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    From God's Word
          This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night,that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous,and then thou shalt have good success -Joshua 1: 8

    Tue, Apr 29th - 7:19PM

    Nothing To Fear, God Is Near

    “The Lord is my Light and my Salvation.” Psalm 27:1

    Why do some people go through life fumbling around in the dark? There is no need for that, because God is our Light. When evil tries to come our way, we have nothing to fear for He sustains our life and keeps us secure from all harm. Our hearts need never fear though a host should encamp against us for they all fail miserably. Even at death's door, we have nothing to fear, for He is near, and will carry us triumphantly through the sharpest trials of life.

    He hides us un His Pavilion where we there sing praise to Him. There is confidence in knowing we belong to God. He is our Lighthouse and we are anchored safely in His love. Even in life's darkest moments, we can have quiet confidence of blessed assurance.

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    Fri, Apr 25th - 11:35AM

    We Trust In God

    Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God. -Psalm 20: 7


    God is always nearby for us in all our afflictions, trials and troubles. He hears our cry and will come to our aid. Down from His glorious Holy place He will send relief and strengthen you in your most low time.


    In His salvation we rejoice, and give glory to Him for He the Almighty Jehovah hears and fulfills our prayers.


    God, Jehovah, Our Lord Most High, In Him we have great confidence. I know that He hears and answers prayer, for He did it for me many times.

    "May He send you help from the sanctuary and sustain you from Zion." Psalm 20:1

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    Tue, Apr 22nd - 4:19PM

    Resurrection Power

    Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification. -Romans 4:25

    Jesus was delivered up for our sins as He paid the debt we could not pay there on the Cross. It was our sins that nailed Him to the Cross. It was He who never knew a sin that paid for our sins. Oh how can I ever thank Him enough for what He did for me there on the Cross. Eternity would not be enough time for it.


     All glory to God who raised Him from the dead for our justification.


    Now if we believe on Him Who raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead, we shall be saved. Simple faith in God will bring salvation.

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    Sat, Apr 19th - 3:41PM

    Death Conquered

    Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain: Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it. -Acts 2: 23-24


    It was the plan of God that Jesus would die on the Cross. There on Golgotha's hill that awful day as the sky turned black, Jesus died for our sins. No one can imagine the suffering as He freely gave His life for all.


    He conquered death for you and me by taking away its legal rights. He atoned for all sin, which defeated death, Satan and all principalities and powers.

    And then after three days He arose from the dead. Now all one has to do is open their heart to Him, and start a new life. He is alive forever more!

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    Fri, Apr 18th - 9:45AM


    “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45



    There on the old rugged Cross our Saviour died to make us free. As they nailed Him to the Cross, He patiently bore the sins of the whole world.



     As they pierced His brow with the crown of thorns, it was bore with love for you and me. Soon this terrible death was over and the trembling earth shook. He cried out, "It is finished".  



    O hear His voice today and make Him your choice. He gave His life for you!

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    Tue, Apr 15th - 2:04PM

    Silently He Held His Peace

    The Chief Priests accused him of many things: but He answered nothing. -Mark 15: 3




    Why should He love us so? The One who hung the stars in the sky, stooped very low for us all on that day at Golgotha's hill. He did not have to give His life, but He choose to, without a single complaint.

    I love Him because He suffered and died for me. He was all alone on that day and was carrying the heavy load of all our sins. He said nothing, but held his peace. Even though He was falsely accused, bound with chains and mocked, He did not even complain. He knew that to refute their erroneous and false charges, was a waste of time. 

    Remember in the hard times of your life when Satan tempts you so, that it seems you must give in, remember the day that Christ suffered and died and opened not His mouth to complain. Remember how He died for you and stood all alone with no one to help. He held His peace.

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    Sun, Apr 13th - 4:39PM

    The Ride To Zion

    “They took palm branches and went out to meet Him, shouting, ‘Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the king of Israel.’” John 12:12-13

    On a lowly donkey our Blessed Lord comes riding into Zion. As the crowds sang hosannas and spread their garments in the way that day, He was hailed as a King. Did they know that the Christ sent from God was foretold long ago?

     He was indeed a King, but not of earthly powers. His glory was of royalty and was hidden from their carnal sight. His only interest was the souls of men. He rode where the cross He was soon to bear while wearing the purple robe.


    What a great sacrifice, to the ones who are slaves to sin! Now they can rise from bondage and be set free. Praise the Lord!

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    Sat, Apr 12th - 8:42PM

    Behold He Comes

    Behold He Comes So Lowly, Yet So Powerful


    “Behold, thy king cometh unto thee: He is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an donkey.” Zechariah 9:9


    Behold He comes. He comes to be King. He comes with the greatest gift the world has ever know. Salvation He brings! My heart thrills when I think of the Saviour's love for me.


    Why, Oh why, does not the world see and behold the Lamb of God, so meek that He rode a donkey and yet so just and powerful, that He is my very breath that I breathe. It brings great joy to my heart, when I think of the Love of God.

    In Matthew He is "your king".
    In Mark He is "lowly" hence a Servant
    In Luke He is "just," hence, the Man
    In John He is God, therefore, "having Salvation."
    He appears as the prince of Peace in His First advent
    In His Second Advent, He comes mounted on a war-horse as the Mighty Conqueror. -Rev. 19

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    Fri, Apr 11th - 3:04PM

    Good Things In Store

    How great is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee! Psa. 31:19

    Wonderful things are in store for the child of God. In His presence is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures forever more. Christ on the throne lives now to intercede for the saints and His loving kindness is excellent. That's why we put our trust in Him. Really, the only true satisfaction we have is following Christ. There is no life outside of God, but eye has not seen or ear heard the things that are in store of the children of God. Meanwhile here on earth the illumination of His Light is found in His Word. God will abundantly show loving-kindness as we continually look to Christ and the Cross.

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    Tue, Apr 8th - 2:55PM

    Proclaim the Good News

     “O Jerusalem…lift up thy voice…say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God!” Isaiah 40:9)

    We all have reason to lift up our voice and rejoice. The King is coming to reign in our land. Every tribe and race can and should be a messenger of this truth and grace. He came to be born many years ago in Bethlehem, but now He will come to be our eternal King. In love He will reign just as He died on the Cross in love. What great peace the world will know when Jesus comes to earth again. Lift up your voice and sing praises to the great King.

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    Tue, Apr 1st - 6:14PM

    God's Presence

    Surely the Lord is in this place; and I knew it not. Gen. 28:16


    God's presence in our lives make life worth living. He is always with us whether we realize it or not. He hears and sees everything that happens. He even knows our thoughts. He is with us always even unto the end of the world. We are the temple of the living God, and His presence goes with us and gives us rest. There is no where we can go away from His presence, and we cannot hide from Him. He is a God at hand anytime we need Him, as He fills the heaven and earth. He inhabits eternity and His Name is Holy. He dwells in the high and holy place, and with those of a contrite and humble spirit.

    Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Matt. 18:20

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    Name: Brenda L
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    About Me: I'm a Christian who loves God. I am blessed with a happy Christian home. It is my desire to always be obedient and pleasing to Christ my Lord.

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