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    Smokey the Dog's Blog
          A collection of thoughts, images, and items of interst to Smokey the Dog

    Tue, Jul 31st - 11:46PM

    3 Foxes

    The other night my wife were out taking smokey for a walk and I saw some kind of animal across the road from us in a vacant lot. I thought it was a cat at first, but the ears were wrong. Well I realized it was a Fox! Not only that, I saw that this fox was playing with another! On top of that there was a third one off to the side. A nice little family group. That was so cool that right next to a busy 4 lane road less than a quarter mile from my house you could see something like that. We figured the fox family lives in the wooded area of the Washtenaw country club behind where they were playing.

    It's great that God can bless us in the midst of the ordinary!

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    Wed, Jul 25th - 8:06PM

    Cross Country Journey

    You know, I kind of like the idea of likening our walk with the Lord with a cross country trip. Instead of God being our “Co Pilot”, God is our leader, and Waymaker. The Holy Spirit is really our Co-Pilot because He lives within us, and certainly goes in the car with us! Christians were first called followers of “the Way” before they were called Christians in the book of Acts. They followed the way of living that emulated Christ. They, like Abraham, were on a journey to a city built by God, and so should we.

    So make sure you turn on your turn signal, and let others who are watching you know where to turn too!

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    Mon, Jul 23rd - 3:39AM

    Thoughts while driving to work

    It was after sunset, with just a bit of light in the sky as I started in to work. The traffic was normal, and I was driving in the left lane, trying to decide if I should move over or not. I decided to pull into the right lane and follow behind this big black SUV. As I drove along I thought "Gee it's like he's leading the way. I wonder if it's an angel acting like a blocker for me." Then I thought that that's the way it should be. That God should go alead of us leading the way, none of this "God is my co-pilot" stuff. The problem is when you are following someone in traffic you have to watch them carefully so you don't loose them when they make a turn.That's what we should be doing too, watching God to see where he is going, then follow Him!

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    Fri, Jul 20th - 11:09PM

    Survived the Art Fair





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    Wed, Jul 18th - 1:23AM

    Ann Arbor Art Fair is here

    Well today is the day many Ann Arborites have been dreading, the start of 4 days of overcrowding, parking shortages, and blocked streets called the Ann Arbor Art fairs. Me I like the Art Fairs, walking amongst the thousands of booths, getting my ankles banged by strollers, and looking at all the weird stuff, and then there's the art itself! Seriously though my wife and I plan to go this evening after she gets off work. Should be fun. We might even pick up something to eat from one of the concession areas after standing in line forever.

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    Mon, Jul 2nd - 10:34PM

    Daddy Loves You

    Tuesday night the ladies Bible study group was over at our house, and I was on dog watch. Now Smokey is a good dog, most of the time. The problem is he likes, no let me rephrase that, he LOVES attention! If people come over Smokey runs over and jumps up on them. He has even been known to bark at visitors if they are standing and talking together and not paying attention to him.  So I took Smokey with me back to the computer room with me. What an ordeal! Smokey either sat or lay by the door and whined almost the whole two hours. I ran out of treats to keep him quiet in the first ten minutes. Once in a while he would come over and jump up in my lap and briefly be quiet, but he would inevitably go back over to the door and start whining again. At one point I said to him, “What’s the matter Smokey, daddy loves you!” But he kept right on sitting by the door and whining. Immediately I thought, “Oh, that must be how God feels about us!” He loves His children, but they want to “join the others”, and can’t stand being “cooped up” with their Lord who loves them for any extended period of time. Yet God longs to be with us!

    Isaiah 30:18 ¶ Therefore the Lord longs to be gracious to you, and therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you. For the Lord is a God of justice; How blessed are all those who long for Him.



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    About Me

    Name: Smokey the Dog
    ChristiansUnite ID: smokeythedog77
    Member Since: 2005-10-19
    Location: Ypsilanti, Michigan, United States
    Denomination: Canine Baptist
    About Me: I'm a 5 year old Corgi & Shelty mix. My owners adopted me from an animal shelter, and taught me everything I know.

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