Sat, Oct 11th - 5:52AM
Meaning of love quiz
The Meaning of Love - from Dr. James Dobsom It has been of concern to me that many young people grow up with a very distorted concept of romantic love. They are taught to confuse the real thing with infatuation and to idealize marriage into something it can never be. To help remedy this situation, I developed a brief true or false test for use in teaching groups of teen-agers. But to my surprise, I found that adults do not score much higher on the quiz than their adolescent offspring. The ten-item test is reproduced below for those who would like to measure their understanding of romantic love: Beliefs about Love — A Self Quiz Please circle the correct answer, true or false: 1) I believe "love at first sight" occurs between some people. True False 2) I believe it is easy to distinguish real love from infatuation. True False 3) I believe people who sincerely love each other will not fight and argue. True False 4) I believe God selects one particular person for each of us to marry, and he will guide us together. True False 5) I believe if a man and woman genuinely love each other, then hardships and troubles will have little or no effect on their relationship. True False 6) I believe it is better to marry the wrong person than to remain single and lonely throughout life. True False 7) I believe it is not harmful to have sexual intercourse before marriage if the couple has a meaningful relationship. True False 8) I believe if a couple is genuinely in love, that condition is permanent — lasting a lifetime. True False 9) I believe short courtships (six months of less) are best. True False 10) I believe teen-agers are more capable of genuine love than are older people. True False see the perhaps suprising answers here:
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