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    From God's Word
          This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night,that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous,and then thou shalt have good success -Joshua 1: 8

    Tue, Jan 29th - 9:17PM


     Consider the Ravens

    Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls? -Luke 12:24

    Jesus describes God care of the ravens. According to Jewish law they were unclean creatures and among the least respected of birds. (Lev.11: 15) God still cares for them. He made them and considers them of value. He told his disciples thatch they would be cared for too. "How much more value are you? Do not worry because if the Lord provides for the young ravens that cry out for help, how much more will He hear and provide for people when they genuinely cry out for help. Trust in God who never fails, and He really does care for you.

    ~~ Jesus Christ is Lord ~~

    Lord over all life, everywhere. Jesus Christ is Lord
    He is master of the universe. Controller of Heaven and earth.
    Jesus is Lord

    Nothing is too hard for Him. He has all power
    In Him we live and have our being.
    Jesus Christ is Lord

    He is Lord of my home and my soul. Lord over everything
    Nothing passes His eyes of love
    Jesus Christ is Lord

    –Brenda A.

    Comment (4)

    Sun, Jan 27th - 9:14PM

    You Only

     I Desire You Lord

    With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early: for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness. Isaiah 26:9 

    We have reached for His hand and friendship with the Almighty. We need to continue to " Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." Matthew 26:14 

    And the LORD shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.-Isaiah 58:11 

    When we hunger He is our Bread of Life. O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation -Psalm 95:1.

    You are a joyful God and I desire to be near you. You are there in my lonely days. Your fellow ship is beyond compare.

    -Brenda A.

    Comment (2)

    Fri, Jan 25th - 3:58PM



    Blameless Job

    There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil. Job 1:1

    Job was a straightforward man with a spotless character. He was blameless before his human critics, but not completely sinless before God. Job feared God and shunned evil. He had quite a relationship with God. He was motivated to turn away from evil. He had an ideal family of seven sons and three daughters. It seemed that everything in his life was complete but God had a test for Job to go through.

    God's plan for Job came when Satan presented himself before God with the sons of men. Satan was granted the right to enter this hedge of protection that was build around Job and his household However Satan’s power was limited. Satan was sure that Job would curse God if his prosperity and family were removed. The Lord of the universe was surely with Job during his difficult days.

     He is sure to be with us in our troublesome days on earth, when we keep our trust in Him as Job did.

    God limits Satins power on our life!

    Comment (6)

    Wed, Jan 23rd - 11:23AM



    The Blessed Hope 

    Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ; -Titus 2:13

    That is what we live for. Without hope we would be most miserable. This world has nothing to offer us to make us happy. Friends often let us down, and we cannot put our trust in money or things of this world so we turn to our Creator, the only one who gives hope.  We look for that blessed hope of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

     If one lives a ripe old age on this earth it is nothing compared to eternity, so we patiently wait for the coming of Jesus. When He shall appear we shall be like Him

    Let us live a sober life while we wit for that glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. We are His own special people and He has not forgotten about us. Soon He will redeem us unto Himself and where He is there we shall be also. I wait for that day. There I shall see my brother who is gone on before us again. "Oh Blessed Hope"


    Comment (3)

    Tue, Jan 22nd - 11:46AM



    Heaven Our Eternal Home


    For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens—2 Corinthians 5:1.


    Our hope is in Heaven, a home not made with hands. The place is far superior to any thing, which has ever entered our minds. It is a place where we will live with the Savior. No violence or anything to harm us in that fair city. There is no Temple there, for the Lord God Almighty and the lamb shall be the light thereof. The glory of the Lord shall lighten it, and the Lamb shall be the light thereof. There will be the Tree of Life with its glorious beauty and the perennial fruits. The river of life, clear as crystal proceeds out of the throne of God and the Lamb. There will be nothing there to defile, because every subject will be holy and perfect as the Father is perfect. The dwellers there will be eternally happy and without spot or wrinkle. No we will not be disappointed or dejected there in that Heavenly land, but everyone will be beaming with smiles and sparkling with joy. No storm clouds there for the former things are passed away. There will be no tears in Heaven. Everything we need will be supplied. It is a place of everlasting joy and habitation. –Brenda A.

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    Fri, Jan 18th - 9:13PM



    Proclaim A Fast

    So we fasted and besought our God for this: and he was entreated of us. -Ezra 8:23

    Cry out to God and He will be entreated. He still answers prayer. Proclaim a fast to the Lord your God. Afflict yourself before God. Your soul will be delivered from problems. You will be kept alive in time of famine. Hope in His mercy. The eye of the Lord is upon those who fear Him. The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous and His ears are open to their cries. Ps. 34: 15 all things work together to them that love God.

