Mon, Dec 29th - 9:17AM
DEALING WITH THE PAST SECULAR WAYS OF DEALING WITH THE EMOTIONS (part eighteen) Beloveds in Christ although we continue to speak naturally, for now, some might ponder, where does the Christian figure in all this? Emotional problems can arise out of various situations even though the person continues to function, nor does it mean the person is mentally ill. Dear saints, although I am only addressing emotional problems, I want to touch briefly on whether a Christian can suffer from mental illness, or other conditions that impact the mind. I want to give a wise answer here, and one that does not condemn. The natural body of any person can suffer illness on many levels, often through no fault of the person. We do not condemn the cancer patient, nor the one who breaks a leg, or suffers various injuries. Sadly some Christians denigrate themselves or others who are sick. Sickness can strike any part of the natural body, including the mind. Mental retardation is just one of the conditions that can affect or impact the brain and therefore the mind, depending on the severity. Dear saints, the natural body is not exempt from various afflictions. There is a danger in seeing oneself as more or less spiritual based on the condition of the natural body. Some Christians also work in the field of psychiatry and psychology as well as other fields of counseling, but I will say more on this when we began to deal with the spiritual. Next, Lord willing, I hope to address issues regarding the norm, and why ultimately natural approaches to dealing with the past and resulting emotional problems is not the final answer for the Christian. May you always rest in the finished work of Christ. Love serola
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Tue, Dec 23rd - 10:01AM
DEALING WITH THE PAST SECULAR WAYS OF DEALING WITH THE EMOTIONS (part seventeen) Dear saints, On the initial visit most well qualified secular counselors would do a thorough psychological, social, and medical history screening, along with the presenting problem. They might also do testing for hidden problems, such as various drug or alcohol related difficulties. A diagnoses is given according to a book called the DSMIV for the purpose of insurance and treatment. These diagnoses are based on the level of presenting symptoms that deviate from the norm and current level of functioning. They also note character difficulties, that is problems arising out of the basic inherent nature or bent of the person seeking help, that causes them to create unnecessary problems and difficulties in most interactions, as they note that change while not impossible, is very difficult to achieve. Medications could be considered if necessary, depending on the severity of symptoms. The treatment offered by well qualified secular counselors is usually called “therapy” and is based upon a treatment plan that may or may not be revealed to the person seeking help. The duration of the “ therapy” most likely would not be beyond the time limit set by the person’s health insurance , or ability to pay for services. The treatment or “therapy” can also be terminated by one or both parties, or when treatment goals have been met. Certain forms of therapy can go on for years for those who are willing to pay. “Therapy” may be conducted within individual, couple, or various kinds of groups including those for addictions. The treatment is humanistic in nature, and focused on helping the person find self satisfaction, within a reasonable norm. There is not usually any guarantee of a “cure”. Advise giving is considered the lowest form of “therapy”, and used sparingly by the skilled secular counselor. The better forms of treatment try to jump start the thinking process and encourage behavioral changes that conform to the rational norm, and hopefully enable the person to achieve or gain better skills at problem solving. Beloveds in Christ we will stop here for now. The Lord continually strengthen you in mind, body and spirit to put Him first in all things. Love serola
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Mon, Dec 15th - 3:08AM
DEALING WITH THE PAST SECULAR WAYS OF DEALING WITH THE EMOTIONS (part sixteen) Holy brethren, when certain emotions become too painful or unmanageable it is sometimes necessary to seek help. The emotions that seem to be more distressful such as depression, anger, emotional hurt,fear, and problems with behaviors that are difficult to restrain are the ones that might prompt someone to seek help to correct, adjust or improve. Now the objectives of secular counseling is to alleviate pain, prevent deterioration, if possible, improve coping skills, and gain insight. The goal is to help the person achieve self satisfaction or to be happier. The secular counselor usually follows state requirements for licensure, and ethics. Although secular counseling can appear under other names and even in the form of so called “spiritual counsel” . Not all secular help is licensed or has any kind of oversight for the protection of those seeking help. Privacy is not guaranteed if there are court orders for records, nor in the case of persons deemed to be a threat to themselves or others. Secular counselors come from a wide array of schools including psychology, psychiatry. They may use jargon specific to their field, but a request can be made for them to speak in plain English. No one should have to learn jargon to get help. Secular counselors operate from clinics as well as individual offices, and hospitals. The more qualified ones will refer out those whose problems could be better met elsewhere including hospitalization. The study will be continued, my beloveds, and God willing we shall meet here next time. love serola
