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    Wed, Oct 31st - 10:00PM


    GENESIS 50:15-21

    The Christian life is to be characterized by a growth process...from spiritual milk to solid food.  We are to absorb the elementary truths of our faith and then begin to chew on the "meaty" ones.   The question many ask is God in every circumstance? Yes, God is, in both the triumphs and tragedies of life.  He either sends them or permits them to happen.

    When we ponder the deeper teaching of Scriptures, it's important to start with the Lord's character and promises.  For example, in meditating on the fact He does permit some extremely hard times, it is critical to remember:  God is good ( Psalm 145:8-9...His purpose are good, as is everything He does;  God is sovereign (Psalm 103:19), so there is nothing that is outside of His control; God promises believers that He will work things together for good (Romans 8:28); God keeps His promises ( Corinthians 1:20)..These facts form a filter through which we can seek to understand the Lord's presence in every situation.

    Consider Joseph.  Betrayed by his brothers, falsely accused by his employer's wife, and imprisoned unjustly, he was powerless and, in many ways, forgotten.  But he refused to be swayed by circumstance...he grasped the deeper truth that God had orchestrated it all for good.

    Whether the Lord sends a trial or permits one, He has said He will use it as part of His plan for our good.

    Comment (6)

    Tue, Oct 30th - 8:52PM


    JOHN 14:27 --- Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you:  not as the world giveth, give I unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afarid.

    Although life's circumstances are continually changing, God's peace is a constant  that's always available for those who seek His quieting touch.  Our world offers peace in the form of financial security, possessions, or power.  Even though these may appear reliable and concrete, they are ultimately an illusion.

    Some people believe that peace is a by-product of right decisions or good intentions.  Others define it as the absence of difficulty or the ability to avoid dealing with hard issues.  All of these views, however, contradict the simple yet accurate description of peace...the inner serenity that flows out of a right relationship with God.

    When you know that the Lord is with you, His power will bring a sustaining calm that will encourage your soul while delivering you through every storm.  You may be facing a job loss, a broken relationship, or unsettling news from your doctor. 

    Though it may not make sense, peace is often most evident during periods of struggle.  Despite the ominous storm clouds around you, the silver lining of our heavenly Father's promise will bring the blessing of a steadfast soul and tranquil heart.

    Comment (6)

    Mon, Oct 29th - 5:51PM


    PHILIPPIANS 2:1-11

    Humility is characterized by an attitude that does not seek to exalt or assert itself.  In our world, this is not considered a desirable character quality.  But in the kingdom of God, humbleness is an essential attribute for Christ-followers to have.

    Humility defined Jesus' life.  To become a man, He relinquished the glory, majesty, and power that were His in heaven..the Lord voluntarily emptied Himself...just as a glass of water is poured out... and for the purpose of serving us, surrendered all that He shared with His Father.  Not only that, but as a man, Jesus took on the role of a lowly servant.  He lovingly submitted Himself to His Father's plan and gave up even earthly rights so that He could rescue us from sin.  He endured criticism, ridicule, unbelief, and, finally, crucifixion in order to help us.  His humility knew no limit.  He humbled himself before the Father to become the Lamb of God, and He did so in full view of mankind, even when He was labeled a criminal and unjustly convicted, Jesus' life demonstrates the importance of being humble and give us a clear pattern to follow.

    The disciples missed the point until later on because they didn't expect a Messiah in the form of a servant.  The leaders felt threatened because Jesus' call to follow His lifestyle would not give them the importance they desired.  The crowds were bewildered because they didn't understand the danger of pride.  But the Father saw Jesus' meekness and was pleased.  What attitude does God see when He looks at you and me?

    Comment (5)

    Sun, Oct 28th - 10:38PM


    MATTHEW 10:32-33

    Life demands proof.  Sometimes it seems as though no matter what we say, people simply will not believe us without some definite verification.  Did you know that you already have the needed evidence to back up the most important news in the world?  That news is the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the proof is your own personal testimony.

