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    Mel's Odd Stuff
          Just a bunch of odds and ends. Life is strange sometimes, so this will probably be strange, too...

    Fri, Jan 26th - 5:54PM

    Meat Before Idols

    This is not the post.

    No.  I will edit this with the post.  But just by the title alone, you might sense where I am in fact going with this.  That you should already know should also tell you something even more important.  If you already know, why is your heart so hard?

    Stop.  Pray.  Examine God's Word.  Talk to your brothers and sisters (not in anger, but in honest questioning what God's Will is here -- seeking so that you will find)  Stop.  Pray.  And so forth.

    In Christ,


    (edit: Actually, I think I will make another post with the same title unless another comes to me by then...)

    Comment (5)

    Thu, Jan 25th - 7:37PM

    Faith or Mindless Rules of Men?

    I tread these grounds with Great Trepidation, for this is getting in so very deep, and some of what I will share is well beyond my ability to be perfect in, so understand me well:

    I may be wrong.  But what I see, I must share.  Hopefully, in due discourse, my understanding will become better, which is what my prayer is in all of this.  I am certainly not trying to judge, but some of this will come across harshly to those who will receive it so.  I am attempting all gentleness here, but my abilities in that respect are quite pathetic.  I am usually blunt to a fault.

    A specific example (one which kind of set me off) is that of Halloween.  This site had its share to say on the subject.  Others did so on their blogs, or in their comments.  Some of them crossed the line of judging others, as I see it.  Let me be clear on this:  Their opinion on the matter is strongly and passionately felt.  I can sense that and do not doubt their passion on the subject.  Their reasons seem sound.  I even respect the passion they have.  But there might be a log in their eye.  Be careful what you say!

    I know a brother, who in good conscious, gives out candy at Halloween.  He gives out small entertaining tracts, written especially for children with the candy.  I am certain that many of those tracts just get thrown away, and yet I greatly respect what he is doing, not for the act itself, but for the why.  In his mind, (and I stand in agreement with him on this, so now there are 'two or more' of us) this may be the only exposure that some of these children might get to the real existance of God's Word.

    I know the background of Halloween well.  Trying to educate me on the finer points I obviously might have missed is an endeavor you may try, but I will not try to encourage you in the matter that way.  Instead, I am going to fast forward a month or so to Christmas.  What?!?  Christmas?!?  What has that got to do with Halloween?!?

    What indeed!

    An interesting aside is for you read Frederick Meekins' post of Nov 13th.  The Epistolizer is the name of his blog, and it is right here, and often ignored or even derided.  For Shame!  What do you gather the Puritan view of Christmas was after reading this?  I will leave you time to do this before I continue.

    In Truth and Depending upon Grace,


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    Fri, Jan 19th - 2:44PM

    The Gospel of Faith

    Someone might say to me, for example, not to read Tom Clancy Novels, or allow my children to do so, or exort my friends and fellow brothers and sisters in Christ not to do so.  Their reasoning could be that it glorifies the machinations of war.  (This is a valid opinion to have, I might add.)  The problem is not in the position that they take in faith, and in good conscious.  The problem is when they decide what I must or must not do when they specifics are not completely spelled out in the scriptures.

    Others might argue to only read books by Christian Authors.  (I have heard this one, actually)  They can recommend such a thing, and even argue convincingly for their point of view, but if the scriptures are not clearly demarking that I should do as they say, they cross the line by telling me that I must do this or not do that.  They may ask, and if I can, I think that I should comply as much as it is in me to do so, in order to keep the peace.  Even should the preacher in the pulpit make a demand (holding more authority in my eyes, right or wrong) something that I do not feel is supported by scriptures, I do have freedom to shrug that demand and burden off my shoulders.  At times, I should choose to do so, not to cause division, but to stand against the oppression that leads some to feel in their hearts that they are saved by how well they do what they are told.  (the works mentality)  That is not it at all!

    James will tell us that faith without works is dead, but what constitutes these works is purely a matter of each person's own faith.  I can do the right thing with no faith whatsoever (James covers this quite clearly as well) and such works are absolutely faithless, and therefore, worthless.  That is not to say that because you do not feel like doing the right thing, that you have freedom to do evil.  No, not at all.  You will know it is wrong, and what is right.  Sometimes it will be cloudy and hazy.  It is fine to do some things simply to keep the peace, or because you trust the guidance to be better than your own understanding, but it does not obliviate the need for you to attempt to seek out an answer for yourself.

    There clearly is a need for us to respect authority.  What may not be as clear, but is apparent in some, is the need to rebel against the abuse of authority, while following that authority at the same time.  Remember Christ talking about those who sit in the seat of Moses?  I am that way quite naturally, and consider it a blessing and a curse.  If I can bear that burden for Christ, I do so gladly!

    I have yet more to say, but if I wait until I have time to say it all, I will not get around to it.

    Go in Faith,


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    About Me

    Name: Mel Miller
    ChristiansUnite ID: lylejr
    Member Since: 2005-09-28
    Location: Aurora, Colorado, United States
    Denomination: Christian
    About Me: I've been a christian for some time, but squandered my time and talents 'in a foreign land' I have been in the military (active and reserves) for 33 years. (now retired) I have two lovely daughters, and life seems to often be strange to me.

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