Fri, Jun 22nd - 9:54PM
Dead Trees
I was driving around in my patrol car today and for some reason a dead tree outside one of the area’s favorite diners caught my eye. It was an Ash tree, and it was killed by the recent infestation of the Emerald Ash Borer. Ann Arbor likes to be known as “Tree Town”. Well after the Emerald Ash Borer hit it could be called “Dead Tree Town.” There are thousands of dead Ash trees everywhere, and thousands more have been ground into wood chips. All these were killed by a little green beetle that burrows under the bark, and can’t be seen by casual inspection! Then I immediately thought of the sin in our lives, on how it is not visible to the naked eye, yet it is fatal too. A tree or a person may look healthy on the outside, but underneath beetles and sin are eating them away. There is no present cure for the Emerald Ash Borer, but there is a cure for the sin that eats at us. His name is Jesus!
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Fri, Jun 15th - 1:24AM
No Disapointment in Him
I was just thinking, with Father’s day coming up fast, that I am probably a disappointment to my dad. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a failure or anything like that, just a disappointment. I have a wonderful wife, a good job with medical benefits, and a dog who loves us, no kids however. That’s fine with us, but I think my dad would like to have grandkids. I wondered if there was any son who didn’t disappoint his father at some time. Then I thought of one. Jesus. He is the only Son who never disappointed His Father in Heaven. And that’s a good thing!
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Tue, Jun 5th - 8:53PM
I was listing to pastor Tony Evans today. He made a statement like this. If you kick a dead dog, that dog dosen't move under his own power. He moves because you gave him power. Then he went on to say that we give Satan power when we blame things on Satan. He said Satan is a dead dog, and has no power because of what Jesus has done! I like that! if you want to hear his message you can go to his site here;
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Tue, Jun 5th - 4:28AM
Contests and God's Grace
by smokey the dog
Tonight I was walking along and thinking about the latest contest I had entered. I thought the odds of winning something were somewhat better than the lottery, but not by much. Then my mind drifted to thoughts of God’s grace. That was a free gift of God, but you still had to enter. That is, accept that gift and follow Christ. Yet unlike the lottery or some contest you only had to enter once, and you were a “winner” (of eternal life). The world thinks you have to keep entering (works), and if you have enough entries you get to receive the grand prize (heaven). Fortunately it’s not like that. You can’t enter enough to win the prize on your own. God enters for you, and all His entries are winners! All we have to do is accept His entry for us. You can eternally bank on that.
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