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    Talker's Chatter

    Fri, Mar 31st - 12:28PM

    A Loan To The Lord

    A father gave his little boy 50 cents and told him he could use it any way he wanted.  Later when Dad asked about it, the boy told him that he had lent it to someone.  "Who did you lend it to?" he asked.  The boy answered, "I gave it to a poor man on the street because he looked hungry."

    "Oh, that was foolish.  You'll never get it back." replied the father.  "But Daddy, the Bible says that people who give to the poor, lend to the Lord."  The father was so pleased with the son's reply that he gave the boy another 50 cents.  "See," said the son, "I told you I would get it back~only I didn't know it would be so soon!"

    Has the Lord ever asked you for a loan?  Have you ever recognized in the needs of others a direct request from heaven for some of what you have?  The bible warns against the sin of passing by the needy with pious words while keeping a tight grip on your wallet.  James 2:14~17 and Galations 6:10 says that we are to "do good to all".

    We aren't promised that we'll get rewarded immediately.  But in Jesus' teaching to His followers about His return, He says we will be rewarded for giving ourselves to others in His name (Matt. 25:34~46).  You may give without loving, but you can't love without giving.

    "... He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, and He will pay back what he has given ..." Prov. 19:17

    Comment (4)

    Thu, Mar 30th - 6:47PM

    Storm Clouds

    When storms are here, we hear the thunder, see the lightning, and feel the wetness of the rain. . . .  

    Many times we have storm clouds in our hearts; however we keep them buried for various reasons.  One may be that we don't want anyone else to know something is wrong.  We have been conditioned to think that Christians are supposed to be smiling and laughing every minute of the day.... well, I'm not victorious every second of the day.  I have pain that wipes out my determination and energy, and if I'm going to make it through, it's going to be because of Jesus.

    We don't want anyone to see into our hearts for fear of rejection, ridicule, and scorn.  I think perhaps a lot of these feelings stem from our childhood when we were in school.  If we didn't get A's on our report card, then we were made to feel that we weren't doing our best.  Sometimes our best is just tears.  It's then that we need our families, loved ones and friends to put their arms around us and assure us that God is working out all things for our good.

    If you have storm clouds in you heart today, run into the waiting arms of Jesus.  He will kiss away your tears, hold you in His loving arms and protect you from the hurts of this life.  Jesus is our umbrella from the storms of our hearts.

    " ... The clouds poured out water; The skies sent out a sound; Your arrows also flashed about.  The voice of Your thunder  was in the whirlwind; The lightnings lit up the world; The earth trembled and shook ... " 

     Psa 77:17~18


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    Wed, Mar 29th - 8:18PM

    Death Cannot Divide Us

    Although writers and philosophers have done their best to marshal weigty arguments in favor of life after death, they have not succeeded in bringing comfort to aching, anxious, questioning hearts.

    Jesus, however, does not fail to satisfy us.  He brings forth no philosophical arguments.  He does not try to prove the reasonableness of immortality; He simply declares it!  He speaks of what He knows, and answers with the authority of heaven: "I am the resurrection and the life.  He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live" (John 11:25).  This resurrection has two aspects.  The bodies of believers will be raised, and their spirits will also live on in heaven.

    What does this mean for grieving Christians whose believing loved-ones have died?  Death does not sever our love for them, for love belongs to the spirit and not to the body.  And when those we love go on a long journey, their thoughts can span the distance as though it were just a step, and their love enfolds us as though they stood right beside us.  So it is today with our dear departed one.  Jesus promises that we will be reunited one day, when God gives us back our precious loved ones.  Christ has replaced the dark door of death with the shining gate of life.

    Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life.  He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live." ~ John 11:25


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    Wed, Mar 29th - 1:41PM

    A Letter To My Saviour

    I was feeling a little sad this morning because I miss a dear friend that lives far away and because I'm disabled, I can't go out and see her.  I opened the front door and felt the cool air, I looked around me and saw the beautiful clouds; I smelled the fragrance of rain and I heard the birds singing to Jesus.

    Jesus, I have some things I want to tell You this morning.  First of all, I want to thank You from the bottom of my heart for lifting me up out of the garbage pit of my life, and depositing Your Love and Salvation in  my heart.  You're so dear to me, Jesus!  I love you with every breath I take.  You are the very breath I take!  Without You, I would still be shackled in my heart with the chains of alcoholism, depression and a lonliness that only You could possibly understand.

    When I think of You, the Saviour of my soul, my very Best Friend, loving me, I am overwhelmed with awe, gratitude, and thanksgiving to You.  You're the Beautiful Rose of Sharon.  You're the Bright and Morning Star.  You're the fairest of ten-thousand to my soul.  You're the reason I live, You're my All in All.

    How can I tell you how much I love you Jesus?  I can't, but I know that You know what is in my heart so you know how very dear You are to me and how much I love you.  I pledge myself anew to you this morning.  I will serve You as long as long as I have breath.  You know, Jesus, that without You I can do nothing.  Thank you for loving me Jesus.  I wish You the happiest day you've ever had, I pray that many people will fall in love with You today and make You the Lord and Master of their lives.  Above everything, dear Jesus,  I want you to be happy.  If ever anyone deserves to be happy, it is You!  You gave your life for me; You shed Your blood for me so that I could be with You in eternity. 

