Wed, Mar 23rd - 1:47PM
The Holy Bible is not a debate, or argument, rightly interpreted it is the final, finished, unchanging, and complete declaration and standard of God to and for all peoples, for every soul shall give account to God. Now brethren, these days there are some attempting to get Christians to debate the scriptures, and they should be rejected out of hand. Debate or argument implies that there is room for the Christian to change his or her mind, adjust their beliefs, or to cease accepting the inerrancy of the Holy Bible. We must NEVER make any exceptions, negotiate, or compromise the word of God with anyone or anything. We cannot argue anyone into believing the Gospel, they can accept it by faith to become a child of God, or reject it and be cast into hell. We have to tell this unbelieving world the truth. When someone wants to get all argumentative with me regarding the validity of the Holy Bible, I have to tell them the truth-God wrote it and it is the final answer and complete finished truth for all eternity, whether they like it or not, and I have no power nor want the power to change it. Beloveds it is our responsibility to keep telling it like it is, and not be drawn into senseless debate, because the word of God correctly interpreted cannot be changed. GOD'S WAY IS THE ONLY RIGHT WAY, AND THE ONLY RIGHT WAY IS GOD'S WAY. Now, If someone is interested in Salvation, and wants to know more about it, I am happy to tell them, and if I do not have an answer, I do my best to find someone that does. But if someone comes wanting debate, they mainly desire for the brethren to be persuaded to accept some particular doctrine, life style, or belief that is clearly rejected by the scriptures. God has set the Standard for all time, and it is God alone, for the counsel of God stands sure for all eternity. Saints, be encouraged, keep praying all kinds of prayers to Lord Jesus, and trusting Him for the outcome, according to His will, for He ALWAYS wants the best for us ALL the time, FOR ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD, AND GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME. love serola Ephsians 6:10-18
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Fri, Mar 18th - 2:50AM
They are smelly, homeless, many of them have various infestations of vermin-lice, fleas etc. Many may have years of filth, grime and dirt built up over their bodies. The clothing of some of them-almost reduced to rags. They come from every walk of life, whose lives are destroyed by drugs, alcohol, various mental conditions. After many years of alcoholism, some have "wet brain", and have lost the capacity to think rationally or make much use of any help offered. You know what they say brethren, it can take twenty years to make an alcoholic, but only two weeks to make a cocaine addict, who also suffers medical damage from his or her drug of choice. These are not "pretty" people, these are not the kinds of persons welcomed into communities. Yet there are many saints (G40 hagios) reaching out and helping such daily, quietly and humbly. These dear children of Light seek no fame nor recognition. do not present as pontificating gurus or "experts", they just serve in wisdom and to the best of their ability-out of love for God, and love for all men. There are multitudes of Christians going to the prisons, trying to make a difference and give out the words of life there also. Then there are the homeless women and children rescued from domestic violence, dire poverty and other ills being given a chance to live like human beings again. Old people are visited in nursing homes, others helped to stay in their homes, being given food and love, others given a place to stay, keeping them from homelessness. Christians in groups and as individuals help many. One brother and his wife I know took in a couple of families, rather than see them go under, and is helping them dilligently to find work, and not lose hope. Many other Christians support their causes, and help others also in too many ways to mention, in great and small ways as they are able. They all have one reason only-because of our Lord Jesus Christ. For He alone is worthy of all glory, honor and praise. Most of us respect their work, and seek to help and support it. Yet there are some today who have the gall to insult Jesus Christ our Saviour, by calling and referring to His children as " sinners", in this evil world, in which the saints (G40 hagios) shine as lights in this present darkness. They know better, but do not care that they insult God to His face and trample under foot the son of God, whom they hate (see Ps. 1:5-6). At the appointed time God shall repay them for their evil speaking and hard sayings against Him. But you, holy brothers and sisters, I pray and know will continue on in the love of God, taking the many endearing names given only to His children. love serola Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.35 for I was an hungred, and you gave me meat: I was thirsty, and you gave me drink: I was a stranger and you took me in:36 naked and you clothed me: I was sick, and you visited me: I was in prison, and you came unto me.Mt. 25:34-36
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Mon, Mar 14th - 7:41PM
