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    From God's Word
          This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night,that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous,and then thou shalt have good success -Joshua 1: 8

    Fri, Jan 29th - 9:51AM


    I have seen the affliction of my people. -Acts 7:34

    The Israelites  wandered out in the desert for many years that caused them to live under hard conditions. After forty years the Lord appeared to Moses with comforting words. God heard their groaning and he remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob. He had seem the people's afflictions and heard their cries. He had come down to deliver them. He brought forth his people with joy. 

    God looked on the Israelites and was concerned about them. He is just as concerned for us in today's world where people roam in sin. They suffer from  "affliction." in some shape or form this is the Christian's earthly lot.

    As you suffer in afflictions and groaning,
    God longs to deliver you today just as He did for them. We wants to turn your sorrow into joy. Then His commands you can observe and keep His laws. Praise to the Lord. Jesus is soon to return to gather His children. Get ready to live with Him forever.


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    Mon, Jan 25th - 6:15PM


    And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the cool of the day and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. -Genesis 3:8


    Can you just imagine walking in the garden with God. What joy it would be, yet Adam and Eve were not so eager to walk with God that day. Could it be that their intimate relationship was broken by sin? It seems so, for they hid themselves among the trees. Their Maker God, called to Adam, "where art thou"? Adam and Eve must have felt at their lowest that day. God is always seeking people out today but sometimes sin separates one from God. Adam heard his voice but was afraid. Sin always ruins one's life. Sin is to be blamed for all sorrow.


     Softly our Lord comes to us today. He yearns to have fellowship with so many, but they turn Him away. He sees the aged and the youth hiding from Him, and crowding Him out, yet He tenderly waits for them to open their hearts door to Him. In the cool of the day, when God comes along, do not turn hHim away, but let Him in for a visit. He longs to have fellowship with you.





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    Thu, Jan 21st - 3:05PM


    Exodus 15:4 Who is like unto You O lord among the gods? 

    He is glorious in holiness fearful in praise doing wonders. He is merciful, kind, longsuffering abounding in mercy. He makes the most vile sinner clean, by forgiveness of sins. He does awesome things. He is my praise! I rejoice in Him. He keep me happy for He knows how.

    Search everywhere you may. You will never find one as great as God. Let God be exalted. He is great, there is no one else like Him.The One who made Heaven and earth. He has done great and awesome things. There is no god like my God. He is Maker of all. Make Him your God today. He is waiting!           

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    Mon, Jan 18th - 12:24PM

    Christ Our Rock

    From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Psalm 61:2

    Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I. Sometimes in life we need a shelter. Where else can we go to find a shelter in times of life's storms. It's so good that we have a God to go to, who is a God afar off, as well as at hand. The Lord is our only hope for He is more superior to any human source. His grace divine will lead us to the Rock where we find safety and security. On the Rock of Christ, we find peace for our troubled soul that we can find no where else. We find mercy and truth.

     There is relief to be found in God, and only in Himself, in the loss of all, when nothing remains. This was Habakkuk's comfort if all should fail him, yet,  he said, "I will rejoice in the Lord, and joy in the God of my salvation." When the waves of our troubled life overwhelms us. Then we are saved from our afflictions we arise from our low estate. He saves us and grants unto us according to our need. He listens tour cry for help when we have no one who seems to understand. He does not with-hold from us our heart's desire. Trust in God. He will not fail you. He is our Rock of Salvation.


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    Wed, Jan 13th - 1:49PM

    A Cheerful Spirit

    Is your heart crushed by affliction, and refuses to be comforted. God's Word says, a merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. -Proverbs 17:22

    The Lord wants His people to be happy. A cheerful heart is revitalizing to the entire person.  Our mind has power over our body. The greatest wear and tear is from mental labor. We need to have a renewed mind in Christ. The Word of God which is "quick and powerful." It convicts us of our wrongs and helps us to live better.  The broken spirit may lead to that godly sorrow which works repentance to salvation, but the audacious mirth of the sinner is most likely to end in weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth.

    Who can bear a heavy heart? It stoops one very low and their spirit is broken. Then let God make it happy. The Lord can help us. He will put a new spirit in you and you an live in a continual feast. A merry heart does one good. Let your heart be joyful. God love and cares for your cares.

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    Fri, Jan 8th - 1:55PM

    Strengthening Power

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. -Philippians 4:13


    Out of God's glorious riches.  He strengthen us with power through His Spirit in our inner being. Without Christ we cannot do anything but with Him we can do all things. If we abide in Him we will bring forth much fruit for He is the Vine and we are the branches. The Father will be glorified by this. Some of the fruit that we will bear is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness and faith. We are strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that we may have great endurance and patience. When we have Christ, we are to allow His spirit to flow through us making us as He wants us to be. Then we can sang the old song.


    "Savior make me what you want me to be, 


    Help me always to walk close to Thee.


     May I never go astray. 


    Teach me how to live each day". 


    Make me Lord, what You want me to be.


    That is a song I sang as a small child. It is my prayer today.  Let the fruits of the spirit mature in our life so we can bring forth these wonderful fruits. Without Him we can do nothing. We don't want to hinder the testimony of Christ.

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    Mon, Jan 4th - 2:08PM


    Do you hunger for God and his righteousness? Jesus said, You will be filled". Just pray and yield to the spirit, and you shall be filled. Everybody wants to be blessed. From the East unto the West. So live for God and do your best.

    Everyone who thirsts come to the waters. Come buy milk and wine. Everyday with Jesus dine without money without cost. Then your soul will not be lost. Delight yourself in abundance.

    Life is very unsure so do not take a chance at losing your soul. Whoever drinks of His water will never ever sink. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled. -Matthew 5:6

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    Fri, Jan 1st - 3:25PM

    God Has Give Us Eternal Life


    And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life. -1 John 5:20


    He is the true God and eternal life. Another year has come and gone. God has blessed and kept us by His great love and power. Daily He looks down on us from His throne in Heaven. He blesses us and keeps us from harm and danger. Only He knows what's in store for us in the coming year.

    We know that He will be with us in the coming year. He has not forgotten us. Whatever may happen, we can be assured that He will be there for us. What a comfort that is for us. Nothing happens to us without God's will. He is the Daystar of my life. The One on whom I depend this day and every day. He will keep us now and forever. If we know Him we have eternal life.



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    Name: Brenda L
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