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    Mel's Odd Stuff
          Just a bunch of odds and ends. Life is strange sometimes, so this will probably be strange, too...

    Fri, Sep 18th - 3:22PM

    "You Lie!!!" -- I couldn't say it better myself...

    It has taken me a while to digest what the "President" said.

    However, the truth is simple.  Obama lied, he lies, and I fully expect he will continue to lie!!!

    Technical Point:  Obama talks about bring healthcare to the "40 Million Uninsured in America" and we buy that talking point hook, line and sinker.  Ok, let us just suppose he REALLY means that all of those 40 Million are going to get health insurance.  I actually do believe his representation on this is quite accurate.  What is one of the biggest blocks in that 40 Million?  What people, if removed from that demographical mish-mash would leave this talking point looking somewhat anemic?  You guessed it.  Take out the illegal aliens here in the US and that number becomes MUCH smaller.  They are responsible for so much of that number, no-one in the Democratic Party *ever* talks about the breakout of that number.

    The Truth is This:

    Take out illegals and those who *choose* not to carry health insurance (which includes healthy college students who would rather use the money to buy a keg for a party -- maybe even contributing to drunk driving deaths) and that 40 Million becomes a number close to 5 Million.  That is still a lot of people, and these people could use some help, but the Goverment should be the last resort.  Obama wants to make it the first and maybe (if he can get it) the *only* choice.  I hope we all know just how efficient our Government is not.  I expect an ice cream cone, that I could get in 29 flavors at Baskin Robbins for $3.50 would cost $20.93 if I bought if from Uncle Sam, especially if he put a tax on Baskin Robbins to make their ice cream cost around $30.00 per cone.  And I expect I would only get vanilla, and not a very good vanilla cone at that.

    I favor even a surcharge on elective cosmetic surgery and raising taxes on cigarettes (which Obama, who smokes, would *hate* and his friend in tinsel town would hate that other proposal, the percentage of *that* tax should not have to be too high to have an effect!) to fund some sort of help and would give that money to Charities to Help People Directly, Like ACORN (without their corruption) instead of through the Government Directly.  If The Charity Screws up, find another charity, or even limit the time they can get the monies before they must be rotated to a new fund.  That money might not all get to the 5 Million that are truely needing it, but it would surely cost the average person a *lot* less than to get his proposal financially covered.  When he says it will not cost anything -- Well -- HE LIES!!!

    So 40 Million covers illegals.  Either Obama wants to cover all 40 Million (including the illegals) or he does not.  He said we *must* cover all these people, and I think most people believe him when he says that.  I do.  However, *if* that is true, then it must *also* be true that we will insure the illegals who make up a vast amount of that number.  If that is the case, then when Joe Wilson shouted out "You Lie" he was stating a fact, albeit somewhat voiciforously and lacking somewhat in decorum.  Since when is decorum such a big deal?  Since the friends of the liberal media took over on the Hill.  The statement "You Lie" is the Truth.  He lied about covering illegals or he is lying about covering all 40 Million.  Obama cannot cut this both ways.  One of these representations he makes again and again and again is clearly a lie.  He knows it and continues to bald face lie.  This is not a slip on Obama's part.  It is a deliberate, conscious and continuing LIE!!!  That would make me mad if I was in Joe Wilson's shoes.  It makes me mad and I am not in his shoes!

    Then this HYPOCRIT, called Obama, accused talk radio hosts, cable news and conservative leaders of deliberately spreading falsehoods. He wants you to believe that everyone who opposes his plan to nationalize medical care is lying.  He has toned it down somewhat from the draconian measure his administration took that not even Bush would have dared.  If you don't know what I am talking about, read this and be afraid of what this man is willing to do:


    The high and mighty attitude of 'Madam' (as in ruler of a Cat house) Pelosi has nothing to do with Decorum.  It has to do with churning out political points.  Here is a short (1:16) slip from the State of the Union Address in 2005. 