    Every single believer has a irrefutable account of how Christ saved him from sin.   It is dishearting when people downplay their faith story as boring or "ordinary."  How could this story ever be ordinary?  This is not some narrative about how you spent your day; we're talking about a supernatural event!  This is the chronicle of how almighty God entered your heart.  This news is far from boring.

    Moreover, no one can ever discount your testimony.  It is your own story, the truthful telling how God has worked in your life.  A testimony is similar to a fingerprint..no two are the ame.  And regarless of the details, no one can ever deny your own personal experience. Even if some people do not believe in the power of Christ, they cannot refute what He has done in your life.

    It can be quite a challenge to boldly give your testimony, especially if you are not sure how your audience wil react.  However, in those moments, you can know for certain that your story will be something they've never heard before.  God gave you a special gift in your unique testimony  Are you sharing that gift with others?

    Comment (3)

    Sat, Oct 27th - 7:22PM


    JOHN 14:1-6

    We hear people say a God of love will not exclude someone from heaven.  But this narow perspective overlooks the fact that He is also holy and just.  Because of the Father's holiness, He cannot tolerate impurity in His presence.  Therefore, sin...the willful disobedience that corrupts the heart..separates man from Him.  In addition, God's justice demands punishment for wrongdoing.  The penalty for sin is death (Ezekiel 18:4; Romans 6:23), which makes isolation from the Lord eternal.

    We can never be perfect and thereby earn access to the Father.  Our efforts to build a bridge by means of right behavior or good works are of no use because we inevitably destroy the structure with sin.  In His great love, God made a provision that allows us to enter His presence:  He laid the cross over the gap created by our corruption.  The penalty for our sin had to be paid, so the Father piled every transgression onto His Son and sent Him to die in our place. Only Jesus, who had no sin-debt of His own, could be the perfect sacrifice God reqired.  But both Father and Son paid a heavy price..for a period of time, the connection between the two was severed. (Matthew 27:45-46)

    Jesus died so we could live eternally, and He endured separation from the Father so we could be forever connected with Him.  Through His death, the savior satisfied the requirements of justice and demonstrated God's love for each of us.  When we ask forgivenesss for our sins and receive Jesus into our lives, we cross the bridge into righteous communion with God.

    Comment (10)

    Fri, Oct 26th - 10:18PM


    ACTS 8: 26-35

    The people of this world are starving for true hope while we who are Christians are filled with hope and  light of God.  It is up to believers to be available so that we can share our message of encouragement with unbelievers.

    There is absolutely no hope in this life or in the life to come, apart from a relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ.  Because of Christ, we have righteousness before  God and the promise of resurrection..all because Jesus died in our place.  Whatever hope we need for living now and throughout eternity comes though Him.

    According to Romans 5:6, Christ died for the ungodly..each and every person who will ever live.  So what was Jesus' plan for getting His message of salvation to all of these people?  In Matthew 28, He commissioned the saved to share the Good News with the lost.  As a matter of fact, spreading the word of God through people is the only method given in the Bible.  Jesus said, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations" (v19).  His disciples went without question.  The Lord is still calling us to go, whether our field is in a faraway country or at our own workplace.

    When God calls us, He doesn't want excuses or pleas to wait;   He wants our obedience.  If we are surrendered to Him, the only thing we can answer when He calls us is  "yes." Could it be that God wants you to lay aside your plan for your life and take up His call..spreading hope to a rapidly changing world?

