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    Mel's Odd Stuff
          Just a bunch of odds and ends. Life is strange sometimes, so this will probably be strange, too...

    Mon, Jan 21st - 10:10AM

    An odd thought...

    I was just talking to my wife about teaching the girls to fold clothes.  I fold my own sometimes, but my wife does that for the most part, and I am not so bold as to fold hers.  I get them all wrong!  I fold towels and sheets, too.  However, there is one thing my wife has given up on folding for me:  My socks.  You see, I just unfold and refold them myself.  Strange.

    I have no idea of what lesson may be in this, but feel free to share if you think of one.  Also feel free to weave this into something you may wish to share or teach upon.  The vine gives the branch nourishment.  Who is the branch to lay claim to any fruit it produces?

    In Truth,


    Comment (8)

    Thu, Jan 10th - 10:10PM

    Just trying to pass on what has been up with me...

    Like most of us, I am myoptic in my view of my own life, but I will share what I see.

    Long and short, I have had less time that I can spend here.

    I cannot post from work.  I could read, but honestly, I lack the discipline to read and not post, so for the most part, I do not venture here from there.  That really cramps my style, and breaks my habits of coming here as one of the first places I do go when surfing the 'Net.

    I've been working on the house, which I need to refinance since the ARM kicked in.  That took some time, too. (and still working on the refinance, so there you have something that can pop up on me anytime...)

    I did 14days straight of Military time late in November to Early in December, and that was not the best time for me.  It was 12 hour plus days, and no days off for almost a dozen of them.  I kind of lost my temper with my supervisor there.  No big trouble for me, but not the shining example I think I should be, I am afraid.  I sulked a bit and refused to talk to you about my failure in that.  Not what I think I should do.  And it is a vicious circle when you start doing that.  Forgive me.

    My ISP for my site changed things again, so I am starting over on rebuilding my site with someone else. Their (my old ISP's) attitude more than anything prompted the change.  That may be for the best, for it allows me to start over fresh and modify some of my thinking.  I spend time tinkering there when I could be here. Sorry about that!  I enjoy programming, even though I don't like redoing what I did before...

    Things are way out of kilter for others around me, and of course that effects me. I don't feel free to talk about their issues, but it is not about me anyways, so don't fret on my behalf.  I am ok in all of this, just frazzled a little by it.

    I don't feel right posting when I cannot read what others have posted.  I know that seems silly, but it is the way I feel.  So I need to spend more time getting around to all of you guys.  I feel that is what blocks me the most.

    I do enjoy my time here, so none of you should think you have anything to do with me being here less.  I would not want to let you think that was the case.  It is so very far from the truth.  No, this is more about finding the time again and adjusting schedules, etc.  If you were to even be trying to drive me off, you'd find that very hard to do.

    I changed my commitment to weekly instead of daily for what I hope are still light studies or readings.  I was not making it close to daily.  I could post more often, and would like to try and do that.  So you can ask the Lord for that on my behalf if you like.  I will not object.  I just cannot in faith commit to more than what I have.  Maybe I need more faith.  Ask what you will, I am open to what will come.

    I am tired and rambling a bit.  I am thinking I said what I need, but maybe something you say will make me realize I have not.  We'll see, I guess...

    Grace and Blessings,


    Comment (6)

    Tue, Jan 8th - 10:10AM

    Just gotta share this...


    Comment on the Revelation of what the Seven Peals of Thunder means to me:

    Either we cannot understand everything, we are not meant to know everything, or maybe something like either or both of these.  Much arguement is made about what is in Revelations.  Scholarly arguements I am not qualified to refute.  I am lacking in the world wisdom to do so.  Yes, I said worldly.  There must be value to what is being discussed and argued about in our spiritual lives for it to not be worldly. Just because they argue about Revelations does not mean it is worldly.  Just because some of the arguements are  worldly does not mean all of them are, even from the same person or perons!  Understand theat we must all do as we are led to do.  We just need to examine oursleves and our motives carefully.

    I am willing to accept arguements about water baptism that do not conform to my own!  That is core understanding to some, and I consider much of it rhetoric.  It means something to them, to be sure. They are conscientiously attempting to do God's will, even zealously.  But, they cross the line when it gets to putting others down.  It is a hard thing to disagree with someone without denigrating their value.  Remember, God cares for them.  Jesus died for them.  Do not assume a position higher than God!  That is idolotry!

    Let me share an odd thought:  (I am very possibly wrong in it, but this is where I am)

    Paul talks about praying three times for a thorn to be removed.  Earnestly so.  Scholarly speculation is generally along the lines that this is some health issue.  He requested medical help when he was in Rome, didn't he?

    My thought is not along those lines.  Sure he asked for a doctor.  So will I should a need arise.  I will ask for healing in prayer.  As I am sure Paul did.  But, this level of earnestness, I think it was something else.  I think Paul could be dying a slow death from cancer, and it would not mean he would ask for it along these lines.  No, I think Paul was talking about something in his human nature he was not overcoming.  I honestly think that for him it was pride.  I can give you only this in support of that:  It is what I feel, and I feel when Paul speaks.  Pretty weak by our standards, huh?  Not something you would expect of a thinking, rational person.  But there it is!

    Like I said, I am probably wrong, so lets not get into a looong arguement over it.  Feel free, however, to share insights.  I could benefit even from other peoples ideas that are as close to correct as my own might be, and even those we don't think are quite right yet.  This is part of our duty to own another.  Most people shy from it.  Do it in love, and I am sure you will not put yourself above God!

    In Christ,


    Comment (8)

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    About Me

    Name: Mel Miller
    ChristiansUnite ID: lylejr
    Member Since: 2005-09-28
    Location: Aurora, Colorado, United States
    Denomination: Christian
    About Me: I've been a christian for some time, but squandered my time and talents 'in a foreign land' I have been in the military (active and reserves) for 33 years. (now retired) I have two lovely daughters, and life seems to often be strange to me.

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