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    Living In The Rockies
          On he road to Cheley Camp, Estes Park, Colorado

    Fri, Mar 14th - 2:46PM

    Is The Bible Really True? - or – “Did God really say…..?”

         I’m sure I don’t have the first or last word on this topic, but I think it needs to be said again.  Last night, while tossing and turning in my bed, it occurred to me that I might just as well get out of bed and spend the time praying.  How human of me to arrive at that option only after all others had failed. 

          Several thoughts occurred to me while praying – I’m not saying “God said to me…”, but “just occurred to me”, and they were:

    1. Man’s rebellion against God was an aggravated circumstance, and
    2. How odious it us to be amongst a bunch of Christians who judge the bible by their experience, rather than the other way around – and unfortunately, how common it is.

          This said, let’s plunge into item #1.

          Man didn’t just listen to the devil in the garden and begin to question the truth of God’s Word, he began to oppose God’s Word.   We like to approach this story feeling that somehow Adam and Eve were flimflammed because of their pre-diluvian simplicity.  Rather, I think they rebelled against God.  Isn’t it comfortable to read how the first man and woman got duped.   Thinking that, we can still look at them as they tumbled off the turnip truck and say to ourselves, “I would never do that”!  However, if we are totally honest with ourselves, (something most of us avoid at all costs, most of the time), we have to admit we are either stupid, slow learners, inept dupes too, or we just plain want our own way most of the time.  And when this routinely happens after telling God in prayer we want to follow Him, we not only lie to ourselves and God, we become total hypocrites when we follow ourselves.

          Rebellion is not usually an accident, like falling on the ice we didn’t see, but rather a choice, like purposely walking on the ice after being told not to.   In my mind, there is no tinge of innocence in rebellion to hide behind.  I can honestly say that the mistakes in my life were not made innocently.  I did not blunder into them – I chose them.  I tested God.  They weren’t made because I was simple-minded and naïve, but because I willfully made myself STUPID.  There is just no other accurate conclusion. 

          And thank God for his mercy!!  Today I can say that only God stands between me and death.  I did not climb to the top of the food chain because of my own merit.   In fact, I began life at the top of the food chain, and have been persistently trying to climb down all my life – and only God has provided rescue! 

          Now on to item #2. 

          Ever wonder what scripture passages you aren’t hearing from most pulpits?  I have.  The bible is jammed full of verses we never hear taught.  Frankly, speaking only for myself, I’m getting a bit riled up by this so-called, innocent oversight.  And because this is, at its root, an opinion, I’ll weigh in with mine.  Here it is:  I think we say that all of scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit, and we call scripture “God’s Word”, but all too often we judge scripture by what we have experienced.   This would cause certain scriptures to be suspect, and thus, deleted from our pulpits. 

          Here’s a for-instance:  other than some Pentecostal churches (thought of as “weird” by most main line folks – and routinely vilified, like the John Birch Society), how many times have you heard the Great Commission taught from the book of Mark?  Now that ought to be easy math!   And how often have you heard teaching about the spiritual gift list in 1 Corinthians 12: 4-12 being taught as available for every believer, TODAY?   Frankly, I’m getting fed up with the gifts being forgotten and only LOVE being taught. 

          Years ago, when my daughter was a teenager, she would attend a youth group every week at a local church.  Attending with her best friend, we thought this a wholesome endeavor and endorsed it completely.  Imagine our surprise when she told us one night she didn’t want to go to the youth group, and explained her decision by saying, “Well dad, how often can I get saved before I don’t need to anymore”?   One church, one message = one less in attendance. 

          I know Love is important, really I do, but I’d like to hear why Paul the Apostle thought we should all speak in tongues – wouldn’t you?   But maybe you’d be more comfortable, as a friend of mine used to say, “Going to church to get inoculated against the Truth.”


          Do NOT settle for less than ALL of what God has for you.  It cost Him plenty.



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    About Me

    Name: John Miltenberger
    ChristiansUnite ID: jmilty
    Member Since: 2006-08-22
    Location: Estes Park, Colorado, United States
    Denomination: Born-again believer
    About Me: Retired from Overland Park, Kansas and now living in Estes Park, Colorado. Another escapee from the Midwest!! Email: jmilty@q.com

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