    Comment (10)

    Thu, Oct 25th - 10:58PM


    JOHN 8:31-36

    Freedom is a much -loved ideal within any people group.  As believers, we are heirs to the ultimate liberation from transgression and from a wasted eternity in hell.  If sin does not snare us.  Christ promised that the truth would be our key to freedom.\

    The truth is our recognition of who we are in Him.  We are sons and daughters of an unconditionally loving Father.  Jesus sacrificial death covered out sins and made intimacy with God possible for each of us.  Consequently, the Holy Spirit indwells every believer so that we are imbued with His strength and wisdom.  No sin can defeat the God who spoke the universe into existence, so neither can wrongdoing dominate a life commited to His purpose.  But sometimes we turn our minds from the things of the Lord to temptation.  Unless promptly repented, sin can cause us to surrender our libertyi in small portions until we are  imprisioned.  The easy choice is to shrug our shoulders and accept our hindered lifestyle.  But God's plan dictates that troubled believers reclaim their freedom in Christ.  As His children, we depend upon two promises:  He will answer prayer and supply all our needs.  ( 1John5:14-15; Phillippians 4:19)

    Therefore, God hears our cry for mercy and forgiveness, and He responds by unlocking the door of our prison.  The walls may seem too high for escape or too well established to break, but the key is always in our hand:  the truth of who we are in Christ...a free child, saved by God's Grace, forever victorious over the bonds of sin.

    Comment (18)

    Wed, Oct 24th - 9:32PM


    PROVERBS 2:1-9

    God's principles are the truth with which we build a righteous and joyful life.  In developing a scriptural foundation for living, we naturally learn the Lord's ways.  Getting to know Him is the greatest blessing possible, and the more we experience Him, the more we will long to be in His presence.

    Building truth is like digging for gold:  if we find a tiny flake, we keep scratching around until we come upon another, which may be a nugget no bigger than a pinhead.  That little bit keeps us searching until we find a chunk the size of a marble, and so on.  Similarly, we get so excited about our nuggets of God-experience that we can't stop digging for more.  As a result, our intimacy with the Lord grows stronger.  Walking in His truth gives us confidence and the assurance that He is always guarding and guiding His children.

    Another benefit of learning and applying truth is spiritual discernment.  Christians with a foundation  of scriptural reality have the capacity to distinguish a lie, even when it is presented in an appealing way might have fooled us before, but it now prompts a check in our spirit.

    In addition, growing in discrnment and wisdom equips us for greater serevice in God's kingdom. The more we experience Him, the better we become at discipling other believers.  The Lord allows no righteous act to go unrewarded.  When we build a scriptural truth foundation for our lives, we receive godly wisdom and new opportunities to serve Him.  How great is our rewad!

    Comment (4)

    Tue, Oct 23rd - 10:13PM


    2 CORINTHIANS 4:14:18

    The resurrection for believers is going to be a transforming experience for our bodies and a triumphant moment in history.  The dead in Christ shall rise from their graves just as the Lord promised. (1 Thessalonians 4:16)

    Right now we all face the mortality of our bodies.  Although we may try to ignore it, our earthly frames are deteriorating and will eventually cease to function here on earth.  Physical death isn't preventable, but there is a good news for everyone who has trusted in Jesus Christ.  Death can't  permanently hold us.  Its "sting".....which is not just separation from loved ones and cessation of life, but also the bondge of sin (1 Corinthians 15:56)...was transformed for the believer.  Now the end of the Christian's earthly life means entrance into heaven with God and all His saints.

    Having received such amazing new...indestructible bodies, like forever with God, and death permanently destroyed one day.. how are we to live on earth?  Paul exhorts us, "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord" (1 Corinthians 15:58).

    Let the knowledge of what Jesus Christ has accomplished for us and what He promises will one day be ours motivate us to wholehearted Christian commitment.  Living for he Lord and pleasing Him is to be our aim.

    As believers, we value the triumphant, eternal work of Jesus.   Lets be sure the unbelieving world can see Him reflected in our relationships, work ethic, and everyday activities.

