Sun, Oct 11th - 1:37AM
What do you expect?
Tonight I was patrolling through the various parking lots as usual when I got to this one lot that up till recently had a lot of the lights burnt out. As I pulled in I thought how strange the lot looked with all the lights on. They had been out most of the summer and I had gotten used to using the high beams and the spotlight to check out the vehicles. Now I didn't have to, I could see the cars under the light of the repaired lights. How weird that I had gotten used to the darkness, when the light was the way it should be.
How often we drive aroud in dark spiritual parking lots thinking it's normal, when we can pray to God to "fix the lights".
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Wed, Oct 7th - 4:32AM
"City Lights"
It had been windy and rainy all this evening. Finally about 1:00AM it cleared enough for me to be able to see the moon and a couple stars. I thought that it was too bad that I couldn't see the stars like I could in the country. They were all washed out by the city lights. Kind of like how the "lights" of this world drown out the "Light of the world". And like how we have to leave the city to see the stars better, we have to leave the world behind to see God better.
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