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    GOD'S WORD IS TRUTH (Rev. Joseph E. Mahabir)
          The Glorious Appearing is a book on prophecy that points out unscriptural teaching of many authors and Bible teachers on the Second Coming of Jesus, the resurrection, the Rapture, the Tribulation (Daniel's prophecy, chapter 9), the Day of Judgment, the Day of the Lord, Israel and the Church, "the chosen people", the Sabbath, Ezekiel's temple, the lights of Isaiah (chapter 30), the Millennium, the end of this present heaven and earth and the commencement of eternity.


    Thu, Feb 2nd - 3:33PM



    What is eschatology? 

    Eschatology is the study of theology dealing with the four last things – death, judgment, heaven and hell. Eschatology is derived from the Greek word, eschatos, meaning last or final.


    Eschatological theories are named using Latin and English words.


    There are four theories.







    Millennium, meaning a thousand years, is made up of two Latin words mille (a thousand) and annus (year). Millennium is used for the thousand years recorded in Revelation 20:1-7.



    Historic Premillennialism teaches that the Second Coming of Jesus will occur at the end of the Tribulation before the commencement of the thousand years recorded in Revelation 20:1-7. The thousand years are literal.

    Dispensational Premillennialism teaches two future comings of Jesus, one at the time of the rapture and one at the end of the Tribulation. The Tribulation will be followed by a thousand years as recorded in Revelation 20: 1-7. The thousand years are literal. There are three groups of dispensational premillennialists. The pretribulation rapture group, the midtribulation rapture group and the prewrath rapture group.

    Postmillennialism teaches that the Second Coming of Jesus will take place after the thousand years. The thousand years are literal. Postmillennialism teaches that the world will be Christianized.


    Amillennialism teaches that the Second Coming of Jesus will take place at the close of the Tribulation. The thousand years of Revelation 20: 1-7 are not literal and future. They are symbolic and cover an extended period of time. They are in progress now.

    Which theory is supported by Scripture? Please comment.




    Please listen to my videos. They are very short and to the point. They will be a blessing to you.        



















    Comment (4)

    Fri, Sep 30th - 3:44PM


    Every day this blog will be updated with a new quotation and response or a new question and answer. Please make a comment or ask a question. What we are after is truth. The truth that is contained in the Scriptures.

     Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society.


    You may use any version of the Bible the concepts are the same.          



    (PART 5). Dr. David Jeremiah, host of the television ministry Turning Point and senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon, California, in his book, writes, God has certainly kept his promise to Abraham. He has blessed him and the nation that has come from him; He has multiplied his seed as the sands of the earth and stars of the sky; He has made him a blessing to the whole world; those who have blessed him have been blessed, and those who have cursed him have been cursed. (WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON? Thomas Nelson, Nashville, Tennessee, 2008), p. 6. (PLEASE LOOK OUT FOR PART 6).


    Dr. Jeremiah’s use of the word seed (He has multiplied his seed as the sands of the earth and stars of the sky) relates to the physical descendants of Abraham. This is the interpretation of Dispensational Premillennialists.


    Let us look at the passage from which God’s promise is recorded. This man will not be your heir, but a son coming from your own body will be your heir. He took him outside and said, ‘Look at the heavens and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.’ Then he said to him, ‘So shall your offspring be’ (Gen. 15: 4-5).


    The son that came from Abraham’s body was Isaac. Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him. Abraham gave the name Isaac to the son Sarah bore him (Gen. 21: 2-3).


    The apostle Paul explains the term “offspring” or “seed.” The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. The  Scripture does not say “and to seeds,” meaning many people, but “and to your seed,” meaning one person, who is Christ (Gal. ). 



                                SCRIPTURAL CONCLUSION

    Abraham’s “seed” or “offspring” does not mean his physical descendants as taught by Dr. David Jeremiah and Dispensational Premillennialists but spiritual descendants, that is, believers both Jews and Gentiles.


    The above conclusion is made clear by the following Scripture. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise (Gal. ).