    Comment (12)

    Mon, Oct 22nd - 10:10PM


    COLOSSIANS 1:10-12

    Ministry isn't something we do, but rather, it is something God does through us.  So much fatigue and failure could be avoided if believers remembered that He is the source of strength.  We serve Him using Spirit-provided resources.  "Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass, " promises the word. (1 Thessalonians 5:24)  This means that the Lord assumes responsibility for enabling His children to carry out whatever work He calls them to do.

    The Savior exemplifies this principle...He also did His earthly work through divine power.  Upon His return from the wilderness, Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit, and He came preaching a Gospel of repentance.  Here is what He said of himself: "Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me?  The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does  His works" (John 14:10).

    As co-heirs with Christ, believers are entitled to access that same spiritual strength.  What a comfort to know that a divinely ordained ministry is not in our hands alone!  Some other person may be able to do the work better or offer wider experience, but God does not look for servants who are gifted.  He insteads seeks out those willing to live in His strength.  If we have done all we can though the power of the Holoy Spirit, then we never have to wonder if we have done enough.

    Comment (7)

    Sun, Oct 21st - 10:36PM


    2 CORINTHIANS 1:3-7

    People love encouragers, and the Lord intends that each of His children be one.  An encourager is able to stand beside someone else to give hope and he motivation to persevere through difficult times.  We are not born with this ability, but we can follow several essential steps in order to become capable of supporting and empathizing with a hurting friend.

    First, we must be willing to experience pain.  The apostle Paul, who was a great encourager, said that we can reach out to others with the "comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God."  In order to experience comfort and have it flow through us, we must suffer some heartache.  There is power in the touch of a person who has been in the valley.  A person who experiences pain does not offer empty words, but hope.

    Second, we need to learn the principles that are availabe to us in our suffering.  If we can view our heartache as a class in God's university that will yield us a degree in encouragement, much of the sting will dissipate.  The Lord teaches us to place our trust in Him alone, and then we can pass that wisdom on to others.

    The most effective encouragers are those who say, "There was nothing I could do but cry out to God.  Let me tell you what the Lord did in response to my cry." If we try to escape pain, we will miss out on the principles that can be learned only from suffering; then we cannot be useful to others.  Our loving father builds encouragers from the material of a life willing to be broken.

    Comment (9)

    Sat, Oct 20th - 10:26PM



    Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter...such are the seasons of the year.  Life also has its seasons.  Some are filled with joy, while others are characterized by difficulty.  Take comfort because there is a principle from the Bible that can encourage and sustain you through every season:  the faithfulness of God.

    We learn about God's faithfulness from passages like 1Corinthians 1:9 where Paul says, "God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord."  To say that God is faithful means He always does exactly what He says He will do.  God will keep His promises to you and will be with you in all seasons (Hebrews 13:5).

    No matter how deep, how dark, how depressing how hopeless, or how good things may seem, the heavenly Father is with you through every single circumstances.  So embrace these three truths in every season.

    1.  God will  be faithtul to you because it is His very nature. (Psalm 36:5)

    2. God knows all aboout your situation; you are never alone in any season of life. (Psalm 139:1)

    3. God is almighty, so He has the power to meet every single need, and He knows how to move you through the seasons of your life. (Romans 8:28) 


    Hold onto this fact:  You will change and seasons will change, but God is always the same.  He won't fail you, He won't waver on you, and He won't vary.  Neither will  He forget you today...He is with you always.   Great is His faithfulness!

    Comment (8)

    Fri, Oct 19th - 4:39PM


    JOHN 13:34-35

    True love is more than a feeling.  Whether or not thinking about someone causes a warm sensation inside is immaterial.  Feelings are fickle..they can easily change when the othe person does something unpleasant or when another, stronger emotin replaces the first.  We are so inclined to rebellion that if God's love were nothing more than a feeling, it would no doubt have disappeared before we started school!

    Unconditional love, on the other hand, is a decision.  God has chosen to love us for who we are right now, without expecting anything in return.  There are no strings attached and no fine print.  He is totally unlike someone who claims to care but then say, "I love you if...."or "when..."or "unless..."Such conditional love is manipulative; it abuses the relationship to serve one's own needs.  But God's love isn't self-centered.  He's committed to our best interest.