Those that hate God and His people are becoming more and more emboldened in their direct attack against the truth of the Bible; and all who correctly hold it as the final, finished, and complete standard for all men for all time-for every soul shall give account to God. Even now some of these groups are barging into worship services in various places; disrupting them and demanding that Christians turn from the scriptures. Their attack is two pronged, to intimidate and silence Christians from declaring the truth of the Bible; and to discredit the truth of the Bible. Now, holy brothers and sisters, we know that protest within the law is allowable, but when anyone barges into the worship services to disrupt it and intimidate Christians, we ought to love and pray for them-WHILE CALLING THE LAW TO STOP THEIR DISORDERLY CONDUCT. CHRISTIANS HAVE THE SAME RIGHTS AS ALL CITIZENS. CHRISTIANS HAVE THE FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY; FREEDOM OF SPEECH; AND FREEDOM TO WORSHIP IN THEIR FAITH. THIS IS A GUARANTEE OF THE FIRST AMMENDMENT OF AMERICA. MOST IMPORTANTLY THIS IS THE GOD GIVEN RIGHT OF EVERY CHRISTIAN, WHETHER ANYONE LIKES IT OR NOT. The scriptures is not an argument it is a proclamation to and for all man kind. No Christian should permit anyone to infringe on our God-given right to worship, and promote our faith. Every saint (G40 hagios) must resist any attempt of unlawful censorship, and intimidation. Most importantly, the power of the Bible, correctly interpreted is a mighty weapon; a great defense; and has the power to change hearts to turn people to God. Leaders of the flock have a right to protect their children and the congregation as a whole from unlawful intrusion, and disruption of worship services, and potential harm. Yes we must and do love them; yes we must and do pray for them, and yes, we should call the law to expel them EVERY TIME they attempt to strip us of our right to freedom of assembly; freedom of speech; and freedom of religion. The law is on our side, but most importantly, God is on our side-WE HAVE HIS WORD ON IT ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE. Children of the Living God in these last days, keep praying all kinds of prayers for all people everywhere, and for the saints. Pray that each and everyone of us will fearlessly and boldly preach, love and live the scriptures, out of love for God. All things are possible with God. love serola
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Sat, Mar 12th - 7:09PM
Christian bashing is on-going in the media and various anti-Bible groups. One of their complaints I have to laugh about is the pathetic complaint they lodge against the brothers and sisters doing tremendous services to the poor and down trodden in many places. They complain that Christians tell those they are helping about salvation! I praise God that Christians understand all the help in the world is useless, if it all ends in separation from God for all eternity. One of the things that Christian bashers leave out is that no one is turned away for refusing to hear the Gospel. Beloveds, the homeless run from the shelters run by secular shelters in my city, out of fear for their safety, preferring the shelters run by Christians. The homeless here actually prefer to camp under the underpasses when there is no room in the Christian shelters. Even here you find Christians regularly bringing in hot meals, bedding, and anything they can think of to help out as best they can. I ponder how many of these poor people would be welcome in the venues of these Christian bashers-not many I suspect, talk is cheap. The unbelievers are working a new game these days-seeking to "dialogue" with Christians about the validity of the scriptures; but what they really want is to turn Christians away from the Bible as the final, finished, and complete standard for all men and women too for all time. Why? So they can freely and unchallenged live degenerate life-styles which the Bible prohibits. We need to live out God's word in love and deed; firmly refusing to compromise, or make ANY exceptions to His word, correctly understood; regardless of who does not like it. Mt. 5:11 Blessed are you, when all men shall revile you, and persecute you,and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. 12 Rejoice and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven; for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. Matt 5:11-12 (KJV) A while back I gave the gift of a doll to a little girl. She seemed happy to receive the doll, but somehow disturbed. Then she took the doll, and carefully but firmly rubbed the dolls cheeks against the ground until they were dirty. Then she told me "now I can play with the doll, now it is just like me". Her heart breaking statement needs no analysis, it speaks for itself. But dear saints(G40 hagios), this is one story that has a happy ending, a report was made, and after an thorough investigation; in which abuse and neglect were founded, the child ended up with caring foster parents and her whole life was turned around for the better. Report child abuse and neglect; report human trafficking of children for slavery and sexual exploitation. Do not think it only occurs amongst certain classes, or ethnic groups, it is happening everywhere-and even in some churches. Be alert, do not worry about whether it might be a mistake; report it, and let the investigators decide. Do not go yourself to talk to the parents, offender(s), and/or caretakers about it- you might further endanger the life of the child-report it to those who have the force of law behind them to thoroughly investigate and make these determinations. You can even follow up the case of children who have been taken from homes of abuse and or neglect; to advocate to let the system know that it has to ensure that no further abuse occurs within its systemic help to the child. God will bless you, and you will save a child from destruction on many levels. Crimes against children still go unreported and under-reported. Producing children alone does not make a person a parent;God's standard is much higher than that. Please note, children of Light, that abuse can include emotional abuse as well. Pray all kinds of prayers, brethren, pray great rescue of these childrens; pray for those willing and able to help them; pray that the nations will pour out great resources from their treasuries to put an end to this evil; pray for the Gospel to be spread to change the hearts of people everywhere from darkness to the light. love serola
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Fri, Mar 11th - 12:16AM