    Sanctify a fast, and call a solemn assembly. Cry unto the Lord. Revival will come. Te sick can be healed. God's protection from danger can be secured. Salvation to lost loved ones can be brought about. The inauguration of a new ministry may spring forth. Most of all you will have new freedom in Christ and better fellowship with the almighty God. Spend time alone with God.

    Comment (1)

    Thu, Jan 17th - 7:58PM

    Fulfilling His Word

    For he saith to the snow, be thou on the earth; likewise to the small rain, and to the great rain of his strength. -Job 37:6 Fire, and hail; snow, and vapors; stormy wind fulfilling his word: -Psalm 148: 8


    As I look out at the beautiful snow, my mind is mixed. Snow is so beautiful, and yet it can cause many changes in our day-by-day schedule. I get my camera and rush to the door to get some snapshots of the beautiful view, before it is all gone. Memories of this beautiful ground cover will now be seen all year. 

    It is God who sends the snow to fulfill His Word. God made everything beautiful. God moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform. He plants He opens up the treasures of His snow and blankets the earth so beautiful. His footstep is in the sea and He rides upon the storm. For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and returns not, but waters the earth, and makes it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: 


    He makes the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still. The Lord has his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet. -Nahum 1:3 God's ways are beyond our knowledge. Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool. -Isaiah 1:18 

    Comment (2)

    Tue, Jan 15th - 1:50PM

    Our Provider


    The Lord Our Provider

    The Lord is good to us. He richly bestows favor and ho nor on His children. No good thing will He withhold from the righteous. It is His good pleasure to give good things to us. The young lions may sometimes go hungry, but those of us who reverence the Lord will never lack any good thing.

    Jesus said" Consider the lilies of the field how they grow. They neither toil or spin and even Solomon in all his riches was not arrayed as they are. Oh yes He will take care of His own. Jesus also said to make a request in His Name and it will be answered, so you hearts can be filed with joy. What a blessing that we do not have to worry about what we eat or wear, because it is our Father's good pleasure to give unto everything.

    Almighty God, You are my Pearl of great price

    Comment (1)

    Sat, Jan 12th - 3:24PM

    Our Heavenly Father


    Abba! Father!


    And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. -Galatians 4:6

    We who belong to Christ have a great Heavenly Father - Abba Father. We have been adopted into the family and we have a right to call on Him. It is good to be part of this family. We have close intimacy and affection. We are born of His Spirit and that is how we know the God is our Abba Father. 

    We are heirs of God through Christ. My heavenly Father is rich and owns everything. He owns all the houses and land and even the cattle on a thousand hills. I do not have to want for any good thing. All I need to is call on that precious Name and He hears me.

    If we have not the Spirit we are none of His. Romans 8:9.  If we are adopted into his family we are his own and we can cry out and use that intimate name "Abba". In my hour of greatest need, I can go to the Father, and He will provide help for me. I can trust Him as a little child trust their parents. How comforting to know this!

    Only the members of God’s family use it because we are born of the Spirit. The Lord is that Spirit and where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. –2 Corinthians 3:17

    Abba Father

    Abba Father, let me be yours and yours alone,
    May my will forever be ever more your own.
    Never let my heart grow cold, you'll never let me go,
    Abba Father, let me be, yours and yours alone.

    Abba is an Aramaic word, and some believe it is the expression a child would use, evidencing trust. It is viewed as a diminutive or shortened form of a name, rather like a child might say “daddy" or "papa."

    Comment (1)

    Thu, Jan 10th - 12:46PM

    Jesus Weeps


    Jesus wept. -John 11:35


    Jesus was doing the business of the Father when he received word that Lazarus was dead. On the way to where Lazarus was a band of people met Him. Can't you just imagine the band of Jews coming with Mary? One who could comfort them was Jesus, their friend. He was the one she longed for. According to the Jewish tradition in their time it was custom to have a hired mourner and at least tow flute players to help with the mourning. The band had already gathered together. Mary fell down at Jesus feet and He groaned in spirit.

     Jesus was troubled probably at the emotional grief of the people. He saw their unbelief at the power of the resurrection. Probably that was why Jesus was grieved. He did not grieve about Lazarus being dead, because He knew He was going to raise him for the glory of God. Now Jesus wept tears of grief. He knew how Lazarus was going to have to leave the beautiful abode of Heaven and come back to earth again. His tears and grief could have been for a fallen world entangled in sin and death. Nevertheless the Bible tells us Jesus wept. He was a man of sorrow and was acquainted with grief as we find in Isaiah 53:3

    Comment (2)

    Wed, Jan 9th - 11:33AM

    Our Compassionate God

    He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. Psalm 147:3

    When in life we suffer from a broken heart, we can find courage and happiness in knowing that God has not forsaken us. When our heart is broken He is there to mend it. It is His desire for His children to be happy. During His earthly ministry, Jesus was always going about doing well. He had an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit and the Father. He was sent to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and to mend the broken hearts. He came to set free those who are bound and to open up prison doors.


