Mon, Jan 25th - 6:42AM
Growing In Biblical Maturation
Holy brothers and sisters, God expects that having laid hold on the basics of the Holy Bible by the grace of God, that we shall go on onto(move in the direction) of perfection: Teleiotes , meaning (the state) completeness (mental or moral) :- perfection (-ness). See Heb. 6: 1-3. We must look to the Holy Bible, correctly understood and lived, as God’s final and complete answer for the totality of Christian living, thinking and believing consistently in line with the scriptures. His word is final in the truest sense, in that God does not change nor does His word, but we must accept and allow Him and His word to change us. 16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. 2 Tim 3:16-17 (KJV) Let us, therefore, understand that the church serves as God’s visible kingdom on the earth. It is composed of those who have believed on the name of Jesus, through faith in His Name, and not by any works, but by the grace of God alone. The church is not a building but composed of all believers as aforementioned, past, present, and future on earth and in heaven.The overriding characteristic of the church body individually and as a whole is love for God, one another and all men, and demonstrated in consistent obedience and loyalty to Him in deed as well as word, as evidence of the believer giving to Him the preeminence in all things. Jesus Christ is the head of the church, and all believers are equal to one another, but some are given more responsibility such as pastors and teachers. The Holy Bible commands how the church is to be set up and in what order. It details the offices and officers of the church, the requirements for their offices, and their duties. It also details generally and specifically the service and duties of all members of the body. Absolutely no officer or other members of the church are to be above the discipline of the church. The Holy Bible details how to deal with members who sin, or are disorderly no matter what their office. It lays out the gifts invested in the church, through the Holy Spirit, and their purpose to the body. It details how the inner and public life of the believer is to be in sinc, disciplined and controlled in body and spirit, even to the words that we speak. In daily life also, my beloveds, the Holy Bible details how the saints are to relate to one another generally and specifically. It also details how we are to live in this present age. Above all it details that how we live and what we do is to be all for the glory of God. It goes without saying that the scriptures offers much encouragement in dealing and helping with our own trials, hardships, temptations, enemies, mistreatments, anger, lust, etc. and that of others as well. Dear saints, Christians are to live in hope and understanding of the regeneration of the Holy Spirit that works in the lives of every believer, and seals every believer, unto the coming of the Lord. Our Lord has given unto us every thing we need, we can look to His word, correctly understood and applied, and not be dependent on ourselves. Christians alone have the privilege, right, blessing and opportunity to always go before the throne of Jesus Christ, our High Priest, Prophet, and King, who lives forever, who eternally invites us His children to come boldly and often to make prayers, petitions, and supplications with thanks giving, who alone is our eternal help. The chief purpose of the Holy Bible is the message of salvation that the church is to take to the whole world, for without faith no man can please God. Finally God wants us to know what He expects of all men as well as all believers. Only those who believe love and obey on the finished work of His Son and our Saviour, Jesus Christ will please Him, and receive eternal life. I say with utter conviction, beloved saints, that most if not all of the chaos, confusion, discord, and improper conduct in some of the true churches results from failure to correctly understand and apply the Holy Bible. I believe this is also the case in the lives of some individual members. Holy brothers and sisters, let us love God and one another, and all men, as God has first loved us. Let us remember the poor, sick and needy, to pray for them AND render to their needs, knowing that our Lord will repay us in the resurrection of the just. Love serola
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Thu, Jan 14th - 10:28AM
I pray, dear saints, that each and every Christian will accept the word of God as put forth through the Holy Bible, as the word of God and not men. We must believe, apply and share the word among ourselves and the world. Every Christian has something to share with other believers, and the world, and there is no such thing as having too little to share. That thing that might seem little to us can be vital to the life of another Christian, and can aid an unbeliever in coming to Christ. Sadly today, dear brothers and sisters, we are seeing an ever increasing rise of apostate churches, unholy rebels. who think or choose to (wrongfully) revise God’s eternal standard for acceptance in His body. It is as absurd to invite a complete stranger to live in a neighbors house, without his or her permission as it is to invite someone to God’s house, without His permission. As no civil law will uphold such an insult among mere men, how much more will God not uphold such an outrageous insult to His Holy Name. Those who choose to pervert the gospel will pay the price, that God has set for all and any apostates. Into this mix, are some true Christians who through failure to correctly interpret, understand and apply