Under the guise of "objective" journalism and reporting; I watched a show supposedly showing how a certain life style group is the victim of Christian "hate speech", based on "outdated" and misunderstood scriptural passages in the Bible depicting this life style is wrong. The presenter claimed that the "good" Christians were those who stopped telling others this life style was wrong. This is the latest attempt to silence God's word as the final, finished and complete standard for All men for All time, through direct attack on the holy Bible; and through attempts to silence Christians by falsely accusing them of "hate speech". Thirdly those who reject the scriptures attempt revisionism to falsely claim that God accepts their particular life style; that the Bible clearly rejects. Holy brothers and sisters neither the holy Bible; or preaching it correctly understood is hate speech. Furthermore the first ammendment of the united states of America, garantees both freedom of religion, and freedom of speech. Freedom of religious speech was recently unpheld by the supreme court of America. Now while I am glad this is so; it is God's command to give out His words of life that is the sole basis upon which any Christian has the right to speak and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Beloveds, stand firm in your faith; for through spreading the Gospel, many shall be delivered through God's power to everlasting life; and escape everlasting wrath, death, and eternal fiery torment in the lake of fire. All sin is wrong not just certain ones, and we must continue speaking God's truth out of love for Him and others, for He takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked. God's way is the ONLY right way and the ONLY right way is God's way. Speak out against baby killing in the womb; "so called" early termination of pregnancy, or abortion. Speak out against funding of abortion in all of its forms. Speak out and report all forms of child abuse and/or neglect. Reporting of child abuse and/or neglect can be done anonymously. Children of light do all that you can to stop these evils. Pray all kinds of prayers regarding these things, for mighty is the Lord God, and He is mighty to save and Mighty to deliver them who have been wrongly appointed to death. love serola
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Tue, Mar 8th - 4:55PM
Beloveds, daily the saints (G40 hagios) along with the rest of the world are bombarded with dreadful news and happenings in just about every place we can think of from quiet little towns, to the cities and various nations; crimes of various and horrifying sorts; raging and frightening events of nature; economic woes touching the rich, poor and everyone in between; false religious teachers etc. of every stripe; a mishmash of laws permitting and sanctioning all kinds of varying abberations in the lands, political and governmental structures that seem to rule more by force than law, wars and the spread of terrorism everywhere, attempts to make peace between various warring factions in vain. Now God does not promote any brother or sister pretending not to notice these things, for that would be self deception. We can do what we can to make a difference where ever possible; and pray to our Lord about everything. Yet we need only look to God's word to understand that He has forewarned us, that this world is headed for an inevitable disintegration in all of its structures; for evil men will wax worse and worse; false teachers are for the wicked whose ears just itch to hear blasphemy. Dear children of Light, we have nothing to fear, for all these things are a sign that Jesus' return is coming nearer and nearer. We are to keep our minds attuned to the will of God, doing the things that God commands, and to fear none of these things that are upon and coming upon the earth. A dear lady I know was badly abused in her youth; but since has done quite well for herself in a natural sense of obtaining a good education and secure employment. Her abusers are long since dead, but she continues to poison herself and those around her with repeated tellings of the awful things that happened to her, refusing to accept any comfort from the attempts of others to console her with their love and compassion. In her heart she said she hoped that she could search for and find one of her abusers that might still be alive to ask them to take the "curse" off of her life; because her life has not gone in the way she would like. We continued to feed her God's word in His love, which she refused to heed. Over time she neglected her own character development, and we noticed abusive elements of her own nature creeping into her relationships. She went into therapy; but did not heed that source of help either. Finally she was medicated, but for a while spent time in a mental hospital, came out unchanged. Abuse is a horrible thing to experience. Thank God for the many survivors who have more than survived; but thrived; through the love of God; understanding that they do now have a choice to trust God for healing; for NO healing can be received from an abuser. They have given up the fantasy that someone who has abused them will turn again to love them and make them "whole". We have a God who can be trusted to help us no matter what the situation, circumstance or condition. As long as we neglect His word to build us up in our spiritual growth and instead choose to follow our own will, we will continue to suffer needlessly. God makes no deals, cuts no bargains, allows no exceptions. Needless to say no one condemns her, we continue to tell her God's truth in love and to pray for her. It is up to her as it is up to each one of us God's people to choose God's will over our own, if we rebel; we suffer the consequences of continued torment and suffering of past abuse and maltreatment. Through the power of the Living God we can reject choosing to be a victim of the past, and receive the victory in Jesus to break through to the wonderful present He has prepared for us. love serola Brethren report abuse and/or neglect. There are laws that protect you if you report abuse and or neglect. I have done so several times; it was proven each time; and the lives of children were saved from harm. I make no boast on myself, it was through God, who will also strengthen you to carry out His will in the protection of children too. Fear not to report abuse, it is not for you to decide, but those who investigate the report will make these decisions.