    Please listen to my videos. They are very short and to the point. They will be a blessing to you.                        



















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    Wed, Sep 28th - 10:23AM


    Every day this blog will be updated with a new quotation and response or a new question and answer. Please make a comment or ask a question. What we are after is truth. The truth that is contained in the Scriptures.


    Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society.


    You may use any version of the Bible the concepts are the same.          




    (PART 4). Dr. David Jeremiah, host of the television ministry Turning Point and senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon, California, comments in his book on the following Scripture, And I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you … Also I give to you and your descendants after you the land in which you are a stranger, all the land of Canaan, as an everlasting possession; and I will be their God (Genesis 17: 7-8).


    In this remarkable prophecy God promised Abraham and his descendants the land of Canaan as their possession in perpetuity. … Not until the Millennium will Israel occupy all the land the Lord gave her in His promise to Abraham.  (WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON? Thomas Nelson, Nashville, Tennessee, 2008), pp. 10-11.  (PLEASE LOOK OUT FOR PART 5).






    Dr. Jeremiah writes: Not until the Millennium will Israel occupy all the land the Lord gave her in His promise to Abraham. 


    Will the physical descendants of Abraham, the nation of Israel, possess land after the day of judgment? 


    Matthew’s gospel informs us that on the day of judgment some people will go into eternal life and some people will go into eternal punishment (Matt. 25: 46). Eternal life and eternal punishment mean the commencement of eternity. In eternity there will be no land occupancy as we know it now.


    The apostle Peter tells us that on the day of judgment this present heaven and earth will be burned up and God will create a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness (2 Pet. 3: 7-13).  People will no longer live in physical bodies, possess land and have children. Believers will have bodies like the resurrected body of Jesus (Phil. -21).    






     When the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, descends to earth, it will be the dwelling place of all believers. It will be their eternal home. Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away (Revelation 21: 3-4, NIV). 


    Contrary to Dr. Jeremiah’s teaching, the Scriptures do not support a millennium in which the physical descendants of Abraham will possess the land of Canaan (Matt. 25: 31-46; 2 Pet. 3: 3-13).


    Please listen to my videos. They are very short and to the point. They will be a blessing to you.                       










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    Tue, Sep 27th - 2:15PM



    Every day this blog will be updated with a new quotation and response or a new question and answer. Please make a comment or ask a question. What we are after is truth. The truth that is contained in the Scriptures.


     Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society.


    You may use any version of the Bible the concepts are the same.          




    (PART 3). Dr. David Jeremiah, host of the television ministry Turning Point and senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon, California, in his book, writes, When you look at a map and locate that tiny strip of land Israel now claims as hers, you can see that she does not now, nor has she ever fully occupied the land that was described to Abraham in God’s covenant promise. If Israel were currently occupying all the land promised to her, she would control all the holdings of present day Israel, Lebanon, the West Bank of Jordan, and substantial portions of Syria, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. Not until the Millennium will Israel occupy all the land the Lord gave her in His promise to Abraham.  (WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON? Thomas Nelson, Nashville, Tennessee, 2008), pp. 10 - 11.   (PLEASE LOOK OUT FOR PART 4 ).





    Dr. Jeremiah writes: Not until the Millennium will Israel occupy all the land the Lord gave her in His promise to Abraham.  



    The land promised to Abraham stretched from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates. We read:  


    When the sun had set and darkness had fallen, a smoking firepot with a blazing torch appeared and passed between the pieces. On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram and said, ‘To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates- the land of the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaites, Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites and Jebusites (Genesis 15: 17-21).


    The land that was promised was ruled by King Solomon. We read, And  Solomon ruled over all the kingdoms from the River (Euphrates) to the land of the Philistines, as far as the border of Egypt (1 Kings ). 







    The Scriptures teach that on the day of judgment the righteous will go into the kingdom of God and the unrighteous will go into the eternal fire (Matt. 25: 31-46).


    No nation will own land after the judgment since God will create a new heaven and a new earth (2 Pet. 3: 7-13) and He will establish his everlasting kingdom (Dan. 7: 27; Rev. 11: 15-18).