    Our Father wants us to show others the same accepting, uplifting love that He has for us.  We are able to do so for this reason:  God is love (1 John 4:8), and at salvation, when we receive the Holy Spirit, we are made into new creatures with the capacity to be like our Lord. Then, as we demonstrate care to the people in our sphere of influence, we are reflecting Christ to them. (Matthew 5:16).

    God commands us to love Him and one another . (Deuteronomy 11:1;  John 13:34) Righteous behavior...including acts of service, encouraging words, and prayer... will spring from our commitment to obey.  That will please God and bless people around us.

    Comment (8)

    Thu, Oct 18th - 4:53PM


    EXODUS 4:10-13

    Doubt is destructive.  It fills us with uncertainty, makes us indecisive, and affects our ability to connect with God and receive His wisdom.  We know doubt is at work when we struggle to believe the following truths:

    God loves us all the time.......Most of us accept the Lord's deep affection for us when we are "good," but how about when we're disobedient?  His love for us does not fluctuate with our behavior.  We can be certain of this because "God demonstrates his own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). That's amazing grace...God loving us while we rebelled against Him.

    God has a plan to forgive us for our disobedience.....We know the Father promises to forgive us when we confess our sins, but we often have trouble believing we are forgiven.  We must not use feelings to determine truth.  God's Word is true, and it says, " As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us" (Psalm 103:12).  That is a description of complete forgiveness.

    God has called us to serve Him.......Our Father often invites His children to join Him in His work..teaching a Sunday school class, helping a family in need, taking a leadership role, or speaking words about Jesus to another person.  The presence of doubt means we will make excuses for why we cannot obey, just as Moses did (Exodus 4:10).  God promises He has equipped us with everything we need to do the work He has chosen for us (Ephesians 2:10).  The opposite of doubt is faith.

    Comment (6)

    Wed, Oct 17th - 8:45PM


    REVELATION 21:22 - 22:6

    Movies often include scenes of people arriving home.  Delighted to be back, they rush through the front door and gaze at all that is familiar.  The aposte John's vision included glimpses inside our future home, New Jerusalem. The things from our abode will be missing?  But what replaces them will be infinitely better.

    First, John told us he did not see any church building, "for the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb are its temple" (Revelation 21:22). No longer will the family of God in Christ be seperatd by denominations.  Next, the apostle reported there will be neither sun nor moon to shine upon the city, "for the glorly of God has illumined it, and its lamp is the Lamb" (Revelation 21:23).  There will be no need for electricity, flashlights, or candles!  Third, the gates of the city will always be open.  Unlike the present, locks will be unecessary in our heavenly home.  Nothing impure will ever enter that future residence..sin is banished, and only holiness dwells in the heavenly place.  Death and decay will also be absent.  Neither nature nor mankind will ever suffer again from these.  The abundant life in Christ will be a perfect reality there, as pain and suffering cease to exist.

    At the center of the holy city are the throne of Almighty God and the Lamb.  Present in this city will be all those who have received spiritual life through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.  Next time someone asks you where your home is, explain that you have two..one you live in now and a future one given to you by your loving heavenly Father.

    Comment (8)

    Tue, Oct 16th - 11:51AM


    JOHN 9:1-7

    The Lord will use a Christian's personal testimony in powerful ways.  As we speak about how God has rescued and changes us, the Holy Spirit can heighten peoples' interest in spiritual matters and use our words to help them seek Christ as their Savior.

    In John 9, we learn about a blind man the Lord healed.  Many people questioned him about how he received his sight, and to each one, he told the facts as he had experienced them:  "The man they call Jesus made mud and spread it over my eyes and told me, 'Go to the pool of Siloam and wash yourself.'  So I went and washed, and now I can see!" (John 9:11).