    Note that there are *numerous* cat calls and boos, some which can be clearly distiguished in the time frames between 5-11 seconds and 20-22 seconds into this segment.  Where was the massive outrage of this even more severe breach of protocol?  Well, it was not their darling, so the press felt you didn't need to have this brought to your attention.  Now, cheering can also be just as expressive in a negative way.  I want you to look at another short (1:35) clip.


    The Democrats Applaude themselves from :58 to 1:17 for blocking all attempts at Social Security Reform, when they should have been ashamed for their partisan behaviour.  No.  They are proud for being unruly!  And we accept this, why?  Although this does not breach the form of protocol, it most certainly violates every spirit of respect that the president is due.  I have one word for this:  HYPOCRITS!!!  If they cheered here and then voted to condemn Joe Wilson, they will be measured by their own measure!  Their own voices will speak out against them!

    Back on March 18th,  I told you that Obama Lied about his position on Abortion.  I think very much so he has done that again.  Why?  Well, this may sound strange, but is not as much about what has been said as about what has not been said. 

    I am talking about the remark in Obama’s address that “no federal funds will be used to fund abortions.” Have you noticed that not one single pro-abortion legislator (who on the whole are probably the most outlandishly rude extremists in Congress, topped possibly only by the Pro Gay Rights crowd) has said anything in opposition to this particular part of Obama’s speech?  They are suprisingly quiet, almost queerly so, don't you think?  What do you suppose they know that you and I do not that is keeping them quiet?  They are not ones to respect protocol even as much as Joe Wilson, so that obviously is not the answer.  They have had several days to make noise about this, but we have not heard even a peep.  Does that strike anyone but me as strange?

    Here is what I think:

    Despite his talk about bipartisanship, not one Republican or Libertarian has been asked to talk to the White House since Early Spring.  Ok.  Not much to that, I guess.  However, it could be one of many available ways that Obama is assuring those legislators that Publicly Paid for Abortions WILL be part of the final bill.  They seem to be awfully happy right now.  I wouldn't be if I thought my baby was going to be killed by Obama. (pun intended)  I'd be making one HELL of a lot of noise, and we all know that they are FULLY capable of doing this without any qualms whatsoever.  So they have been told SECRETLY that they are going to get their way.  Something about that doesn't strike me as very Transparent, does it?  Like I really believed THAT particular lie to begin with.

    The more I go into and analyze this man's speech, the more angry I become.  If I had to deal with him every single day, with the shadow of his lies hanging like a curtain over all of Washington, I'd probably act much like Joe Wilson.  Only thing is, give me enough time, and the President would never get me to say I am sorry until he apologized for lying first!

    AMEN and AMEN!


    Comment (2)

    Wed, Sep 16th - 2:03PM

    Another Political Spin Job...

    I have an article out of CNN that I'd like you to read:


    If you read this carefully, CNN is pretty much trying to make the point that this could not be an emotional outburst and that Congressman Joe Wilson was the liar.

    In shortened format I will outline CNN's arguements:

    1.   The president denied that health care legislation would provide free coverage for illegal immigrants.

    2.   The congressman responded by shouting: "You Lie!" to the presidents assertion.

    3.   CNN recognizes the basis that the congressman claims is that there were expressed quite clearly:

    "It was spontaneous. It was when he stated, as he did, about not covering illegal aliens, when I knew we had those two amendments, and I say that respectfully," Wilson said.

    He was referring to two amendments on one version of proposed health care legislation, which he said would have provided for verification of citizenship. Both of the amendments were defeated, he said.


    Wilson also cited a report by the Congressional Research Service that he said showed the health care proposals would include illegal aliens.

    "And I think that is wrong," he said.

    "We need to be discussing issues specifically to help the American people. And that would not include illegal aliens. These are people -- I'm for immigration -- legal immigration. I've been an immigration attorney. But people who have come to our country and violated laws, we should not be providing full health care services," he said.

    4.   CNN then pseudo-debunks this claim:


    As an aside, they used themselves as the source.  It sort of begs the question when the source to support the arguement is the arguement itself restated by the same persons.  (That is a logical point that CNN is too dim to understand, it seems...)

