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    Cameron Yancey's Blog
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    Thu, Nov 2nd - 10:25PM

    Well, things have been going really good..My job is awesome in alot of ways but then there are the days like this morning when i really feel like giving up, but i cant because i know that God has allowed me to be in this job for a reason..ive gotten very attached to the residents and most of all, im enjoying the time i'm getting with my best friend just about every night..lol

    she got hired about a month after i did..and we both work the same shift..i love watching her react with the residents because she's so loving with them..just as she is with all of us girls here..

    we all recently started going to cna classes to get our certification and i can definately tell that satan doesnt want it to happen because he is really fighting us on this..which has been the case on alot of things lately..but i know as always that  God is in control and im trusting Him to get us all through this..

    on the homefront, things arent going all that well..but im expecting great things because God has promised to always provide..so im looking forward to seeing just what He has planned next...

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    About Me

    Name: Cameron Yancey
    ChristiansUnite ID: littlesister777
    Member Since: 2005-11-08
    Location: princeton, Texas, United States
    Denomination: non denominational
    About Me: I'm a 31 year old Christian mother who loves Jesus with all my heart..He is my life, my world, my heart and soul...I love worshipping and spending time in the Word of God...If you ask me, we just dont do enough of it

    Nov. 2006
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