    When we obey Jesus' commands, people around us will notice that there is something different about us.  Perhaps they'll be curious about our ability to remain patient or calm in times of adversity.  They may ask why we have given up popular activities or avoid certain places.  We can respond as simply as the blind  man did: "I was spiritually blind and separated from God by sin. Jesus, the Savior, died on the cross to pay for my sins.  Through faith in Him, I know I have been forgiven and made part of God's family.  That is why I am not the same.

    We don't have to know every answer to every question in order to talk about our Savior.  We need only tell what has happened to us personally.  Take the time to write out your testimony in a few sentences, and be able to relate the story briefly and clearly.  Then look for an opportunity to tell someone what God hs done in your life.

    Comment (6)

    Mon, Oct 15th - 4:40PM


    PSALMS 57:1-3

    Crying out to God is the spontaneous response to an urgent need.  It differs from typical prayer, which involves periods of worship, petitioning and intercession...this distraught call focused entirely on one difficulty.  The problem can be heartbreaking news, a dangerous situation, physically pain, or spiritual confusion.  Whatever the cause, we seek immediate relief from God.

    Like Peter sinking into the sea, we are saying, "Lord, save me!" (Matthew 14:30) We call out desperately when bad news comes becausse we acknowledge that only God has power to change circumstances.  And when we are walking obediently with Him, He will respond promptly.  If He does not alter the situation, He will replace fear with courage and confidence.

    A cry to the heavenly Father is rooted in faith that He will answer His children.  Believers expect God to respond with clear direction, and without fail, He is trustworthy to answer.  Exodus 17 details how the Lord demonstrated His faithfulness at Horeb.  When the wandering Israelites again grumbled against their leader..this time because of thirst..Moses called out to God, " What shall I do to this people?" (v4) Instantly, the Lord replied with a solution that satisfied both the Israelites thirst and Moses' despair.

    Whether we are sinking in a sea of pain or anxiously seeking a taste of God's living water, the Lord hears our cries.  And He says again,  "He will call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him." (Psalm 91:15).

    Comment (6)

    Sun, Oct 14th - 9:09PM


    JOHN 8:1-11

    Jesus went unto the mount of Olives. And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them.  And the scribes and pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst, they say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.  Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned:  but what sayest thou?  This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him.  But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.  So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him cast a stone at her. And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.  And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last:  and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.  When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said nto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers?  hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord, and Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.    kjv 

    In your own thoughts, what was Jesus writing on the ground?  Do you suppose He wrote their names!

    They left one by one, beginning with the eldest.  Why would the eldest leave first?  Could be, because he was more mature, and readily admitting they were sinners.................

    Comment (4)

    Sat, Oct 13th - 9:34PM


    ACTS 9:1-9

    The invitation to be reconciled to God is for all mankind.  The Lord"desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" (1Timothy 2-4).  God does not wish "for any to perish but for all to come to repentance" (2Peter 3:9).  He sent His Son in order that "whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).

    The apostle Paul's initial response to the Gospel message was direct, harsh, and violent.  He persecuted Jesus' followers and tried to turn them against the Lord.  He remained blind to the truth until his Damascus road experience.

    Then in Romans 1, Paul wrote about man's refusal to follow God.  He explained that the truths about God's eternal power an divine nature are evident to all and leave us without any excuse for not seeking Him.  Our sin nature prompts us to suppress the truth of who Jesus is and to refuse to glorify Him as He deserves. (v18-21 God does not prevent us from coming near; we refuse.  The Scriptures state our problem clearly: "There is none who understands, there is none who seeks for God" (Romans 3:11).

    Our God, in His infinite mercy, not only provided His Son to bear the punishment for our sins; He also sent His Spirit to draw many into His family. As believers,  we will know that the Holy Spirit is at work when we experience conviction of sin and contrition over our wrongdoing.  A desire to change those behaviors and attitudes that displease our Father will turn us away from ungodly patterns and lead us to embrace His ways.

