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    From God's Word
          This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night,that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous,and then thou shalt have good success -Joshua 1: 8

    Fri, Apr 29th - 10:07AM


    Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom. Colossians 3:16 

    God desires His children to have Christian virtues such as charity forgiveness and kindness. These will abound and the Church will be blessed when God's Word is in their hearts. There will be a song of praise all the day long as we sing to the Lord with grace in our hearts.


    Much good can be accomplished. When we obey the Word of Christ. Husbands and wives can be won to the Lord. The Spirit of God enables us to bless others as we go along with a song in our heart. We all need the peace of God reigning in our life, so we can pray in the midnight hour and sing praises to God. It's good to know that we can sing songs of praise to God when the Word of Christ dwells in us. Hide God's Word down deep in your heart.

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    Tue, Apr 26th - 9:17AM


    And these are they which are sown on good ground; such as hear the word and receive it and bring forth fruit, some thirty, some sity and some a hundred fold. -Mark 4:20 

    The Word of God should be first in our life. Over all cares of the world and any other thing. God has given us an example to live by and grow stronger in Him. Do not let the Word be planted among thorns in your life, so as to be preoccupied with cares of the world, but rather act on God's Word and receive it. Then your life will bring forth fruit for God. Our Heavenly Father will attend to our life to bring forth much good fruit. When we abide in Him our life will yield fruit.


    Without God we can do nothing. It is God's desire that our lives are fruitful. Some of the fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness goodness faith, meekness and temperance. Let the Holy Spirit develop these characters in us so that we will be fruitful. Hear and receive God's Word. Take to heart the Gospel and bear fruit for Christ. No one will want to be empty handed on that great final day.

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    Fri, Apr 22nd - 9:15AM



    And he, (Josiah the king) read in their ears all the words of the book of the covenant, which was found in the house of the Lord. 2 Kings 23:2b

     This righteous ruler in Israel did a great thing. He read to the people about Israel's covenant responsibilities. Moses commanded the laws of God to be read before all the people of Israel. How important it is for everyone to read God's Word. Have it with you and read it daily. It is food for our soul. It contain thee answer to every problem in our life. Read and search the Word for in them we have eternal life. God's Word is our roadmap to Heaven. Read it and grow, read it and know. Read the Word and speak the Word that it may bring life and Light to a fallen world.  

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    Tue, Apr 19th - 9:42AM


     The Words of the Lord are pure Words as silver tried in the furnace of the earth, purified seven times. -Psalm 12:6 

    the Word is where the righteous go in times of stress for the Words of God are tried and true. They can be depended upon. Thank the Lord for the true Words of Life. Every Word the Book is pure and God is our shield and buckler. The righteous trust God. His ways are always perfect. He is trustworthy. Let us honor the King of Heaven for all His works are truth. His ways are always perfect. He is the only One we can really trust.


    All God's servants love the Words of the Lord for they are pure. They do not forget them, for they are a delight to them. They give understanding to the simple. Whatever would we do without the Word. They are help for the righteous in time of need. They are pure and dependable. Without even on flaw. The Words of the Lord are pure. 


    Rev. Verses 2 Samuel 22:31, Psalm 18: 30, 119:140, Proverbs 30:5

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    Fri, Apr 15th - 2:28PM

    We Are So Blessed When We Keep God's Word

    Blessed are they that hear the Word of God and keep it. -Luke 11:28

    How sweet it is to delight and meditate in the law of the Lord every day and night. It's the only way to peace and happiness. It helps us to avoid evil influences, bad deeds and habits. God causes us to prosper therefore and we are so blessed. The generation of the righteous are provided for. God looks after His children. 

    Everyone that fears the Lord and walks in His ways are so blessed. Psalm128:1,2  The Lord our Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel teaches us how to profit and leads us in the way that we should go. He is so wonderful! Oh that people would listen to God's Commandments! Then they would have peace like a river. Their righteousness would be as the waves of the sea.

    They shall prosper and be blessed and enter into the Kingdom of God. Look into the perfect law of liberty, continue in it and be blessed. It frees one from sin and death.

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    Tue, Apr 12th - 2:36PM


                ...and the ears of al the people were attentive unto the Book of the Laws. -Nehemiah 8:3

    There is so much about God's ways we can learn when we are attentive to the Word. So many have not known nor understood. This can easily be the downfall of a great church. The people need to read the Word and be attentive to it.

     God's people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge when we do not keep His Words. We are subject to God's wrath and condemnation. Cursed is everyone that contineus not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.

    Let us hear with understanding! Let us read and hear distinctly so that we can understand al the good sayings of the Word of God. Then we can be a happy people rejoicing because we have understood the words that have been declared. 

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    Wed, Apr 6th - 6:48PM


    Until I find a place for the Lord. -Psalm 132: 5

    The Lord is good. He helps us in our afflictions. How can we ever forget to make room for Him? Before we retire at night we should remember our Lord and forget not all His benefits. Build a house in our heart to bless the Name of the Lord God. Let it always be in our mind to make room for God in our heart. Unto the Name of the Lord my God.

    A habitation for our mighty God.  Honor dwells there. We find favor with God there. Desire to find a tabernacle for the blessed Lord God in the room of your heart.


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    Sun, Apr 3rd - 4:46PM


     We then as workers together with him beseech you also that you receive not the grace of God in vain. 2 Cor.6:1            

    To live in God will is doing the things written in God's Word and that will bring forth a godly life. The Lord graciously saves His people from sin and He desires that we walk in the pathway of righteousness. Let us be workers together in God's vineyard with love for our Heavenly Father who is the author and finisher of our faith.

     We are workers together and have purified our souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit. We should love one another fervently with a pure heart. Then we will have served the Lord with joy and the minister shall not be in vain. Our life will be a testimony of the grace of God.

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