    Oh how I love You, my Wonderful and Precious Friend!

    "...When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? ... "  Psa 8:3,4 KJV


    Comment (4)

    Sat, Mar 25th - 11:31PM

    What Keeps Us Going?

    Isaac Asimov tells the story of a rough ocean crossing during which a Mr. Jones became terribly seasick.  At an especially tough time, a kindly steward patted Jones on the shoulder and said, "I know Sir, that it seems awful.  But remember, no man ever died of sea-sickness."  Mr. Jones lifted his green countenance to the steward's concerned face and replied, "Man, don't say that! It's only the wonderful hope of dying that keeps me alive."

    There's more in Jones' words than a touch of irony.  I hear echoes of Paul's words to the PhilippiansHe said that the wonderful hope of dying kept him going.  Yet he wasn't merely looking for relief from his suffering.  Paul's hope was rooted in Christ, who died on the cross for sinners, who rose from the grave that first Easter morning, who was alive in Heaven, and who would one day take Paul into His presence.

    But how did the hope of seeing Christ, either at death or when He returned, keep Paul going?  It gave meaning to every moment.  It gave him reason to live in behalf of Christ.  It gave him incentive to focus on others who needed his encouragement.  Paul had come to know Christ as his very life.

    Father, thank You for the risen Christ ~~ our reason for living.

    For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

      Philippians 1:21

    Comment (3)

    Fri, Mar 24th - 3:22PM

    The Forgotten Book

    A young boy noticed a large black book all covered with dust lying on a high shelf.  His curiosity was aroused so he asked his mother about it.  Embarrassed, she hastily explained, "That's a Bible, It's God's Book".  The boy thought for a moment and then said, "Well, if that's God's book, why don't we give it back to Him? Nobody around here uses it anyway."

    In many homes the Bible is hardly used or even thought about.  The only time anyone picks it up to read it is when there's trouble, sickness, or a death in the family.  And even then, the person may not know where to look for the help that's needed.

    How long has it been since you've picked up your Bible and studied it for your own enjoyment, edification, and spiritual growth?  Yes, it's God's Book~but He doesn't want it back.  He wants us to keep it, ponder it, to understand it, to believe it and to obey its message.  Did you do it today?  If not, why not do so right now?  Don't let the Bible become the forgotten Book in your house. The more you read the Bible, the more you'll love its author.

    "... I will never forget Your precepts, for by them You have given me life ... " Psa 119:93

    Comment (3)

    Thu, Mar 23rd - 3:20PM

    Once during her reign, Britain's Queen Victoria listened to a chaplain preach a sermon about the Second Coming of Christ.  Those near the royal box noticed that the queen's eyes were filled with tears.

    When the service ended, she asked to see the chaplain alone.  Seeing her great emotion, he asked why she was so moved.  She replied "Because of what you said about the coming again of the world's rightful King.  I wish still to be here when He comes that I might lay my crown at His blessed feet!"

    There are many incentives for faithful service that involve both our acts and our motives.  These rewards, which are designated as "crowns" in the New Testament, are to be earned by those who have first received the gift of eternal life.

    Perhaps you are saying, "I would never expect to be rewarded for what I do for Christ."  Have you considered what you may do with any crown you receive on that day?  There will be no trophy cases in heaven; no gloating over earthly accomplishments.  Redeemed sinners will have the transcendent joy of casting their crowns before the throne and saying, "You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power" (Rev. 4:11)

    Heaven's crowns are not for keeping but for casting at Christ's feet

    Comment (1)

    Thu, Mar 23rd - 12:57PM

    The Broken Link

    Hello! and thank you, Lee, for letting me know the link I posted yesterday is broken.  Here it is again (all fixed!)


    See you there! 




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    Wed, Mar 22nd - 1:09PM

    Welcome to my world

    I'm glad to be back among my Christian friends.  I hope you all have a few minutes to check out my website: http://geocities.com/talkercatbiscuits/Talkers(underscore)Chatter

    There are a lot of things to do there ~ and of course I encourage your feedback!

    Blessings ~


    Comment (2)

    Tue, Mar 21st - 10:09PM

    I'm back! Bigger & Better Than Ever!

    It's been a very long time since I've had time to sit here.  I finished the (book) 40-days of Purpose Journey last month.  I must say that I learned a lot about what it means to be a Christian.  It's not just attending service on Sunday morning.... oh, no, God has plans for me!  As I go along now in my quest to serve the Lord I keep in mind that Jesus was sent here to die for me; I owe Him my life.  The road to Heaven is a narrow one and it's so easy to step off the path ~ but I know I can do it because I'm holding the hand of the 'Man from Galilee'.  While I won't be posting about what I'm getting from a book anymore, I will be posting about my Journey with God.  Everyone is welcome to follow ~ if none go with me, still, I will follow. 

    Blessings ~



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    Name: Terri Medina
    ChristiansUnite ID: talkercat
    Member Since: 2005-11-17
    Location: , California, United States
    Denomination: Nondenominational
    About Me: JESUS! JESUS! JESUS! . . . there's just something about that name!

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