    Comment (10)

    Fri, Oct 12th - 10:21PM


    JOHN 4:3-18

    The cry of emptiness rings from both the deepest ghetto and the largest mansion.  The same echo of a meaningless life reverberates at the downtown bar and the country club.  There are senior citizens, middle-aged men and women, and teens with equally hollow hearts, for which no medical prescription exists.

    The Samaritan woman at the well symoblozies millions throughout histroy who have used their best efforts to satisfy the yearing for love and completion.  Until a person taste God's love, the sense of emptiness cannot be permanently satisfied.  We were created  to honor and glorify the Lord: no other act of adoration--toward the opposite sex, worldly position, work, or money--can bring a sense of long-term pleasure and purpose.

    It is no wonder, then, that when Jesus offered the Samaritan woman a drink that would quench her thirst forever, she eagerly agreed. (v15) Salvation's promise includes more than the elimination of guilt.  Receiving Christ as Savior means He indwells every believer's spirit in order to express His love to us and through us.  If we are willing to acknowledge Christ's death and ask His forgiveness for our sins, which put Him on the cross, we are able to experience the permanment overflow of God's love filling our emptiness.

    The believer who feels hollow must honestly confess any sin harbored in the heart.  Wrongdoing and idolatry block fellowship with the Father, but repentance breaks the dam.   The only fulfillment for an empty life is God's freely offered love.

    Comment (4)

    Thu, Oct 11th - 10:36PM


    ISAIAH 55:1-12

    The Creator of the universe, who knitted us together in our mothers' wombs and who ensures we live every single day  He  planned, wants to talk with us.  Every day, He desires to teach us truths about life, about ourselves, and about Him.  He bids us to come.

    "Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat!  Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost" (Isaiah 55:1), In today's culture, most of us would throw away such an invitation.  We would be certain there was some gimmick.  Yet this is God's invitation to the world--to come to Him and receive salvation.  The Lord invites the unbelieving to draw near and discover the truth that Jesus is the Bread of Life and Living Water, available to them at no cost.

    God also extends an invitation to believers--to explore our relationship with Christ under the Holy Spirit's guidance.  When we are invited to come?  He wants us... to come to Him as our day gets started and listen to His words of love...to draw near as the morning progresses and talk about His plans...to seek His guidance as the afternoon passes by...and to hear whispered words of conviction and encouragement as evening draws to a close.

    ""Come now, and let us reason together,' says the Lord, "though your sins are as scarlet, they will be as white as snow..."" (Isaiah 1:18).  This is God's invitation to you!!!

    Comment (6)

    Thu, Oct 11th - 12:17AM


    God desires that all Christians use their gifts to build up the body of Christ.  In this way, the church will be strengthened so that it can function propertly and enjoy harmony.

    Whether you have the gift of mercy or organization, remember that each spiritual gift is essential for edifying the church and furthering God's kingdom.  Maintaining the healthy perspective that your gift is necessary...and that all are equally important...will extend your ministry to others with both humility and genuine love.

    First Corinthians 13:1  makes the simple yet profound statement, "if I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal."  Without compassion, your works amount to nothing more than making noise or distrubing the peace.  But when the body of Christ works as designed, it creates a wonderful, harmonious symphony.  As you minster to others, do so with the intentions of creating a beautiful melody for you Father in heaven.

    Comment (8)

    Tue, Oct 9th - 4:49PM


    COLOSSIANS 1:3-6

    Grace is God's goodness and kindness freely extended to the utterly underserving--you and me.  Because of His grace, He offers salvation through Jesus Christ so that we might have a relationship with Him.  In that relationship, His viewpoint of us has changed. God, in His grace....

    DECLARES WE ARE RIGHTEOUS.  Christ's righteousness is credited as our own. (2 Corinthians 5:21)  The guilt and shame of sin has been removed. ( Romans 8:1 ) We can live boldly for Jesus no matter who we once were.

