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    Smokey the Dog's Blog
          A collection of thoughts, images, and items of interst to Smokey the Dog

    Wed, Sep 27th - 3:38AM


    By Smokey the Dog 09/24/06

    Oh Lord, You give worth to the worthless!

    You are truly worthy to be worshipped!

    The very word worship is derived from the concept of worth.

    When we worship we ascribe worth to the one who gives worth.

     In fact He is the only one with any value.

    All other “worth” is taken from Him.

    Value of the world = 0

    Value of God =  infinite

    Value of His children = Priceless

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    Sat, Sep 16th - 9:06PM

    foggy lights

    It was a foggy night last night. I found I was enjoying looking at all the various street lights as they interacted with the fog. I got to thinking that they are like Christians. They light the fog of this world in various ways, some brightly, some diffusely, some are like flood lights and some like fireflys.

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    Sun, Sep 3rd - 11:42PM

    thoughts during the offering

    Sundays that I work are always difficult. I get off a 12 hour midnight shift, and have to stay up for church. Today we had the Lord's supper, and I often get asked to help serve. I tried to avoid it by not sitting on the end of the row. Didn't work. I always seem to have an adventure when I am assisting with the Lord's supper or taking up the offering, and this was no different. At one point I ended up with three of the 4 offering plates! It was so strange. I've rarely had such a bad time of it. I was thinking about it on my way in to work tonight. There wouldn't have been such a problem if people would have moved in and filled up the pews. Instead there were many pews with one person on one end, and one on the other, or one in the middle and no one on the ends. Maybe they were sitting that way because that was where God placed them in the church, and the empty places are the gaps made by those who don't come for whatever reason, or those who will come. When the members of the church are scattered about it makes it hard for the body to function and some get caught juggling 3 "offering plates".

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    About Me

    Name: Smokey the Dog
    ChristiansUnite ID: smokeythedog77
    Member Since: 2005-10-19
    Location: Ypsilanti, Michigan, United States
    Denomination: Canine Baptist
    About Me: I'm a 5 year old Corgi & Shelty mix. My owners adopted me from an animal shelter, and taught me everything I know.

    Sept. 2006
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