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    Smokey the Dog's Blog
          A collection of thoughts, images, and items of interst to Smokey the Dog

    Sun, Apr 30th - 10:21PM

    Are Your Knees Dirty?

    A Church Sermon illustration by Pastor James Ford, Jr.,South Shore Baptist church in Chicago heard on WPOS FM  04/30/06

     A man went to Israel, and when he got there he decided he wanted to spend a day with a shepherd. So he found a shepherd, and told him what he wanted to do. The shepherd agreed, and said Ok, the first thing we are going to do is feed the lambs. The shepherd goes over to the flock and uses his crook to bring over a lamb. He said, this one’s eaten already. Again he used his crook to bring over a lamb, and he said the same thing. This happened several more times. Finally two were found which the shepherd said had not eaten. He told the man, take this bottle, and you feed one and I’ll feed the other. The man said, wait a minute, how did you know which ones had eaten and which ones had not? The shepherd said, lambs feed by kneeling when they drink their mother’s milk. These lambs had clean knees.
    Then pastor Ford asked “Are Your knees dirty? Have you been fed by your Heavenly Father through prayer and studying His word?”

    I thought that was such a great illustration!

    Comment (9)

    Fri, Apr 28th - 9:01PM

    Great photo!

    I saw this magnificent magnolia outside St. Thomas Catholic church near my hometown and had to share it with you all.

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    Tue, Apr 25th - 4:06AM

    Amazing song interpretation

     Sunday during the service 2 members of our deaf congregation did a song interpretation that blew me away. The song was "How can you say no to this man" by Billy Spraig

    They set up a large black canvas, and one interpreted the song, while the other dressed in black "painted" on the canvas with her hands. She would dip her fingers in the white paint, and as the song played, slowly but surely, a figure apeared It was the figure of Jesus on the cross bigger than life size. Her movements were so well coordinated with the music the paint seemed to flow from her fingers with the notes of the song. Nothing was said during the whole thing. Just the song, the painter, and the signer for the deaf.


    Thorns on His head, spear in His side
    Yet it was a heartache that made Him cry
    He gave His life so you would understand
    Is there any way you could say no to this Man?

    If Christ Himself (standing here)
    Were standing here (glory in His face)
    Face full of glory and eyes full of tears (hold out His arms, His nail-scarred hands)
    He'd hold out His arms with His nail-printed hands (how could you say no)
    Is there any way you could say no to this Man?

    How could you look in His tear-stained eyes
    Knowing it's you He's thinking of?
    Would you tell Him you're not ready to give Him your life?
    Could you say you don't think you need His love?
    Jesus is here with His arms open wide
    You can see Him with your heart if you'll stop looking with your eyes
    He's left it up to you, He's done all He can
    Is there any way you could say no to this Man?

    Repeat Chorus (with echoes) (x2)

    Thorns on His head, your life is in His hands
    Is there any way you could say no to this Man?

    Oh, is there any way you could say no to this Man?


    Comment (4)

    Sun, Apr 16th - 1:51AM

    3 Epiphanies on Good Friday

      The first one came as I was in the shower getting ready for our bi-annual “Living Lord’s Supper” performance. I was reprising my role as Nathaniel, sometimes called Bartholomew, one of the 12.  I was trying to get the dirt off my feet so it wouldn’t show when I wore sandals on stage. Let’s just say, that after soaking, the dirt just wasn’t coming off. Then it hit me, how long did it take for Jesus to wash the Disciples feet that night? Certainly He didn’t just run a sponge over them. I bet He took his time doing the best job he could. I wondered what He might have said. It made me think as I washed my feet in the shower.


    The next two came as I was waiting to go upstairs and begin the program. We had gathered upstairs earlier for sound checks and a group photo. It was already warm in the sanctuary, and I was getting hot in my costume. Then I thought, what must it have been like in that upper room? No AC, no high ceilings, no fans, and a climate a lot warmer than Michigan in April. The experience made the last supper more real than ever before.


    Lastly are the lines not said. In the performance, Jesus says “The hands of the betrayer are on the table with me.”  In my monolog I wonder briefly about how could this be, and it ends abruptly by saying is it I? Is it I? I thought wow, I could add something like “How could a betrayer be numbered among His closest friends, but then I remembered Jesus saying the hands of the betrayer are on the table with me, and I looked down and MY HANDS were on the table. Then I would turn to Jesus, as I would have anyway, and asked Lord is it I? Is it I?

    That would have been so much more effective, but I couldn’t remember if any of the others talked about it, so I stuck with my prepared lines. As it turned out, It would have been fine. Still, it was a powerful thought. All the disciples ran away that night, so there wasn’t just one betrayer, Judas, they all did. Are we any different? I think not. Fortunately we serve a forgiving Risen Lord!


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    Wed, Apr 12th - 5:21AM

    God in State Constitutions


    Obviously the ACLU is not aware of this one yet.

    Did you know that God is acknowledged in the state constitutions of ALL 50 states????

    check out the full text here:


    This is the selection from our state's constitution

    Michigan 1908, Preamble. We, the people of the State of Michigan, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of freedom ... establish this Constitution ...

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    Sun, Apr 2nd - 10:28PM

    thoughts on thunderstorms and God's will

     by Smokey the dog

    The other evening there was a line of thunderstorms that passed through our area. I was going out to my car and saw that the rain was just pouring down as it does only in thunderstorms. I thought to myself "I am going to get wet!" Even with the exclimation point I knew it was an understatement. As I got ready to step out from under the awning and cross the street the rain started to let up. So I waited. The rain got stronger then let up some again and I thought, "I'd better go now, who knows when it's going to let up more." Well I got wet anyway. I got to my vehicle and in a couple minutes the rain had stopped.
    I think you know where this is going. Conventional wisdom says "Go now!" God says "Wait for me!" If I had only waited a minute longer I would have been dry. I think we all would be drier if we waited for God's timing before venturing out into the storms of life!

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    About Me

    Name: Smokey the Dog
    ChristiansUnite ID: smokeythedog77
    Member Since: 2005-10-19
    Location: Ypsilanti, Michigan, United States
    Denomination: Canine Baptist
    About Me: I'm a 5 year old Corgi & Shelty mix. My owners adopted me from an animal shelter, and taught me everything I know.

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