    5.   Additionally (according to CNN)

    A CNN review of the Congressional Research Service report found that the health care legislation does address illegal immigrants. It says that noncitizens who can be considered "resident aliens" under tax law, which doesn't distinguish between legal and illegal immigrants, would be required to buy health insurance.

    Yet the proposal clearly says that federal subsidies would go only to U.S. citizens and immigrants who are in the United States legally.

    The inference is quite clear.  CNN is painting Joe Wilson as having no merits to his arguments.  My reply is quite simple:

    "By order of the King, it is illegal to be unhappy in Happy Valley.  Therefore and henceforth, all citizens are required to be Happy at all Times.  So says the King!"

    There, that ought to do it.  Everyone is "happy" now!  Can CNN disagree?

    If you read their "Truth Squad" version of "Fact Check", you will find them indeed admitting that

    "Thus, legal permanent residents, and noncitizens and unauthorized aliens who qualify as resident aliens … would be required under H.R. 3200 to have health insurance," the new report states.

    CNN tries to defuse this by then going on to say:

    Critics say there is no way to enforce the ban on subsidies for undocumented workers, since the Democratic majority in the House turned back a Republican effort to explicitly stiffen citizenship checks. But Medicare and Medicaid already require those enrolled to provide "a substantial number of documents" to show they're U.S. citizens or legal residents, said Henrie Treadwell, a professor of community and preventive medicine at Atlanta's Morehouse University medical school.

    Um, excuse me for your non sequitur CNN.  It does not follow that Medicare and Medicaid (failed programs to be scrapped according to the President in clear speech designed to validate how we would be better off with yet another Government run program!) legal requirements would have any bearing upon the current proposal unless specifically legislated.  The amendements that were shot down intended to do just this!  By shooting those amendments down, this arguement has not one shred of valid basis.  It is circular logic of denial.  We say there is no problem because of "X" therefore, we do not need "X".  "X" and "X" are the same thing, ignorant beasts!  (I don't think they are ignorant -- I think they know full well what they are doing and I was just trying to be a little bit kind.  I failed.)  Furthermore, the quoted inclussion in the bill is: legal permanent residents, and noncitizens and unauthorized aliens who qualify as resident aliens to be covered by having to have insurance and not excluding them from the subisdy.  Can you see the difference between the Medicare/Medicade requirements, and what is clearly stated here?   Apparently, the CNN "Truth Squad" on a "Fact Check" cannot see the difference.  (I think it is more likely they think the average American Citizen is too dull to catch this -- I think they are fully aware of their own lies here.)

    It was an understandable emotional outburst, that it can be said, was a severe breach of protocol.  That is the worst it can be said to be.  It looks, from the Video Tapes of the account, that he immediately understood and regreted this mistake.  He made the apology to the President -- not directly, because he was denied that opportunity.  That was appropriate, and I would hope, sincerely meant, even though I think the status quo in Washington is something that Does need to get more than just shaken up.

    The following ties it up for me.


    1.  He apologized to whom he really should have.

    2.  The apology was offically accepted.

    3.  "...citizen verification, now on Friday has been adopted by the Senate. The White House has issued a statement that it will be included in their bill."  (funny, since CNN SWEARS there is no need for this at all in their great wisdom...)

    4.  Congress, in pretty much a partisan move, "...voted largely along party lines to admonish Congressman Joe Wilson..." says more than CNN really wanted to about the truth of the issue.  They were not out for the truth, but wanted to smear someone and thought they had a likely target.

    Can you understand why I have so little respect for the news according to CNN???

    In Truth,


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    Name: Mel Miller
    ChristiansUnite ID: lylejr
    Member Since: 2005-09-28
    Location: Aurora, Colorado, United States
    Denomination: Christian
    About Me: I've been a christian for some time, but squandered my time and talents 'in a foreign land' I have been in the military (active and reserves) for 33 years. (now retired) I have two lovely daughters, and life seems to often be strange to me.

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