    The establishment of God’s everlasting kingdom rules out a millennial kingdom.


    Dr. Jeremiah’s teaching is not supported by Scripture. 


    Please listen to my videos. They are very short and to the point. They will be a blessing to you.                      













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    Mon, Sep 26th - 1:58PM


    Every day this blog will be updated with a new quotation and response or a new question and answer. Please make a comment or ask a question. What we are after is truth. The truth that is contained in the Scriptures.


     Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society.


    You may use any version of the Bible the concepts are the same.          




    (PART 2). Dr. David Jeremiah, host of the television ministry Turning Point and senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon, California, in his book, writes, Followers of Christ who are raptured will be spared the trauma of death and the coming disasters that will occur when the Tribulation breaks out upon the earth. That is indeed a cause for true rapture on the part of those who love the Lord and long to be with him.  (WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON? Thomas Nelson, Nashville, Tennessee, 2008), p. 99. (PLEASE LOOK OUT FOR PART 3).







    Dr. David Jeremiah teaches that the church will be raptured before the Tribulation breaks out. Is his teaching scriptural?    


    What is the rapture?


    The rapture is the phenomenon of “the catching up” or “the gathering” of believers (the saints) unto Jesus (1 Thess. -17; 2 Thess. 2: 1-3).


    A  large number of born again believers place their confidence in the pretribulation rapture theory. Could the teaching of the pretribulation rapture theory be found in the Scriptures?


    A retired minister, who at one time believed in the pretribulation rapture theory and preached it from his pulpit, wrote a book in which he stated that the pretribulation rapture theory is a doctrine from “the pit of hell.”


    If a theory is scriptural then it must be supported one hundred per cent by the Scriptures.


    Please judge for yourselves. Let the Scriptures speak to you.


    The pretribulation rapture theory teaches that the rapture will take place before the Tribulation begins, before the Antichrist (the man of lawlessness) is revealed.


    Pretribulationists take 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-17 out of context to teach their doctrine. The Book of Thessalonians is an epistle (letter). When the apostle Paul wrote it, there were no chapter divisions and verse divisions. These divisions came hundreds of years later.


    When we read 1 Thessalonians 4: 16 - 1 Thessalonians 5: 3, we will find not a pretribulation rapture theory but the rapture on the day of judgment, which will take place at the end of the Tribulation.  


    When will the rapture take place?


    The rapture cannot take place before the resurrection of the dead in Christ takes place.   

    Jesus taught that the resurrection of the dead in Christ will take place at the last day, at the end of the age (John 6: 39-40; Luke 20: 34-36).  

    The apostle Paul taught that the resurrection of the dead in Christ will take place at the sounding of the last trumpet (1 Cor. -54). 

    According to the teaching of Jesus and the apostle Paul, the rapture cannot take place before the last day, at the last trumpet, at the end of the age. WILL OUR LORD JESUS AND THE APOSTLE PAUL DECEIVE US? 





                             SCRIPTURAL CONCLUSION


    The Scriptures demonstrate beyond a reasonable doubt that the pretribulation rapture theory is false. The LEFT BEHIND SERIES is based on the pretribulation rapture theory. Since the Scriptures show that the pretribulation rapture theory is false, therefore the LEFT BEHIND SERIES is also false.


    Dear believers, I would like to encourage you to reject the doctrine of man and to place your confidence in the authority of Scripture. 


    Please listen to my videos. They are very short and to the point. They will be a blessing to you.                     













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    About Me

    Name: Joseph E. Mahabir (Rev.)
    ChristiansUnite ID: mahabirjem
    Member Since: 2006-12-01
    Location: TORONTO, Canada
    Denomination: Christian (Nondenominational)
    About Me: Joseph E. Mahabir taught school for a number of years. He earned a B.A.Hons. degree in Psychology (York University, Toronto) and a M.Ed. degree in Educational Administration (University of Toronto). The Lord called him to ministry and he enrolled at ... more

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