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    Cameron Yancey's Blog
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    Mon, Aug 21st - 8:30PM

    Alot is changing, and its definately all good changes..

    I start a new job tonight, doing something i love to do, i'll be working in a nursing home, and have been promised all the overtime i can take..which will help with alot of things

    I'm reading the bible a lot more and staying in prayer more..i feel stronger today than i have in a while..which is definately a good thing..

    God is beginning to open doors and i'm looking forward to seeing what He has in store....to see what He has  planned...

    there's so much to tell, but instead of telling I just want to thank God for what He's doing, and what He's about to do..to give Him the glory because that's where the glory belongs..

    Comment (2)

    Sat, Aug 12th - 5:35PM

    Things here have been going pretty well..There has been some ups and downs..But i've come to realize that im in the place im in because ive made alot of bad decisions and there are consequences to our actions..God is amazing as always and the best part is He never changes..

    Work has  been awesome..Ive had alot of chances to witness and I've actually gotten somewhat bolder in that..The girls and I have begun an awesome nursing home ministry..the first time we only had a couple people, but last week we had several more..We've decided to do this on a weekly basis and I've met one lady who has really touched my heart...

    Here on the homefront, things are looking better..I've went back to work for the home  health agency and im also still working the convenience store..Ive decided it's time that I stop waiting for the blessings to fall and take some responsibility and get my life back on track..

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    About Me

    Name: Cameron Yancey
    ChristiansUnite ID: littlesister777
    Member Since: 2005-11-08
    Location: princeton, Texas, United States
    Denomination: non denominational
    About Me: I'm a 31 year old Christian mother who loves Jesus with all my heart..He is my life, my world, my heart and soul...I love worshipping and spending time in the Word of God...If you ask me, we just dont do enough of it

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