Wed, Mar 30th - 2:58PM
But He gives more grace.- James 4:6
On the wonderful goodness of God. He gives more grace!
Grace that is greater than anything the world has to offer. Friendship with this world is nothing in comparison to what God has to offer. The world with all it's lust envy and hate will perish away. Choose to serve God for He gives grace and favor. His riches are plentiful and never
exhausted. God gives us power to resist Satan and all he has to offer.
Envy not your wicked, sin filled neighbors. God gives more grace than they than they will ever know. God gives from his bountiful supply grace to cover all sin. Grace that is sufficient to supply all you will ever need in life. Believe God today and be thankful for His full supply of grace.
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Wed, Mar 23rd - 8:31PM
In view of our recently loved ones who have passed on into eternity. For the sun rises with a scorching wind and withers the grass; and its flower falls off and the beauty of its appearance is destroyed; so too the rich man in the midst of his pursuits will fade away. -James: 1:11
Here today and gone tomorrow. That's how our life appears in God's sight. The beautiful flowers that show all their glory lasts only for a short while. So does our life. It too will eventually be gone and fade away as the flowers, but our souls live on in eternity.
Money is good to have but it can never buy back your youth when you are old. Money can never buy friends when you're lonely or a love that's grown cold. No mater how rich one may be, their money cannot satisfy their soul with peace down deep. Only by the grace of God we live. Only the Lord can make our life to gracefully live in true heart peace, and glorify Him.
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Fri, Mar 18th - 5:33PM
Gracuious Words
And all wondered at
the gracious words that proceeded out of His mouth. -Luke 4:22
Listen and hear for
beautiful words of life, from One who is most mighty, glorious, and
majestic, the Holy One of Israel. Jesus our Lord was anointed
to help us all. To heal the broken hearted and open the eyes of the
blind. He can speak peace to a troubled soul.
Listen as He opens the
scrolls and preaches words of deliverance. He can speak peace to all
who are troubled. His Words are true and full of life They can set
the captive free. His words are gracious and full of power.
Listen and you can
hear words from the Holy One of Israel, who is more fair than the
children of men.
Listen and hear words
that will bless and encourage. Listen and hear words from Jesus who
loves righteousness and hates evil. Listen and hear words from One
who is most mighty and glorious.
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Tue, Mar 15th - 4:23PM
And I will pour upon the house of David and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem the spirit of grace and supplications. -Zechariah 12:9
Jerusalem will one day receive Jesus Christ as their Messiah. He will not be rejected anymore but exalted. Grace of the Lord shall they obtain. Israel shall be close to the Lord and He shall lead them. They shall wail by the rivers of water and shall not stumble. God will be their Father and pour out His grace upon them. They shall fear no more, nor be dismayed. They shall not lack for anything. The spirit of grace shall be poured out on Jerusalem.
They shall go and seek the Lord. God will not hide His face from them, but will pour His Spirit of grace. It shall be poured out on all flesh. The sons and daughters shall prophecy. There shall be dreams and visions. Great grace shall be poured on them, even the servants and handmaid shall the spirit of God be poured out. They have sewn in tears and now reap in joy. Grace will be poured out.
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Fri, Mar 11th - 10:18AM
For they shall be an
ornament of grace unto thy head and chains about thy neck. Proverbs
A beautiful ornament
of grace to wear in life. For what more could one possibly want to
boast of. This ornament of grace is the locket to wear everyday of
life. Never forget to have it on your neck daily. This ornament of
grace gives special favor with God. That's a really all one needs to
have a good successful life. This ornament of grace is a great treasure of
beauty that money cannot buy. It is of great value and if you blessed
to have it, you will be free from harm and live safely for you have the locket of wisdom and life's instructions. Put the ornament
of Grace on today.
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Mon, Mar 7th - 2:55PM
By His Grace
By whom we have access
by faith into this grace wherein we stand. ROMANS 5:2
His Grace we are reconciled to God! If God should mark iniquity,
then who could stand, but there is hope and mercy with God. By His
Grace we stand and make our boast in the Lord. God's grace is what
keeps us close to God. By His grace we can enter boldly into God's
throne room for mercy. Jesus Christ our Advocate provides the way
into His marvelous grace. What love that comes from our Heavenly
Father, to give us this Grace.
By His Grace we have access to divine influence - By God's Grace we are transformed into a life of righteousness. We are now made
through His work of grace in our soul a beautiful life in the image of the heavenly.
By His Grace we have access to communion with God - We are permitted to pray to the Heavenly Father while living upon earth. This is an amazing privilege which is too little appreciated.
By His Grace we have joyous anticipation -hope of a better world to come.
By His Grace God will see us
His Grace we have hope and rejoice! We have His peace and favor!
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Fri, Mar 4th - 3:23PM
And at midnight Paul
and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God. -Acts16:25
The servants of God
were beaten and cast into prison, yet they sang and praised God,
anyhow. They were even cast into the inner prison with their feet
fastened, yet it was in their heart to praise the Lord anyhow. God
used their praises to convert the jailer to salvation. God can use
our praises in the midnight of our life too. When life's
burdens have you all beaten down, try singing a hymn to god. Sing.
"What a Friend we have in Jesus." Or "Love lifted
Me". Who knows what might happen. God knows and sees
everything. He knows who your life will touch. Try singing and
praising God in your midnight hour of life.
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Tue, Mar 1st - 6:04PM
Let us have grace
whereby we may serve God acceptably. Hebrews 12: 28b
What an awesome
privilege it is to serve and love God. Let us give him praise, honor
and glory. Let us serve Him with godly fear and reverence. Give
thanks to God always for all things for He alone is God. There is no
other. You may look the whole world over but you will never find
another one that is lovely as God our Lord. The Lord is our
confidence and He keeps us day by day. Let us serve God with
reverence and godly fear for He is a great God. Have grace in your
heart and serve Him diligently
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