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    From God's Word
          This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night,that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous,and then thou shalt have good success -Joshua 1: 8

    Fri, Jan 31st - 12:20PM


    “I have called you friends.” John 15:15

    It's great to be called His friend! He is the One on whom we cast all cares. He hears our prayers and accepts them. Having once tasted of His grace, we stay hovered under His wings. We are safely kept there and renewed in our heart, while evil and danger turns away. If we stray away, we can softly hear His voice beckoning us to return and walk with Christ where we are safe. Our Comforter and Guide keeps us until all the hardness is removed from our heart. Standing on the Rock of our Salvation, we are upheld by His gracious hand of love. There lies our help. He holds us lest we fall. This is the very best Friend anyone will ever find!

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    Tue, Jan 28th - 11:16AM

    Our Joy and Desire

    In the path of your judgments, O LORD, we wait for you; your name and remembrance are the desire of our soul. -Isaiah 26:8

    We (Christians) walk in the way of Divine judgments, because He is our hearts desire. His ways are far better than the ways of the world. We gladly await the day that He returns to earth again, because He is the awaited Messiah that our heart longs for. We have true affection for Him while He is absent, knowing that He will soon appear. Just the mention of His lovely Name brings peace.

    He is my hope and grants me grace, while He keeps my heart in peace. Under His mighty wings I find rest until the day He calls me home to live with Him while the ages roll. O glorious day!

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    Fri, Jan 24th - 11:26AM

    Faith Builders

    What I Confess, I Possess


    I possess Salvation:

    I confess "Jesus as my Lord." -Romans 10: 9-10


    I possess healing

    I confess "by His stripes, I am healed." -Isaiah 55:3


    I possess freedom

    I confess "the Son has made me free" -John 8:36


    I possess the ability to love everyone

    I confess "the love of God is shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Ghost."


    I possess lion-hearted boldness in spiritual warfare

    I confess "the righteous are bold as a lion". -Proverbs 28:1


    I possess the presence of God, each step I take

    I confess, "He will never leave me nor forsake me". -Hebrews 13:5


    I possess redemption benefits everyday

    I confess "I am the redeemed of the Lord." -Psalm 107:2


    I possess yolk destroying results by the anointing. Isaiah 10:27

    I confess "the anointing of the Holy One abides in me". -1 John 2: 27


    I possess dynamic deliverance as a devil-master.

    I confess "in the Name of Jesus I can shut out evil". -Mark 16:17


    I possess positive healing for the oppressed.

    I confess "I lay my hand on the sick and they shall recover." -Mark 16: 18


    I possess Vine-Life where ever I go

    I confess "I am a branch of the living Vine". -John 15: 5


    I possess the ability to stand freely in God's Holy presence and in Satan's presence as a victor.

    I confess "I am the righteousness of God in Christ"


    I possess the supply for every need.

    I confess "My God shall supply every need." -Philippians 4:19


    I possess the courage and strength to live a life free from all fears.

    I confess "God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind." -2 Timothy 1:7

    -Written by Don Gossett

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    Tue, Jan 21st - 11:15AM

    Seed Of The Sower



    "The Seed is the Word of God." -Luke 8:11




    God gives us the seed to bless the harvest. Like manna they are freshly showered from heaven. We see so many who that have little regard for the Word. Satan has them blinded, so that they cannot see. We must plant the Word in our heart and nurture it. Preserve it from the sultry heat of the sun and winds of life that would take it away. 

    The weeds of worldly cares can also sap out the life and energy from our soul. The Word may be buried deep in your heart, or maybe thinly strewn. Whatever the case may be, be assured that He can fix it for you by His rich supply of Grace. Then the hope in earthly furrows sown will fully ripen in your life.

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    Fri, Jan 17th - 11:34AM

    Thirsting For God

    "O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; My soul thirsts for you,
    My body longs for you, In a dry and weary land where there is no water.
    Thus I have seen You in the sanctuary, To see Your power and Your glory."
    - Psalm 63:1-2




    It was a dark time in David's life as he wandered in the wilderness of Judah, fleeing from Saul. Yet we see that he still seeks the Lord. It must have been a habit in his life to seek God early. He took time with the Lord in communion and fellowship. At times this was accompanied with his harp and him singing the psalms. He sang unto the Lord and among the nations.

    Are we consecrated as David was? How many souls do really "thirst" for God daily. To see His power and glory. His loving kindness is better than life. I am lost without the goodness of the Lord.  Let's just praise the Lord.

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    Tue, Jan 14th - 11:19AM

    Opposed and Ridiculed

    ...when Sanballat heard that we built the wall, he was wroth, and took great indignation, and mocked the Jews. -Nehemiah 4:1


    Do you often feel opposed and ridiculed? Nehemiah did as he built the walls, but he had a mind to work for God, no matter how many hindrances came his way. He did not answer these proud and haughty scorners that tried to destroy the work but continually looked to God even though they did much to disgrace him.


     It's still that way today in the church world as God's people try to do His will for they are a despised people. Discouragement will come and all Christian workers can expect opposition from the world and discouragement even from the Church. The enemies reproaches should drive us to prayer, and to keep on working for the Lord until He comes for us. Watchfulness and prayer will always bring the victory, so rest assured that God hears and sees it all and victory can be ours, just as it was for Nehemiah when he built the walls.

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    Thu, Jan 9th - 11:31AM

    God Hears and Answers Prayer

    Thou hearest me always. John 11:42

    I am so happy that God always hears us when we pray. After all, He is the only one we can really, fully trust and depend on. Friends and family sometimes let you down, but God will never do that. Don't you know He is happy when His children come unto Him every day with all their troubles and cares. He can take care of all of them and He will. Trust Him and see! He came to do the will of the Father and the Father delights to do good things for us. Just keep on praying!

    This is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us. I John 5:14
    Whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. I John 3:22

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    Mon, Jan 6th - 3:43PM

    Security of the Godly

    Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. -Psalms 91 : 14

    Now with the Winter blast upon us, its good to know we have God’s love to warm us. No matter how rough our path may seem, He is our wall of protection and guards us from all troubles where ever we go or do. Jesus is really our only safe place to dwell. He delivers us from evil and guides our steps daily.

    In times of fear, He is nearby to calm us. In times of sickness, He is there to heal us. His love never fails, let come what may. We have only to call upon that lovely Name. We are set on high, because we know that great Name that is above every name. Call upon Him, and He will answer. Just keep on praying till the Light breaks through.

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    Fri, Jan 3rd - 11:38AM

    Guided By God

    I Have Confidence that this will be a good year when God leads us. He told us....

    Be strong and of a good courage . . . for the Lord thy God is with you wherever you go. -Joshua 1:9 

    Life in our world is always changing. Who would have ever thought that we would be seeing the things we do today. It never ceases to amaze me the way our society is headed. I do not even want to think what it will be twenty years from now. It would make life wearisome beyond expression.

    As we go into another new year we must strife to be very strong and very courageous, holding to God's unchanging hand. He will lead us into this year with new firmness as we go forward. Hold fast with confident expectation to see it expand into something greater than we could have ever dreamed. Our leader is God Almighty. Be strong and of a good courage for life is good when we have God!

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    Name: Brenda L
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    About Me: I'm a Christian who loves God. I am blessed with a happy Christian home. It is my desire to always be obedient and pleasing to Christ my Lord.

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