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    From God's Word
          This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night,that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous,and then thou shalt have good success -Joshua 1: 8

    Wed, Dec 31st - 3:01PM

    Just For Today

    Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. -Phil. 3.13.

    The past may well have been blessed, but we are told to forget the things behind and reach forward to the future. The past may have many heartfelt thoughts of friends who have gone on to their reward but we are must forget the past and live for today. God gives us the strength we need only for today, and not for yesterday's worries. Tomorrow will take care of itself. 

    We are however influenced by the inspiration of tomorrow.  In the future there are awesome things for all who are in Christ, but we do well to live in the present. 

    We must focus our minds upon all the good we can do for Christ Jesus today. He is there for our every care and sorrow. We have hope of overcoming in times of discouragement. What a grand and glorious feeling to be a child of God. The way grows brighter with each passing day. 

    Happy New Year and may our Lord bless all of you. May the New Year 2015 see His coming to take us home!



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    Sun, Dec 28th - 4:08PM


    “Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.” Matthew 25:13

    God is preparing a feast for all who will come. You're invited, will you be there? Can't you just see the Savior standing and waiting at the banquet hall. He is waiting for His weary, worn child. Will you be there when the Master sits with us at that Heavenly feast? How beautiful this banquet must be. 

    We know not when that final day will be but we do know that we are to continually watch. We think surely the Son of Man will come soon, as we see all the signs coming to pass.
    In His Word we read, "come, for all things are ready". I'm sure the mansions are all prepared and just waiting for our appearance. 


    As you know you are invited, so please accept the invitation to join in that heavenly feast. It has been paid for by Christ Jesus, God's only son. There we will wear white robes and be with the angels forever more. They all welcome us there. Don't you want to go? Please do accept the invitation soon and watch for His Heavenly appearing.

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    Thu, Dec 25th - 2:53PM

    Glory To God In the Highest

    “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Luke 2:14

    The angels came down that glorious day and sang praises of Jesus' birth.
    Glory be to God, in the highest, praise! Peace on earth, good will to men.

    We too sing praise to Him today for He gave the very best gift of all. 


    He gave His only begotten Son to save everyone from their sins.


    Glory be to God, in the highest. Peace on earth, good will to men.





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    Mon, Dec 22nd - 6:01PM

    When Jesus Came

     “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host.” Luke 2:13.

    The Angels, appeared telling of Jesus that first Christmas night. They sang with the heavenly host and all of Heaven must have been so excited that special night. For this birth was like no other birth on earth. Jesus came into the world through a virgin birth to share God's love to a fallen world. 

    Mary and Joseph was hearing the Heavenly Chorus from Heaven, as the baby Jesus lay in the manger bed among the cattle. The little town of Bethlehem would never be the same, for Jesus had come to be born there. The prophet had foretold this wonderful news many years ago. “But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel.” Micah 5:2.


    Oh Happy day for Israel and all the world. Jesus Christ has come!
    He is now Lord of my life. Do You know Jesus?



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    Sun, Dec 21st - 3:36PM

    Blessings From Above

    I Am My Beloveds

      I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine:
    he feeds among the lilies.
      "My beloved is mine, and I am his;
    He pastures his flock among the lilies.
    "I am my beloved's,
    And his desire is for me
    -Song of Solomon 6:3

    We have peace from above all because of that first Christmas day. This peace shall be forever more when He comes back to reign on earth. Great blessings are in store for the people of God that only He can give. It was through the death of our blessed Lord that we can enjoy wonderful blessings and peace. 

    We patiently await the day when the whole earth will be filled with the glory and knowledge of our Lord and Savior. It is a sweet thought that thrills us through and through, when we think about the peace and rest that comes only from God to His beloved. I am my beloved and He is mine. Psalm 45:11 Then the King will desire your beauty. Because He is your Lord, bow down to Him.

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    Wed, Dec 17th - 11:15AM

    King Of All Kings

    My Lord and my God.” John 20:28

    Just as the wise men came seeking for God long ago, we still seek Him today and thank Him for His marvelous grace. He can be found. He dwells with the humble and contrite. We worship Him and lay our treasures at His feet. All Hail King Jesus!

    God gave us rich blessings from above that first Christmas day when Christ was born. His only Son came to die for our sins. Heaven's loss was our gain, because it is by His death at Calvary that we shall live. There will once again be peace on earth when He returns. Even today God can fill us with His Presence and calm out troubled storms of life.

     He is Lord of lords, and King of kings!

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    Sun, Dec 14th - 5:44PM

    Healing In His Wings

    “Unto you that fear My Name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings.” Malachi 4:2

    When all hope seems gone, look up for here comes a fresh glow of Light. It is the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings.
    Then comes comfort that one cannot find elsewhere. It's like sunshine after the rain, because it is the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings.” 

    The days are brighter and we think, "let come what may, Jesus and I can handle it."

    God's Healing and Salvation is always fresh and new. God's gift of Salvation and healing gives us strength to face what ever comes our way.

    He who feeds the sparrow is the One who stands by me. Sing praises to God for the Sun of Righteousness arises with healing in His wings.”


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    Wed, Dec 10th - 1:35PM

    God Answers Prayer

    Shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Luke 18:7, 8

    Sometimes in life we wonder when our loved ones will return and serve God. God has told us that it is our sins that separates us from Him. Sin is to blame for ALL sorrow. God will surely answer us when we cry out to Him. He also will strengthen our soul. We must patiently wait upon the Lord for in the unseen we know not what and how God determines to answer our prayer. Daniel waited mightily upon God and Gabriel appeared to him and gave him much needed strength.

    It may seem that God is far from us and we lose hope, but our great God made the heaven and the earth by His great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for Him. Jeremiah 32:17  Yes we most certainly do trust that he will yet deliver us and bring our loved ones back to Him. 

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    Sat, Dec 6th - 7:14PM


    In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. -John 14:2

    We will be at home forever more in the Father's house. All tears will be wiped away, in the Father's house. Eye has not seen or ear heard the things prepared by God in my Father's house. It is prepared for all the saints from the foundation of the world. That is where I want to to when this life is over down here on earth. To live in my Heavenly Fathers house. We know this is true or He would not have told us so. Be glad and rejoice!

    How can one get prepared to live in the Father's house, where there is peace and joy forever and ever. Just call on His Name and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord of all and gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. -John 3:16
    Everybody that goes there will be happy!

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    Wed, Dec 3rd - 1:09PM

    The Beautiful City to Come

    But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all. -Galatians 4: 26 
    But ye are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, -Hebrews 12:22
    Him that overcomes will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.- Revelation 3:12


    Mt Sion, the city of God! What joy and peace awaits those who are kept by the power of God to enter into that beautiful place. There the angels of God will ever be present and what a sight it will be. All this is promised to the believer. What happiness there will be when the beautiful city of God, New Jerusalem comes down to dwell on earth. This earth will have peace forever more. The believer and over-comer is promised a monumental pillar in the temple of God, where the new name of Christ shall be written. Victory lies ahead for the believers

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