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    Mel's Odd Stuff
          Just a bunch of odds and ends. Life is strange sometimes, so this will probably be strange, too...

    Fri, Feb 13th - 3:41PM


    Do you prophesy?

    I hope I am not doing that now.  However, I share what I see, and what I see is something I do not really want to share.  I think I am kind of like Jonah, so I better shape up before some 'Big Fish' gets me!  So I will speak and hope for embarassment rather than being correct.  I'd rather have that than what usually happens to prophets.

    What I shared back on Nov 4th was not very clear.  But this is:

    On that day, after posting here, I saw an older woman on the train whom I had seen often enough before.  She always seemed to have a forced smile to me, and wore gloves.  This day (Nov 4th) she looked straight at me and smiled easily.  What I mean is that it did not seem forced as her usual smile, and it was clearly directed at me.  Just slightly before getting off, and right after the college students cleared out, I went over and sat down across from her and asked here why she had smiled at me.  Her answer was that she was a Christian and that the Holy Spirit had moved her to do so!  The converstation was quite quick and very much on point.  She told me what I already knew: That a prophet was/is known by what they say coming to pass.  Yikes!!!

    I don't think I have seen her since that day, and that really bothers me more.  Almost as if she needed to bear that one message and then it was done.

    So now I must share another vision, and I hope this does not come to pass, for it speaks of terrible things.

    From the back, I see the President.  In front of him and off his right shoulder, I see a General -- 3 stars, facing him.  This General salutes, starting quickly and then raising his hand slowly, like the salute as a widow is given a flag at a funeral.  However, there is no solemn respect on his face.  Instead, there is clear contempt.  Behind the President is another person, almost hiding behind that same shoulder.  The view is cocked off at a strange angle.  This is what I see.  I have no understanding of what it means, but that it is not good.

    Yes, someone could compose this to make it so.  I sincerely hope never to see this.

    Another vision I doubt anyone can make so easily:

    When Peter talks in Acts 2, talking about what Joel said about the last days, I am understanding something I cannot see written.  That is, when it says: "Your sons and daughters will prophesy" it means they will speak in not just tongues, but in the tongue of the Holy Spirit, such that they, like Peter, will be heard by all as if it was spoken in their own language.  I am flesh and blood.  I doubt myself.  However, if this comes to pass, it is not me that says it at that point.  If it does not, than I am suffering under what I can only describe as a most confusing dream.

    I am not even sure that I am doing the correct thing in posting this, but I am compelled to think I would be wrong not to share this.

    I hope someone can make sense of this.  I am a very logically person, a thinker, not a feeler, and I cannot wrap my head around this.

    In Truth,


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    About Me

    Name: Mel Miller
    ChristiansUnite ID: lylejr
    Member Since: 2005-09-28
    Location: Aurora, Colorado, United States
    Denomination: Christian
    About Me: I've been a christian for some time, but squandered my time and talents 'in a foreign land' I have been in the military (active and reserves) for 33 years. (now retired) I have two lovely daughters, and life seems to often be strange to me.

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