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    Cameron Yancey's Blog
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    Fri, Aug 31st - 11:54PM

    Amazing Love God's Way

    Sometimes in life we meet people who change our lives so drastically that there's never a doubt that God placed them in our lives.

    My best friend is one of those people and this blog is dedicated specifically to her.

    We met online almost four years ago this December. At the time, I never even guessed that she would become the big sister that I'd always needed, always dreamed of having but never had. At the time, she was just someone I'd asked to pray for me, someone I never thought I'd cherish as much as I do today.

    She's stuck by me through thick and thin. I've lied to her over and over, hid things, and yes I even took off with her cell phone, but she's never turned her back, even though in my heart I know there's been times when she's wanted to. She opened up her heart, her home and made me feel like part of her family. She's stood up for me when others have put me down, been my prayer partner and my other part of a duet that only God could form. We've laughed together, cried together, sang together and worked together. God has sewn our hearts together with His special thread of love, and had placed a bond between us that nothing has been able to destroy, tho satan has tried several times.

    I want to say thank you to my best friend Carrie for all you have ever done for me. I know in my heart that God could never have chosen a better friend, sister, confidant, and teacher for me. I love you girl..and I pray for you every day.

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    About Me

    Name: Cameron Yancey
    ChristiansUnite ID: littlesister777
    Member Since: 2005-11-08
    Location: princeton, Texas, United States
    Denomination: non denominational
    About Me: I'm a 31 year old Christian mother who loves Jesus with all my heart..He is my life, my world, my heart and soul...I love worshipping and spending time in the Word of God...If you ask me, we just dont do enough of it

    Aug. 2007
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