equally important for individual members to share in these expenses.

    The Sunday bulletin order of service in my home church designates this time as "Giving His Tithes, Our Offerings". This emphasis stresses to our members that the tithe belongs to the Lord. Monies we individually give in any amount above the tithe is an offering. This has been the financial lifeblood of local churches for centuries.

    I recently came across an article which suggested that preachers who teach tithing to their people are misinforming them. In many cases, they send their members on a giant guilt trip if they aren’t tithers. The writer was extremely critical of radio and television preachers who often spend a great deal of their air time stressing their need for money, some even suggesting the tithe be sent to their ministry.

    The article brought out some good points to ponder. Any good concordance will help an individual find all tithing references found in scripture. And that research will reveal no post crucifixion references to the subject with one exception. That one exception is Hebrews 7:1-9. But even there in that context, the reference is to the Old Testament where Melchizedek received "a tenth part of all" from Abraham, along with the Old Testament law giving the priesthood authority to receive tithes.

    The Old Testament passages are based upon certain laws which are enjoined to the Jew’s worship of Jehovah God. One of the more familiar passages used in churches today is Malachi 3:8-10. The article’s author contends that no money is mentioned and that this obedience to the Law is no longer in effect.

    The author, in an attempt to prove that tithing is an Old Testament teaching and not a New Testament concept, has missed a very important aspect of giving taught in today’s church. For instance, Paul wrote to the Corinthians, "Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given orders to the churches of Galatia, so you must do also: On the first day of the week let each one of you lay something aside, storing up as he may prosper, that there be no collections when I come"(1 Cor. 16:1-2). True, the word tithe doesn’t appear in the text. Their giving was to come from their heart.

    The debate over Old Testament tithing vs New Testament tithing will go forward until Jesus comes again. So, let me tell you why I tithe my income into my local church.

    It is abundantly clear that the tithe was Law for the Old Testament Jewish nation. Along with that Law, there was the promise of a curse when the people failed to follow that Law and blessings when they were obedient (Malachi 3:8-10). Fast forwarding to the New Testament church, there is the law of grace. Thus, if the Jewish folk were compelled by a law to give, then grace requires more than obedience to a law.

    I believe and practice tithing because Jesus Christ gave His all on the cross that I might be freed from the law of sin and death. In that new freedom found in Jesus Christ, I can give no less than the Law demanded. Therefore my personal budget has to always work in the tenth to the Lord first — before taxes, groceries, and toys. And I can testify to you that the grace of God has never failed to bless that faithfulness in my family’s life.

    When Paul wrote about receiving the offering on the first day of the week, and doing it according to how one has prospered, he speaks to my heart about a standard of measuring my giving. I don’t believe any Christian should begin with anything less than the standard of the Old Testament Law.

    So, is tithing taught in the post-crucifixion scriptures? By the word tithe or tithing, no! Is the principle of joyful giving taught? Yes! The standard of measurement should be no less than the Law demanded. You see, grace is more powerful than law, because under grace giving comes from a heart of thanksgiving, seeking nothing in return, but knowing His blessings are promised

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    Sat, Jul 12th - 10:58PM

    The Lord’s People Gather

    Each Sunday when we walk into our church house we should exclaim, "Today is a wonderful day". The reason! Because it provides another opportunity for the people of God to join together in the Lord’s House to worship and praise our Lord Jesus Christ.

    This marvelous opportunity is missed by many professing believers who never gives missing church a second thought. They are too busy or concerned with other affairs to join together for worship, praise, and the reading of God’s Word. How sad!

    One of these days something grand will take place in a worship service and they will hear about it from someone who attended. And as dramatic as perhaps it will be recounted for them, there is no way such a spiritual impacted service can be shared. Second hand experiences can never match one’s personal experience.

    Today, my desire is to highlight why worship attendance gives to the attender such great delight. That highlight begins with the people who join with you in the worship service. They are people with basically the same core beliefs in scripture as yours. Together, you and they rejoice in song, being uplifted through the singing of hymns. Everyone opens the Bible without prying eyes of condemnation. You hear a sermon from God’s Word. And you are sharing these marvelous spiritually moving moments with others who have also come to know Jesus as their personal Savior.

    The previous paragraph certainly reveals some things which should always excite us on the Lord’s Day when we worship in His House. But there are other reasons why our gatherings on Sunday are important. Here its important for us to note that attending church is highly recommended in scripture. The author wrote, ". . . not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together"(Heb. 10:25). This is the most outright recommendation you can find in the Bible.

    We are told that the Greek word "ekklesia" means the assembly of the believers. We call it the church. So, whenever Christians gather together on Sundays or on other occasions, the church has assembled. And we are reminded in scripture that where there are two or more Christians together, He is in their midst. Thus, when God’s people meet together its not for a performance. We are meeting with the Lord.

    The church is both a local body and also the all encompassing body of all truly born again folk in the world. The latter can be referred to as the spiritual church of God. The church house you attend is a local church or assembly of born again folk. When following the admonition of the Hebrews writer, the attender will cherish the gathering.

