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    Mel's Odd Stuff
          Just a bunch of odds and ends. Life is strange sometimes, so this will probably be strange, too...

    Wed, Mar 18th - 2:07PM

    Obama LIED!!!

    When then presidential candiate Obama was asked about his stance on Abortion by Rick Warren this is what he said:


    Watch the man's eyes.  I said it when he was making the glib statement "above my pay grade" insinuating that he does not want to force anyone to make any choice in this matter that he was lying!  His further explanation later was that he supports "Freedom of Choice" in almost a universal respect.  He gives the mandatory late term abortion spiel, but I tell you, watch his EYES when he does this lip service.  His lips say what is expected, but his heart is far from what he says.  The eyes tell the truth, not his lips!!!

    So, he is willing to step back and say to those who want abortions to be free of any constraint, "I'll give you freedom" but when it comes to a heath-care provider who needs to be able to excercise personal ethics and moral choices, "You have no freedom"  Seems to me the second statement means his position is really that this is not "above my pay grade" from his point of view.  The bitter seed he sows is this:  If heath-care providers must suspend moral and ethical judgement, then immoral and unethical medical practice is all you can ever expect.  I wonder if this could be part of the heath care crisis?  A few generations of this, and you expect no effect?  He sows something other than "good seed" so I wonder who he serves, really?


    "President's Obama's intention to change the language of these protections would result in the government becoming the conscience and not the individual. It is a person's right to exercise their moral judgment, not the government's to decide it for them."

    Funny.  If they tried to become the conscience for the person killing someone, it is wrong for the Governement to do so, but is perfectly alright for the Government to override the conscience of a person who routinely saves lives.  I ask you this:  What pupose does Obama's style of Government serve?  What purpose should the Government serve?  This is not a rhetorical question.  Hitler killed not one person in the Death Camps that we know of and yet he is considered responsible for fewer murders than we have had in abortions since Roe v Wade.  The Zero man has an agenda, and people are fooling themselves if they refuse to see it.

    Write.  Talk.  Quitely, but not silently, if that is your style.  Stand in the streets and Yell if you feel compelled to do so.  Speak the Truth and make it shine, and let there be no mistake on where you stand on this.  To not do so is abrogating your duty to your Lord!



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    About Me

    Name: Mel Miller
    ChristiansUnite ID: lylejr
    Member Since: 2005-09-28
    Location: Aurora, Colorado, United States
    Denomination: Christian
    About Me: I've been a christian for some time, but squandered my time and talents 'in a foreign land' I have been in the military (active and reserves) for 33 years. (now retired) I have two lovely daughters, and life seems to often be strange to me.

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