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    Mel's Odd Stuff
          Just a bunch of odds and ends. Life is strange sometimes, so this will probably be strange, too...

    Wed, Aug 29th - 5:57AM

    I'll Get no Sleep...

    It takes a bit to keep me awake unable to sleep.  Some of you are going to think this silly.  I try to convince myself that it is so, so that I may sleep in peace, but I cannot.  That alone speaks to me so that I must speak to you!  "Do not let the sun go down [or go to sleep] on [in] your anger."  Thank You, Lord for your mercy on my disobedient heart! (I tried to sleep)

    Read 2 Samuel 12, the whole chapter.  Do you think Nathan hated King David?  NO!  He loved him, and so did God, who treated him quite harshly here, revealing His will as it were through His Prophet.  You try and think of something you have experienced harsher than this.  Some of you may have been there, or at least think so.  Did God not LOVE you, even in this?  His Holy word says he did and he Does.  DO NOT doubt this!

    Read Proverbs about disciplining a child.  Who does it?  A LOVING father!  That same thing is Echoed in how God treats us and revealed in various places in the New Testament!  I am being blunt, but I think a MAN more instinctively realizes this than a Woman.  His Love is decidedly more heavy and harsh.  Hers is more nuturing and soft.  Our Body, which is not our own, but that of Christ's, has too much of the latter, and not enough of the former.  We are prone to not want to fight for justice and truth, and instead make peace with the evilness that pervades even the Political Correctness of this sick and perverse world.  Is this God's Plan for us?  No Way!!!

    True Agape Love is not just part of Gods Love.  If you think that, Satan has deceived you!  God's Love is pure and COMPLETE!  Ours is but a dim reflection of that and at times horribly inadequate.  It is what I think part of what is wrong with our churches today, and I am afraid that to ask a Woman to lead us in overcoming this is folly!  And I say churches, not Churches to shame some as Paul would those at Corinth.  AMEN!

    Here I go again!  <<Sighs>>  Ladies, I will not forbid you to speak.  Understand me clearly:  When you speak to me, and Quote God's Holy Word, I listen to it's authority and not yours.  None of you is my "Mother Mary" that I feel you have any true authority over me.  That I may submit to you is one of my ways to submit to Christ and the Instruction to submit to one another, nothing more.  But you must understand clearly my attitude.  I do Love you Dearly, but will not tollerate certain things.  There are things you can do that feel very much like you just 'Grabbed my Private Parts' without physically having to touch me.  Old Testament and crap, I hear some of you mumble.  Away from me and those I Love, Satan, I say!

    Anders, who many of you may remember for his 'Old Testament' leanings would probably say this better than I, but I will try:

    Christ did not eliminate one stroke of the Law!  He said so himself!  NO he came to FULFILL the LAW!  He was perfect in obedience to it, even when he violated the interpretations of men!  Otherwise, his sacrifice on the Cross would have been flawed and unable to do what it does for us.  "The Lamb had to have no blemish."  The LAW is written on our Hearts, not tablets of stone.  Not words of men.  It still exists for the benefit of the Lawbreakers, who must learn from it what their hardened hearts have refused to learn otherwise.  This, even is done in Love for us!

    Let me tell you about disciplining a child.  Will you be angry?  Yes, but if it is towards the child, let it cool.  The anger should be reserved for the evil they have done only!  Does it hurt?  The father who disiciplines his child bears a pain you cannot describe to those who have not done it, but it is a pain he bears in love for his child!  The pain they (the children) feel is nothing in comparison!  Think of that the next time you do something God should discipline you for, and hang your head in the realization that the pain he should cause for you is nothing compared to the pain he already feels!

    And he should cause me to walk aroud in shame a lot more than he does.  I am a weak vessel and yet what I see around me causes me to say "Must I do this Lord?"  I am inadequate beyound all belief, and even a reluctant instrument at that.  But I clearly see this need in the body, and I care not how much I am dishonored by what I will say or do.  Forgive me for offending, but if Nathan had not offended David, God would have had to find someone else to do what needed to be done!

    "I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."  Who said that?  Riiiight, that guy.  You know him well?  What does that sword do, exactly?  (hint: Hebrews 4:12)   Wait.  The sword is what?  Word is who?  Truth?  I am sooo confused!

    Yes.  I come as Iron to sharpen Iron, and to do that, sparks will fly!  But, that sword will do better if it is sharpened...

    I'll go to sleep now.  Lord, Grant me Peace.  Thank you.  AMEN!

    In Christ,


    Comment (6)

    Sun, Aug 26th - 10:41AM

    Don't you tell me...

    Lyrics from a secular song.  I'd really like to go into the scriptures and give you quotes and all of that, but honestly, I don't have the time.  If I wait for that, I will say nothing.  And I don't think that is what I am being asked to do, so silent I will not be.  So here goes:  (if someone wants to put scriptural references to this for me, that would be great!)

