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    Smokey the Dog's Blog
          A collection of thoughts, images, and items of interst to Smokey the Dog

    Tue, Oct 23rd - 7:20PM

    Fall Photos

    Maple Leaves

    Yellow Trees

    Two Trees

    Just some photos I took last week near my town

    Comment (3)

    Wed, Oct 3rd - 9:08PM

    Title: The Ultimate Rewards Program

     Deb Eber's comments got me to thinking. I have 6 different mini "perks" cards on my key ring!

    Have I thought as much about God's "reward" program?

    Comment (1)

    Mon, Oct 1st - 5:37AM

    40 days of prayer devotional

    Come join me on a 40 day devotional.

    Our church as published a devotional guide, written by our church members.

    Each week the selections are going to be posted on the church's web site,

    so stop on by!


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    About Me

    Name: Smokey the Dog
    ChristiansUnite ID: smokeythedog77
    Member Since: 2005-10-19
    Location: Ypsilanti, Michigan, United States
    Denomination: Canine Baptist
    About Me: I'm a 5 year old Corgi & Shelty mix. My owners adopted me from an animal shelter, and taught me everything I know.

    Oct. 2007
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