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    From God's Word
          This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night,that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous,and then thou shalt have good success -Joshua 1: 8

    Thu, Aug 25th - 4:53PM


    No weapon that iss formed against thee shall prosper. -Isaiah 54:17


    God has everything that concerns our life in His control. No matter what the defense is, it shall perish, because we serve God and He has the final say. He is our righteous judge and this is our heritage. God shall rebuke them and off they go fleeing as chaff chased by the wind to their own troubles, and before the morning they are not. They shall never be satisfied or find comfort of soul, all those who fight against God's chosen. In God we have strength for our journey and all who come against the saints will be put to shame. they are justified and glorified and no terror shall come near them. God cares for His own!


    Reference Verses: Isaiah 17:12-14, Isaiah 45:24, Isaiah 54:14

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    Fri, Aug 19th - 4:15PM


    So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs -John 21:15 K J V

    Loveth thou me? Jesus asked Peter and Peter's reply was "Yes, Lord, You know that I love Thee. Three times. Yet when the chips were down Peter ran and left Jesus. This is an example of the old adage, "Actions speaks louder than words."
    I love you is merely words until you put action behind them. Do we love God? Lets show it. Not only by words but by deeds also. To him that knows to do good and does it not, to him it is a sin. God's love is shown for us in John 3:16
    - Written by Arthur

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    Tue, Aug 16th - 4:40PM


      Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5 

    I have found that I cannot rely upon my own strength to get through this earthly life. We  all need the Lord to get us through. All we have to do is just call upon Jesus and He comes to our rescue. He never fails when we acknowledge Him.

    Fearing the Lord and departing from evil leads to and intimate life with the Lord that makes life worth living. the way is much brighter living in His love, for God's loving-kindness is better than life. Living in His wisdom and righteousness, leads us into a much better way of life. Lean on and trust in the Lord with all your heart. Rest in His love, quietness and strength.

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    Fri, Aug 12th - 5:44PM

    The Bread of Life

    And Jesus said unto them, I am the Bread of life. -John 6:35

    This is the Bread we all should want. The Bread that lasts forever. The disciples could not understand about this bread that me down from Heaven, until Jesus explained it to them. Then they said, "Lord evermore give us the Bread." This Bread is none other than "Jesus". Many do not want the requirements for obtaining this Bread. Many would even leave Jesus, as they do today, but this Bread is worth obtaining as one never hungers anymore.

    Jesus Christ fully satisfies all spiritual hunger. He came down from Heaven to do the will of the Father. That is for sinful mankind to come to Him. If we do not eat of this Bread, we have no life. -John 6:53

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    Fri, Aug 5th - 5:44PM

    Serving the Lord our Master

    For one is your Master even the Lord. Mathew 23:9

    What a delight to serve the One and only true Master. He is more than life to me. He is everything. When other things would be my God, life becomes a failure. It is much better serving the Heavenly Father, who knows and sees everything. In Him we have freedom and Light. No longer do we have to walk in darkness, but in goodness, righteousness and truth. Knowledge of the truth leads to moral purity and happiness.

     God is my Master and it is wonderful staying close to Him for He shows me the path of life. Children of Light do not have to fear facing God's wrath. Focusing on His Presence and serving Him with honor is wonderful!

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    Tue, Aug 2nd - 11:16AM


    Now unto us that is able to do exceedingly abundantly according to the power that works in us. -Eph. 3:20

    We may sometime think that our need is too much got us or even God to work out, but as stated in the text, God is able to do far above all we ask or think. Unto Him be all glory! By His grace and power He will establish and strengthen you. He knows every secret thing and He will judge accordingly. God has prepared wonderful things for those who love Him. The effectual power working in us can bring about the needed changes for our life. Give way to God’s spirit and power. Let God do great things for He is able.

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    Name: Brenda L
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    About Me: I'm a Christian who loves God. I am blessed with a happy Christian home. It is my desire to always be obedient and pleasing to Christ my Lord.

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