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    Smokey the Dog's Blog
          A collection of thoughts, images, and items of interst to Smokey the Dog

    Thu, Aug 31st - 6:26AM

    Dogs in the neighborhood

    Do you have names for the dogs in the neighborhood? As we have walked Smokey through our neighborhood we have come up with names for some of them. There’s Aaack, and Pointer, and the horse dogs. The name Aaack deserves some explanation. He’s called that because every time he was outside when we came by he would dash to the end of his leash and go AACK! when he came up short. Pointer would often just stand there pointing in our direction, and the horse dogs are 3 huge Mastiffs. I was thinking about this and I wondered what my name was in the neighborhood? Would they think of Jesus when they thought of me, or would my name be mud, or sleepy, or dopey or goofy? How about you? What is YOUR nickname in the neighborhood?

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    Tue, Aug 29th - 4:22AM

    Black flies at Higgins Lake


    By Smokey the Dog


    2 weekends ago I went camping with some men from our church. On a cloudy Saturday afternoon we drove over to Higgins lake state park near Roscommon Michigan. I chose to sit and watch as several from our group went swimming. In hindsight that may have been the better choice. In any case, I had several black flies attack my ankles while I sat there talking with some others from our group. I couldn’t believe it, but they bit me right through my socks! Finally I liberally sprayed my socks with bug spray, and that was the end of it, or so I thought. Almost a week later my ankles began to itch. I tried several things to get it to stop, and the topical ointments, including one with Benadryl, were only partly effective. Then out of desperation I took an antihistamine tablet, and that actually seemed to help. Now I have these red scabby patches on my ankles that itch, but not nearly so bad as before.

     I was thinking on this, and it entered my mind that the black flies are like sin. They bite through our socks and later trouble develops. Our socks are like out fleshly defenses, ineffective. The bug spray is like our after the fact efforts to correct the problem with prayer, or Bible reading. The only real cure was an internal one. In the case of sin, being filled with the Holy Spirit is the cure, and the preventative, and Bible study and prayer should be done before going out to the spiritual beach. Maybe next time I go to the beach in August in Michigan I will remember to put the bug spray before, and not after.

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    Mon, Aug 7th - 12:46AM

    Amazing opportunity in China!

      In our adult sunday school classs today one of our members shared this seemingly impossible opportunity developing in China. He said that through contacts made during a recent Christian Faculty retreat (part of Campus Crusade) he will be going to Saint Paul, to meet with some individuals who want to start a Christian University in China! Aparently they have already met with Chinese officials and have had their first classes in systematic Theology with about 50 house church pastors.
    The are going to call it Saint Paul University of China.

    Who would have thought this was possible in communist China?

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    About Me

    Name: Smokey the Dog
    ChristiansUnite ID: smokeythedog77
    Member Since: 2005-10-19
    Location: Ypsilanti, Michigan, United States
    Denomination: Canine Baptist
    About Me: I'm a 5 year old Corgi & Shelty mix. My owners adopted me from an animal shelter, and taught me everything I know.

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