Wed, May 10th - 4:34PM
People Problems
My sister is upset with me. Apparently I've done something to offend her, but when asked, she responded with a curt, "No!". I told her that I don't want any bad feelings; and that I'm sorry for anything I've ever done or said that hurt her feelings. The climate remains cold.
Someone once said, "The more I get to know the human race, the more I love my dog." Dogs are loyal, dependable, eager to please, and quick to forgive & forget. Don't you wish people were more like that? But sometimes, no matter how hard we try to have a good relationship with someone, it doesn't work.
The apostle Paul addressed that situation in Romans 12:18 "If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men." Notice the phrase "as much as depends on you". He knew that some people-problems may never be resolved. It takes two to quarrel, it takes two to reconcile.. If you do your part and the problem remains, there is still a plan to follow. Don't harbor resentment or retaliate. Do all you can to overcome evil with good (v.21), and let God work out the problem.
We need to follow the steps given in Romans 12 until our people-problems are resolved ~ but especially if they're not. The best way to conquer an enemy is with the weapon of love
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Thu, May 4th - 3:07PM
The Fifth Day
I told you awhile back that my Brother, "Bronzesnake" had invited me to write a column for his Christian-based website; The Fifth Day. I've now been made a Moderator at the site and want to encourage new membership. In keeping with the political correctness of "the web", I'm not allowed to advertise this exciting place at any other site, so I appeal to you, my brothers and sisters in Christ to visit us and see what you think. If you love us (and I know you will!), please pass the word around.
Our only goal is to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ ~ if we can reach but one person, our purpose will be met.
May The Lord bless you all ~ mightely!
Your Friend and Sister in Christ,
Comment (2)
Wed, May 3rd - 2:58PM
Are You Standing?
"And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none." Ezekiel 22:30
I think when Jesus said this that He said it with disappointment, hurt and anger. Jesus doesn't want any of us to go to hell, but that's exactly where we're going if we haven't commited our life to Him. Not only is hell a place of eternal punishment; it's a place without Jesus.
If I didn't know without a shadow of a doubt that I will be with Jesus for all eternity; I would go to bed and never get up again. I lived for over forty years without Him, or rather, I existed, and I honestly don't know how I made it through all those horrible, devastating years. It was only His love for me that brought me to where I am today. I have a long way to go to make Him happy, but thankfully, I'm not where I used to be!
We need to stand in the gap for our brethren and for the world. There are people who are dying even as I write this, who never asked Jesus to save them and they're lost for all eternity. We need to pray daily, even hourly for them. It may not be convenient for us to get involved with people, but Jesus got involved. He got weary just like we do. In fact, He probably got more tired than we do, His ministry was non-stop. He only withdrew to rest and talk to His Father. He reached out to people. He comforted them, healed them, and encouraged them.
Are you standing in the gap?
Comment (1)
Tue, May 2nd - 3:09PM
"But He answered and said, 'Every plant, which My Heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up'" Matthew 15:13
Have you ever noticed that when we try to do things the way we want to do them instead of the way God wants us to, that we usually fail? If God doesn't plant us, and if we're not anchored in His soil, we'll be rooted up; then when the storms of life come against us, we're blown away because we're not planted by God.
Many times we wonder at the end of the day why we haven't accomplished all that we'd wanted to do. If we're following our own schedule instead of God's, we'll never accomplish all that He wants us to. We need to ask Him every morning what He wants for us that day. He may want us to do something totally different than what we'd planned to do.
The things that we think of as priority may not be a priority to Him. He has told us to tell others about the love of Jesus. We need to be doing that on a daily basis, and not just when it is convenient to us. We need to be an encouragement to one another. If we would ever get this concept in our hearts, instead of just our heads, we would have a support system that the world has never seen. We would have no need for mental hospitals or prisons if only we would love one another as Jesus has commanded us to do. Jesus set the example for us when He died on the cross. He proved His love through His death. We need to die to ourselves and live for Him by loving others unconditionally. Jesus is the only answer to all situations and circumstances we face today.
Just as the seed when planted needs sunshine, so our loved ones and friends need hugs and support. Are you extending the love of Jesus to others? If you have never given your heart to Him, you can't tell others about Him. Have you invited Jesus into your heart? There's a big difference between believing in your head and inviting Him into your heart.
Don't miss out on being with Him for eternity! Open your heart to Him today ~ don't wait! You may not have another hour.
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