    There are a couple of important thoughts mingled into this Hebrew text. One is about our personal attendance. Worship attendance isn’t simply a personal matter. It’s not something one decides to do or not do without effecting other folk. The writer points out in verse 24 that our attendance is in consideration of one another. In other words, your attendance does something for me, for your neighbor, and for your fellow church members.

    First of all, it stirs up love in the body of Christ. We’ve already seen above that the Lord is present when two or more assembles in His name. We can’t minimize that fact. Yet, you know and I know, the spirit of us all rises when larger numbers of members are present in the congregation. The fellowship is larger and thus seems to provide for a happier environment.

    Second, your attendance stirs up good works in others who are in attendance. There seems to be a deeper appreciation for the things of the Lord and folk seem to be more willing to step out and work in His kingdom. The writer goes on in verse 25 to remind us that our attendance exhorts other individuals.

    The writer concludes, "so much the more as you see the Day approaching". Regardless of what view you have of prophesy and the end of the age, one thing is crystal clear, we are closer to the end than when the Holy Spirit inspired the words in the Book of Hebrews.

    It’s wonderful to have the privilege to be in the House of the Lord on every given opportunity. I trust that it blesses your life as well and that you will make every effort possible to gather with God’s people often.

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    Sun, Jul 6th - 5:10PM

    Freedom in Christ Never Fades Away But is Eternal

    We Americans have just completed another celebration commemorating our nation’s history. The American flag was displayed at parades, with patriotic musicals, along city streets and on buildings, and in a variety of other ways. Fireworks brightened the night sky and individuals and families celebrated with cookouts in backyards and on sandy beaches.

    America’s freedom reminds her citizens of the battles which were fought at its inception and the tough times our forefathers had to endure. Two Hundred and thirty two years of freedom for a nation is a long time. And that is what we can never forget.

    Perhaps we are too far removed from those founding battles of yesteryear to appreciate their meaning for us today. Perhaps we’ve lost some of the zeal with which they fought because to them the battle was real and today those wars are more of a storybook fantasy — to some even fairy-tell stories.

    We can never forget that our nation’s freedom was secured in the halls of government and on the battlefields of the world. We must also remember that our freedoms have been maintained because men and women, who love freedom, have remained vigilant. God give us vigilant men and women for the fights yet ahead.

    When considering freedom enjoyed by nations, one must not forget that it could be a fleeting freedom. Unless men and women in government are willing to stand tall in the face of terrorist who intimidates its victims and uses unethical violence; leaders who standup in the face of anti-American forces whose intent is to destroy the nation from without and within; unless we have those men and women to stand tall for the citizens of our nation, our freedom will also be a fleeting freedom, only a memory to those who once enjoyed it.

    But there is another freedom which Christians must not forget. It isn’t a fleeting freedom, it is an eternal freedom. The New Testament speaks more than once about the mystery which was hidden throughout the Old Testament and throughout the days of Jesus upon the earth. We think of that mystery as being the New Testament church. And it is just that! But more specifically, Paul explained it best in Colossians 1:27 where he wrote, "To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory".

    As a child of God, the born again believer can recount what Christ has done for Christians. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 15, "For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures"(v. 3). He paid a debt that I owed. His suffering on Calvary wasn’t as a defeated foe who couldn’t defeat the enemy. A thousand times "No"! He could have called 10,000 angels to His rescue. But no, as the song puts it, "He died alone, for you and me".

    A child of God can also recall what Christ means to Christians. I can put that in one word! "Everything!" Jesus, our Savior, is more important to each believer than any other thing or person. If it were not for what He did for us on the cross, we’d all be hopelessly heading for a devil’s Hell.

    Also, a child of God can remember to remember what Christ means in a Christian. Paul wrote this in his Colossians letter: "As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him" (2.6). Then, in 3:3, he wrote, "For you died". If you died in Christ, that is, had the Law of condemnation put to death in your life, then you were also with Him in His burial and in His resurrection. And thank the Lord, you will be with Him when He comes again.

    Then in verse 5 Paul wrote, "Therefore put to death your members which are on earth". We set rules and laws which we believe will cause one to be righteous. But its not the external which causes righteousness or holiness, it’s Christ living in a person who produces righteousness or holiness in the external members of one’s body.

    As you enjoy the potential fleeting freedom of our nation, I trust you also possess the eternal freedom which can only be secured in Christ Jesus?

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    About Me

    Name: Odus Jackson
    ChristiansUnite ID: retiredrev
    Member Since: 2006-02-25
    Location: Gloster, Mississippi, United States
    Denomination: Southern Baptist
    About Me: I was born July 13th, 1936. Married to Peggy Ann Lewis of Gloster. Two children, a girl and a boy. Four grandchildren, 2 girls and 2 boys. Will celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary in 2007. Retired from active pastor of local churches in 1998 after... more

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