Tue, Feb 20th - 12:56PM
Life on this planet poses enough challenges and/or hardships on any good day. That’s just the way life here is. Recently, in a moment of reflection, I realized again how programmed I am by the world to ignore the obvious. I realized just how much and how diversely I get threatened every day. These threats aren't overt, nor are they voiced by other people, at least most of the time, but they occur as thoughts that seek to conform me to their image.
Everyone I’ve ever known has evidenced mental threats in some way. This is a daily, sometimes moment by moment event that happens to all of us, and we don’t even pay any attention to it. Truly amazing! Out of sight – but in our minds.
I made a sample list of the more common threats I hear everyday, and I’m not really considered an especially fearful person:
1. Failure threats
a. I will fail in business
b. I will fail in relationships
c. I will fail to live up to my/other’s expectations, and I will let my friends down
d. I will fail whatever “test” I’m in
e. I will fall short in some way – every time
2. Integrity threats
a. I will “give up” and quit
b. I will not be able to maintain my integrity
c. I will lose courage
3. Financial threats
a. I will run out of money and go bankrupt
b. I will not be able to provide for my family
c. I will be stranded in poverty
d. I will lose my house, my job, my car, and I will be homeless
4. Marriage threats
a. We will never survive as a couple
b. Our love will die
c. We will eventually separate and divorce
d. We are not compatible (actually, “incompatibility” can be a strength!)
e. My spouse will leave me for someone else
5. Health threats
a. I will get sick with an incurable disease and die
b. I will end up helpless in a nursing home
6. Family threats
a. My kids will never accept me or love me
b. Their kids will never love me or even know me
7. Security threats
a. My house will fall apart and I won't ever be able to fix it (finance)
b. My vehicles will fall apart and I won't be able to maintain them
8. Combination/confusion threats
a. Any combination of the above – plays like a bad record at night while I toss and turn
I’m sure there are others I haven't even identified yet, but you get the picture. By the time I progress into category #8, I can feel terrified and not even know why. This is especially effective at night, when I run down the events of the day I just had and the plans I have for the morrow.
The real issue is not the threats themselves; I’m sure we all hear them (and ignore them if we can), the real problem is how we unknowingly allow them to structure our decisions, and thus our lives. All of our lives we live decision-based existences, and anything that influences our decisions without our conscious knowledge, controls our lives. And that is truly frightening because not very many quality decisions spring from FEAR. So what subtle threats do you hear in your mind?
Something else strikes me about the above list – almost every one of them employs the word: WILL . Here finally is our way of escape…we can use our wills against these threats. Most of us don’t, we just plug along with our minds a trash pit of unwanted thoughts, but we can WILL not to buy into these threats. And here it gets tricky:
We either will not to believe (and act) on these threats, or they win by default. Back in the 60’s I saw a trite poster on a wall that proclaimed, “Not to decide is to decide”. For once, a poster that is profoundly True.
So I’m trying to be aware of the battlefield that is my mind. I can only win the battle if I am first aware of it and decide to win, but by default, I lose it by not deciding (ignoring).
I’m saying this to me as well as others: Take charge of your minds and Actively Reject the Fear behind the threats. Your mind is being stolen from you through ignorance – fight back while you still can.
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