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    Talker's Chatter

    Thu, Jan 10th - 1:31PM

    The Garden of Your Heart

     The Secret Garden, a novel by Frances Hodgson-Burnett, tells the story of Mary, a young girl who goes to live with her wealthy Uncle Archibald on his estate in England.  Mary gets to know Dickon, a working-class boy who loves nature.  The two children discover a fenced-in garden that Mary's uncle has locked up because it reminded him of his deceased wife.  The garden looks dead because of neglect, but Dickon assures Mary that, with proper tending, it will recover with new life.  With the children's help "the secret garden" eventually bursts forth with colorful, fragrant blooms.

    All of us have a secret garden of the heart.  How we tend it will determine what speech and behavior it produces.  Proverbs wisely admonishes us: "Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it springs the issues of life" (Prov. 4:23).  The word 'keep' means "to watch or guard with fidelity" Guarding what we take into our hearts and monitoring our response will determine what takes root there.  As we remove the thorns of resentment, weeds of lust and roots of bitterness we can replace them with the Fruits of the Spirit: "love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfuless, gentleness, self control" ... (Gal. 5:22-23)

    Are you tending the garden of your heart?  God wants you to water the seed He's planted there.


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    Mon, Jan 7th - 2:58PM

    A Bedtime Story for America

    Comment (4)

    Mon, Jan 7th - 2:47PM

    Standing on the Promises of God

    Sometimes it's hard to keep your faith ~ when life turns your world upside down..... 

    but a foundation built on God's promises is a Faith you can depend on. 

    Sometimes just reaching out to God brings the strength and peace we need to take charge .... 

    because we're special to God and building our foundation on Him, He'll supply all of our needs and give us a

    rainbow of hope

    When things get in the way of living a life that counts, remember to do a little soul searching .... spend quiet time with God

    He'll give you inner peace and strength and when we stand on His promise, it is, and always will be, a Faith we can depend on.

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    About Me

    Name: Terri Medina
    ChristiansUnite ID: talkercat
    Member Since: 2005-11-17
    Location: , California, United States
    Denomination: Nondenominational
    About Me: JESUS! JESUS! JESUS! . . . there's just something about that name!

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