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    Smokey the Dog's Blog
          A collection of thoughts, images, and items of interst to Smokey the Dog

    Tue, Jan 29th - 2:28AM

    Prodigal Bible Returns!

    Back in November my wife and I returned from vacation to find that my Bible and a church devotional guide (photo above) had been lost from my luggage. At luggage claim in Detroit we found the front zippered pocket of my bag had failed and the contents were gone. We found a note fom the baggage inspectors that they had been in our bags too. So someplace between El Paso Texas, a change of planes in Houston, and arrival in Detroit my bible had been lost. I filed loss reports with the airport in Houuston and with Northwest airlines in Dertoit, but nothing had turned up after 2 months.

    Well, this Sunday Doug hands me my missing Bible and devotional guide! He also handed me a letter which I have posted below.

    Dear Glenn,

    I’m sure that you are wondering how I ended up with your Bible; I myself wondered about it for quite a while. I traveled to Michigan in early November, when I arrived I placed my bags in my room and joined some co-workers to do some networking. Later that evening when I returned to my room and began unpacking my bags, I felt something in one of my bags that I did not recognize. I pulled it out of my bag, and it was your Bible; I quickly turned more lights on to examine it closer. I checked and double checked, yes it was my bag, it had my name on it and my belongings in it. It troubled me how this Bible could have ended up in my luggage, enough so that I felt compelled to read a couple passages; I truly thought it to be a sign from God. I am a person of Christian faith, but I do need to get my life back to God.

      I apologize for taking so long to get your Bible back to you; as near as I can tell, it must have fallen out of your bag and they stuffed it in the first bag that came by. I was on three flights that day; one from DFW to Houston, Houston to Detroit, then Detroit to Traverse City. You must have been on one of those flights.

    I remember praying after my Bible was lost that whoever finds it gets some use out of it. Well aparently this man did!


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    Tue, Jan 15th - 2:06AM


    After driving north for 31/2 hours we pulled into the snow covered parking lot and went in to register for the conference. When we came to move the van down to the cabin where we would be staying we had trouble getting out of the lot. It was sloped and the wet snow had packed down and made things quite slippery. Try as we might all we did was spin our wheels and slide sideways. We just couldn’t get up the incline. This was a front wheel drive minivan too! Finally we had to back down to the bottom of the slope and get a running start before we slipped and slid our way back onto the road.


     I thought about it and realized that that experience is kind of like our lives as Christians. Our life might take a long and winding road before we pull in and “register” for heaven by becoming Christians. Then we go out into the world, get in our spiritual vehicle, and can’t get out of the parking lot. We spin our wheels on the packed down snow and ice of this world. Sometimes our spiritual vehicles slide sideways, or even backwards. Yet with Christ we can always back down the hill, get a running start, and through the traction of God’s word, and the power of the Holy Spirit we can get back on God’s spiritual highway.

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    Thu, Jan 10th - 9:41PM

    If you're happy and you know it...

    You rember the song "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands"?

    Well I heard the other day this variation

    If you're a Christian and you know it


    I know I'm guilty of being a sour faced Christian, but we don't have any reason to be so. Christians should be the happiest people in the world.

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    About Me

    Name: Smokey the Dog
    ChristiansUnite ID: smokeythedog77
    Member Since: 2005-10-19
    Location: Ypsilanti, Michigan, United States
    Denomination: Canine Baptist
    About Me: I'm a 5 year old Corgi & Shelty mix. My owners adopted me from an animal shelter, and taught me everything I know.

    Jan. 2008
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