the scriptures, give rise to false doctrines. One example is promoting water baptism only as the sole basis for salvation, giving rise to a carnal church with all of it’s attendant ills. But I thank my God and yours, that many who have once believed this, have turned away from this error, and now are offering water baptism only to those who through faith have first believed on Jesus, and been sealed with the Holy Spirit. Furthermore they declare the baptism that they now preach is that of the Holy Spirit, and not mere water. Every Christian can learn and know the basics of the scriptures, which is powerful and able to keep us stable, in this present darkness. The more we know, the more Jesus will help us to grow in love and obedience to Himself. Christians believe that all who have believed and received Christ should live for Christ and not for himself. By obedience to the word of God, and daily yielding to the Holy Spirit, every believer should mature and be conformed to the image of Christ. Christians believe in wholehearted devotion to the Person and cause of Christ as the only scriptural basis for a happy and useful Christian life. Christians should avoid every practice which injures his fellowship with God and his testimony before his fellow-men. Therefore, Christians oppose indulgence in every kind of worldly amusement which is inconsistent with godliness, whether privately or publicly, and any alliance whether personal or ecclesiastical, which causes a believer in Christ to lose his identity as a Christian is wrong, and contrary to the clear teaching of God’s word. Christians should not marry a non-Christian, or be unequally yoked together with an unbeliever in any way. Christian separation involves not only withdrawal from evil practices, but also demands that the fruit of the Holy Spirit be seen in our daily lives. Eph.4:24;1John 2:15-17; Titus 2:11-14;2 Cor. 6:14-18;Romans 13:12-14;Col. 3:1-17 Holy brethren the sum of all things is that we should remain faithful to Him, who first loved us, and put Him above all things, for He alone is worthy. And this we will do, for He is able to help us to both will and to do. Let us love one another, and all men, in the light of God’s strength. He is coming back soon, each day we are drawing closer to the day of His return. Until then, rejoice in that you are loved, and upheld by His power. Love serola
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Sat, Jan 2nd - 7:08AM
Our Lord is so worthy of all of our worship, adoration, and praise. Let us lovingly minister to Him, dear saints, in our meditations, our prayers, while pouring out generous libations of praises and love offerings to His holy name. Let us also, dear friends of Jesus, fortify ourselves in understanding, the basics of His gospel, which will and can establish our souls, and continually refresh our faith in Him who first loved us. Then while maintaining the basics, let us continue to grow and mature more and more in complete understanding of the faith. This we will surely do, for He, our Lord Jesus, will surely enable us to both will and do. Great is His faithfulness. When we are blessed in being taught further understanding, and living of the scriptures, I pray that we will be generous and share with other saints what we have learned, that many more will continue to be enriched, as they do the same. Beloveds, let us continue to look further at scriptural basics. These are foundational truths of the Holy Bible, which are not mere words, but filled with the power of God which will keep us on the pathways of life, and subdue, cast down, and destroy all false doctrines and contradictions of this present age. God’s truth is our final authority, period. According to the Holy Bible: The true church is composed of all such persons who through saving faith in Jesus Christ have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit. This is the baptism of the Holy Spirit which places believers in Christ’s body and unites us together in His body of which He is the Head. ( I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire: ) Matt 3:11 (KJV) see Ro. 6:4, it is the spiritual baptism of the Holy Spirit that saves, not water. Only those who are thus, are true members of Christ’s body, shall be eligible for membership in the local body. This rules the church out as a social club with debatable entrance standards of admission. Water baptism and the Lord’s supper are ordinances to be observed by the church during the present age. They are, however, not to be regarded as means of salvation. Water baptism is only the outward, and public declaration of commitment of those who have experienced the inward regeneration of the Holy Spirit through faith in Jesus. There will be the personal, preordained, and imminent coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and that this blessed hope has a vital bearing on the personal life and service of the believer. All persons will have a bodily resurrection from the dead; of the believer to everlasting life, blessedness and joy with the Lord; of the unbeliever to judgment, damnation and everlasting conscious punishment. Brothers and sisters, these are the last days, His coming is nearer than when we first believed. Let us be encouraged to crucify, rather than coddle those things that do not bring glory to His name. He will not fail to strengthen us to do His will, for He is always faithful, and our everlasting hope. Love Serola For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. 5 Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? 1 John 5:4-5 (KJV)
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