    Christ was a great respector of authority and disrespector of its abuse.  A whole study could be done on that alone and this blog would not contain it all, of that I am sure.  If you need the scripture to start on this one, look up references to the "Seat of Moses" and you can go from there.  But that is not my point.  If you need to wander off on that one, go ahead, otherwise, stick with me a moment longer, please.

    The Section of the Lyrics in full are:

    Don’t you tell me ’bout your law and order
    I’m try’n’ to change this water to wine.

    (This is from The Eagles - On the Border)

    My thought is this:

    Mary, as mother of Jesus, had authority.  My question is, did she overstep that authority when Christ performed his first miracle?  If so, he honored it nontheless.  What does that tell us?

    Just something for you to ponder.  Your thoughts on this are appreciated because your perspectives are so different than mine that I can gain wisdom from your thoughts (no matter how trite they may seem to you) on this.

    This comes from a mind hit by something from the secular world.  I am there and come back to you, brothers and sisters, to refresh you and be refreshed by you.  The Word is my Anchor.  When I let him, Christ is at the Helm.  What say you?

    Have a Blessed Day!

    In Christ,


    Comment (9)

    Fri, Aug 10th - 12:23AM

    Prayers from the Heart...

    I know I have shared this with many of you from time to time; you may ask me to pray for this or that or the other, and I cannot.  It is not I will not.  It is I can not.  I am constrained by my limited faith.  I am that man in the scriptures wanting help from Jesus, not even for himself, but for his son that he loves, who says "I do believe; help me with my unbelief!"

    You see, I understand that faith is action beyond belief.  But like a frightened child, I am only able to take baby steps here and there.  I wish that I were some great fountain of faithfulness (and have even prayed for that, no less!) but I am just like many, a pitifully weak vessel. But God does answer, and he does use me.  He proves his faithfulness again and again in this.

    My most fervent prayers are born of great anxiety.  We are told what?  To be anxious about nothing but do what?  Ah ha.  Bring our concerns, our prayers, our supplications with thanksgiving before God.  Yup.  Philippians 4:6 and around that one.  If you acknowledge the WHO of God, I think it is hard to NOT be thankful. in the realization of WHAT he has already done.  Thank God for persecution.  Thank God for frustration.  Thank God for the humility and perseverance that can only come from bearing these burdens.  Some of us are destined to bear more and learn less.  Thank God for whichever you are!  Am I sounding a bit nuts?  I hope so!

    I think a truely thankful heart can ask for more!  I don't think I am thankful enough, so that is what I ask for, so that I can ask for more!

    In Truth,


    Comment (1)

    Mon, Aug 6th - 9:24AM

    My Small Invite:

    No.  I am not leaving here!

    But, like some others, I am working on my own little way to step out in faith beyond my complete understanding.

    Yup, it is another site. And, yeah, it sucked up some energy lately...

    Right now, only the Forum part it up and running.  There is more to come.

    It is at:  http://gamesport.17.forumer.com/  although that URL will eventually change to sync up with the site it is supposed to be part of if I can ever figure out how to do it.

    Only bare bones rules are posted there.  Not even a clear stated purpose.  It is really a work in progress.  Those on board early have the best chance of steering its course.  I may need advice, and if you are not there, who will I get it from?

    Forums are generally more 'rough and tumble' than the bloggosphere and definitely worse than it is/has been around here at its worst.  I warn you because I don't want you hurt by going there unbeknownst.  I hope there are some brave souls amoungst us!  (that is a jest, but only slightly so)

    I am hoping for a way for Christ and the Gospel to be shared.  However, if you go there, please do not just start posting messages to 'save the lost.'  That is a heartfelt thing many of you will desire to do, but restraint is what I ask.  The stated purpose of that Forum will not include that.  I think, that as Christians, that should part of everything we do, in the moments that God gives us to do it in.  My hope is that someone will ask questions who is not a believer, and then, by simply answering their questions honestly, you have an open heart that will receive the message.  I want nonbelievers to feel they can come there unmolested.  I think that if people know you are a Christian, but are not constantly banging them on the head with that, there will come a time that they will want to ask a question.  Curiousity is a part of the nature of most of us. Tragedy may open a door. How it happens is not important.  When they ask, simply answer from your heart and God's word.  (I'd advise keeping it short, but you know me, and that would be hypocrisy coming from me.)  Use your own style.  Yours will reach those that mine cannot.

    I think that is in line with what Christ would have us do, plain and simple.  If it were not, I should not ask it of you.

    Ok,  I feel myself rambling.  You are welcome to 'Lurk' there as well.  Please drop by!

    Thank You,

    For Christ,


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    About Me

    Name: Mel Miller
    ChristiansUnite ID: lylejr
    Member Since: 2005-09-28
    Location: Aurora, Colorado, United States
    Denomination: Christian
    About Me: I've been a christian for some time, but squandered my time and talents 'in a foreign land' I have been in the military (active and reserves) for 33 years. (now retired) I have two lovely daughters, and life seems to often be strange to me.

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