    CLAIMS US AS FAMILY.  A spiritual adoption has taken place so that we might become children of God and call Him "Father."  No matter how insignificant the world says we are, we are to live our days remembering we're children of the King.

    PROVIDES FOR US, AS A CO.HEIRS WITH CHRIST, AN INHERITANCE.  Our inheritance is guaranteed and kept for us in heaven.  we are set free from the trap of possessions because we're rich in the only way that matters, ( 2Corinthians 8:9 ).

    GIVES US, WHO WERE SPIRITUALLY DEAD, A NEW HEART AND A NEW SPIRIT.   We are born again.  We have a fresh start in Christ ( 2Corinthians 5:17).

    RAISES US OUT OF THE LIFE WE USED TO LIVE INTO A NEW LIFE WITH HIM.  The seal of this new life is the presence of the Holy Spirit, whose fruit is love, joy and peace.

    SETS US FREE FROM THE POWER OF SIN, SATAN AND SELF.  Obedience and victory become a reality as we grow in faith and trust.


    Comment (10)

    Mon, Oct 8th - 12:16PM


    PSALM 103:19-22

    David introduces us to a fundamental attribute of God:  His total sovereignty.  In other words, He has complete authority and control over all human beings and every aspect of the universe. "Luck" and "good fortune" have no place in a discussion about God.  To speak in terms of luck is to say there is no plan for our lives or the world at large.  In that case, people would simply be victims of their circumstances--sometimes happy, but usually unfulfilled and always afraid of the future.

    The Lord intends for us to live another way, confident of His absolute and loving control over every aspect of our existence.  When we trust in the Father's sovereignty we understand two assurances.  First, He is intimately and continuously involved in our daily life.  No matter how bleak our situation may see, the Lord never stops providing, protecting, and caring for every believer.  He knows what we need for today and every one of our tomorrows.

    Second, the Bible teaches that God will work every circumstance for our benefit--without exception!  As situations become demanding, more painful, or seemingly impossible, our confidence may flag, but Romans 8:28 promises a divine purpose to each life event: "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."

    We are not "lucky."  As blessed children of a sovereign God, we are able to live confidently in the knowledge that He is in control.  Trust Him to carry you through whatever stands in your way. 

    Comment (5)

    Sat, Oct 6th - 10:51PM


    PHILLIPIANS 4:10-13

    What we say about ourselves reveals what we are really like on the inside.  We often fail to realize that our negative statements are more than comments on our life; they are the reason for our defeat.

    The apostle Paul was different.  Writing from places that were lowly in both the physical and emotional sense, he is a triumphant example of positive confessions.  We, like Paul, need to view ourselves as our heavenly Father does.  The best way to do that is to recognize God as the source of our power: "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me" (Phillipians 4:13).

    Many of us have memorized this verse, but have we accepted its truth?  To say "all things" is a bold statement, but it is balanced too.  The emphasis is not on " I can," but rather on the fact tht I can through Christ--He supplies everything we need to carry out His plan for our life.  This verse is a confession that we cannot do God's will in our own power.  But that does not mean we should simply sit back and become spectators.  We Chrisitans have a responsibility to obey the Lord's leading in small matters as well as in momentous circumstgances.  Furthermore, it is your hand, feet, body, voice, compassion, and desires that God will use to accomplish  His ultimate goal for you.

    Obeying by faith may seem frightening, but the comfort zone is not where godly people choose to spend their time.  To do all things through Christ, we must take a few risks.  And the rewards for obedience are deeply satisfying.

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    Name: Lois J.
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    About Me: Hello everyone, this seems like a good place to fellowship with others. I am a born again believer in Christ Jesus. Have been working in His vineyard for several years, enjoy it more every day. My husband and I minister in songs, where ever the Holy ... more

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