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Mon, Dec 8th - 5:19AM
DEALING WITH THE PAST UNDERSTANDING THE EMOTIONS (part fifteen) Now, Saints, it goes without saying, that we are not robots and that our emotions have a purpose, as I mentioned earlier, and ultimately we are expected to understand that we can choose what feelings are to play a regular part in our lives. So where do feelings come from? As I mentioned earlier they are a product of and generated out of the heart where the true character, beliefs, thoughts and values reside. Rewarding feelings of stability, and happiness arise when we act in accordance to our true beliefs, thoughts and values, rather than be merely reactors to circumstances. emotions also alert us when we should evaluate some situation, circumstance or condition. They also are sent forth when we are not acting in accordance with our true beliefs, and values. Hypocrisy, deception, denial as well as self deception, can arise on at least three levels when we refuse, or are poorly skilled in examining our emotions, especially the more disturbing ones. The first level is that we blind ourselves to truth and self correction. The second is that we deprive or slow our growth in learning from our mistakes in a particular area where it is needed. Thirdly we become damaging, hurtful, and harmful to others and ourselves. Interestingly our misperceptions derived from our past and also out of our own faulty understanding of it sometimes can form deeply held false beliefs and thoughts about ourselves, others and affect our world view as well. Our willingness to examine our inner beliefs, or to learn to do so will be a powerful tool of helps in this area. It goes without saying dear ones that our feelings can generate pain as well as joy. I think most of us find it easier to deal with the happier emotions, while painful emotions are seen as undesirable and to be gotten rid of as soon as possible. The study will be continued, the Lord keep your minds and hearts stayed on Him always. love serola
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Mon, Dec 1st - 1:21PM
DEALING WITH THE PAST UNDERSTANDING THE EMOTIONS (part fourteen) We are still speaking naturally here, and as I am certain many of you children of the Lord are understanding that I am presenting here merely a very basic typology of the natural man, and not the spiritual at this time. Emotions are the feelings that arise out of the values, beliefs, and thoughts deeply held in our hearts. Their purpose is to bring these deeply held beliefs and thoughts, up from the heart, into the level of awareness to be dealt with, or not (self deception, denial), using our mental processes of logic, decision making, will etc. While the emotions are harbingers of and generated by our underlying thoughts and beliefs that we hold in our hearts, we can only think with our mental processes, we cannot think with our emotions. Again, the emotions are only messengers, and arise out of of what we are thinking and or believing in our hearts.All along the developmental continuum, we are taught to modify emotions ie., keep a balance. Some of the cues within and throughout the developmental continuum, that attempt to foster restraint of high emotions that cloud and/or blind rational thinking are: “cool off or down; let cooler heads prevail; think things through, etc”. Emotions are not meant to rule, they are followers, but make terrible leaders. Saints you will find that there is a norm regarding the emotions also. Those who often act upon high emotions are identified as: hot heads; loose cannons; ticking time bombs; explosive; unpredictable; unstable etc. Blind emotional rage is a term used for good reason. Also those who appear to gush out emotions freely or without thought are seen as “overly sensitive”, “wears their hearts on their sleeves” and even called “touchy- feely types”. In fact untamed raw emotions can and do give rise to rash, destructive, and illogical behavior and conduct, unless they are handled and sorted out within boundaries of logic and sound judgment. Some follow their emotions without question. For example: a person might feel sad and tend to act in accordance with that particular emotion or feeling, looking sad, not wanting to do much, and believes that this is a down day for him or her, has unknowingly yielded to a feeling AS THOUGH IT WERE A FACT! Moreover, he or she believes that the feeling or emotion alone is the cause of itself alone. This is the mistake that those who follow their feelings make. The same would be true if we followed blindly any emotion or feeling. Dear ones, made so through the precious blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ we will stop here, Lord willing I hope to meet here with you next time. love serola
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