    Let us stay filled with the Spirit and recognize our need for a close relationship with God. He is still at work in the lives of His children. He desires the very best for us. Bring all your cares and broken hearts to Jesus and let Him mend your soul. Blessed are they who are poor in Spirit for theirs is the kingdom of God. God will comfort those who mourn for He cares for you.

    God bless everyone today! -Brenda

    Comment (3)

    Sat, Jan 5th - 3:26PM

    Not Forsaken


    For the LORD will not forsake his people for his great name's sake: because it hath pleased the LORD to make you his people. -1 Samuel 12: 22 

    Have you ever felt forsaken by God? God will not cast off nor forsake His children. Often times in life when things are not going as we think they should, we tend to think that He has, but we can rest assured that He has not forsaken His inheritance we are His chosen people. During fierce persecutions the saints tend to think that the Lord had left his own sheep, and given them over to the wolf; but it has never been so, nor shall it ever be, for the Lord will not withdraw his love, neither will he forsake his inheritance.

     When it seems that He has left us it is for the benefit of designing us for His glory, but never can he desert us. He foreknew us and makes intercession for us. We are made in his image and He is our defense. He loves us with an everlasting love. God is faithful to His promise and He will keep His covenant of mercy with them that love Him. He keeps His commandments to a thousand generations. The Lord is faithful and has not forsaken us. So let us fear God and keep His commandments. God has not forsaken us

    He may chasten and correct.
    But he never can neglect
    May in faithfulness reprove.
    But he never can cease to love

    Comment (3)

    Fri, Jan 4th - 2:06PM

    Praise the Lord

    Praise the Lord

    Praise the Lord from the heavens,
    praise him in the heights above.
    Praise him, all his angels, praise him,
    all his heavenly hosts.
    Praise him, sun and moon,
    praise him, all you shining stars.
    Praise him, you highest heavens
    and you waters above the skies.
    Let them praise the name of the Lord,
    for he commanded and they were created.
    He set them in place forever and ever;
    he gave a decree that will never pass away.

    Praise the Lord from the earth,
    you great sea creatures and all ocean depths,
    lightning and hail, snow and clouds,
    stormy winds that do his bidding,
    you mountains and all hills,
    fruit trees and all cedars,
    wild animals and all cattle,
    small creatures and flying birds,
    kings of the earth and all nations,
    you princes and all rulers on earth,
    young men and maidens,
    old men and children.

    Let them praise the name of the Lord,
    for his name alone is exalted;
    his splendor is above the earth and the heavens.
    He has raised up a horn [of strength] for his people,
    the praise of all his saints,
    of Israel, the people close to his heart.

    Praise the Lord.

    -Psalm 148

     The Pledge to the Holy Bible:

    I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God's Holy Word.

     I will make it a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path,

    and will hide its words in my heart that I may not sin against God

    Comment (1)

    Tue, Jan 1st - 1:49PM

    Each Day With Jesus

    Meeting with Jesus is one of the best things we can do each day. It gives us strength to face the day and all it brings.

    How strong we can be when we live with Jesus. How weak we are without His help. With Jesus as our guide we can do wonders. Early in the day is a good time to meet with Jesus. Our minds are rested and we have strength for the day. His Word and presence can go with us all the day through.

    Abraham Lincoln said, “In the end, it's not the years in your life that count, it's the life in your years.” When we spend our years with Jesus, we have a better life. Let's step out of the world's parade and make up our mind with a new determination to exalt and live for God and get in the Glory land march. Then we will have power to face life with all the difficulties it may present. 

    Dwelling In His Presence

    One short hour with the master

    To keep our life from disaster

    Burdens lifted, troubles mended

    Weakness can be suspended

    Time in His presence is not in vain

    Joy and strength become our gain

    Earthly cares lose hold on live

    Dwelling in His presence we thrive


    -Brenda A.



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    Name: Brenda L
    ChristiansUnite ID: adnerb7
    Member Since: 2007-01-22
    Location: , Georgia, United States
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    About Me: I'm a Christian who loves God. I am blessed with a happy Christian home. It is my desire to always be obedient and pleasing to Christ my Lord.

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