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Fri, Mar 4th - 3:39PM
Brethren, no one knows when Jesus is coming back; but one thing for sure the time is getting closer with each passing day. God commands us to spread the Gospel. It is not the sole work of missionaries or evangelists, every Christian is to partake in telling others of the Gospel. Since the Coming of the good news of Salvation, satan and the world have attempted to use various strategies to silence the Gospel. This fallen, adulterous world too has the gall to try to intimidate, and shame God's people out of spreading the Gospel. I am sure many of us have heard their false arguments i.e. God is not fair to send people to hell; there are many roads to God; all men are basically good and will go to heaven; God is too good to send anybody to hell; we are all God's children; there is no God-men made Him up, I never hurt anybody and am a good person so God will not reject me, Christians are intolerant, preach hatred and so forth etc.. The holy Bible says my sheep hear my voice, they will not hear anybody that contradicts the truth of God's word, THINK ABOUT IT! God is the sole Authortiy and standard for all men- for every soul shall give account to Him. We have God's command and under His authority-the ONLY authority we need, we must boldly tell others of the Gospel, while the Door is still open. I witnessed to a lady who thought Christians were still under the Old Testament Mosaic Covenant; although she had attended the local meeting place of her church for fourteen years! Do not assume just because somebody goes into the building of the church that they are saved. She gladly believed and received Salvation through the final, finished and complete work of Lord Jesus on the Cross. Not everybody is coming into a local congregation to hear the Gospel message, we are to take it everywhere we can. We cannot save anyone, it is God who saves through the Gospel. Do not be afraid or worry that some will not believe or receive the Gospel, they are rejecting God not you. Give out the word of life, whether they believe or not, it is their choice, as it was ours. Witness to your family, neighbors, friends and everyone that you can. Give the Gospel message, do NOT try to soft sell it or comingle it with worldly philosophies for The Gospel is NONNEGOTIABLE, makes no deals, cuts no bargains, and makes absolutely NO compromise. I witnessed to a man who tried to argue with me, that all men are mainly good, and God was too good to send anybody to hell. I said if all men are basically good, take the locks off your doors, and just leave them open; close down the prisons, it is not fair to lock any body up especially for a life time, stop using tamper resistant packaging on consumer goods, there is no need for them if all men are basically good. I advised that if he invited someone to his house for dinner and they proceeded to use the kitchen sink for the bathroom and spit into the soup, refusing to stop despite his repeated protests, do not ban them from your house for this would be too unfair. If mere imperfect, fallible men can set standards, and we know that our justice system has executed some innocemt persons who have not commited crimes, how much more has a PERFECT INFALLIBLE God, the right to set the eternal standard for ALL men. He will NEVER condemn the innocent nor allow the guilty to go unpunished, His Justice is ALWAYS right, and without ANY error. We must boldy give out the Gospel message, while there is still time. If you have not believed in Jesus, today God extends His message to you a lost sinner, separated from God. If you confess you are a sinner and believe that Jesus is the Son of God, who shed His blood, died on the cross and rose again, you shall be forgiven, saved, that is all your sins will be washed away and you will become a child of God, given eternal life with God in this world and the world to come. If you reject Jesus you will suffer the same punishment that all receive-eternal separation from God and everlasting torment in the lake of fire prepared for the Devil and ALL who follow him. Do not say you will wait for another time; for tomorrow is not promised to you nor anyone. Today, while the door is still open receive and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
love serola
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Thu, Mar 3rd - 8:51PM
Dearly beloveds all through the scriptures we see the fellowship of Christians, with one another. Certainly the relationship of our Lord Jesus with His disciples, and their fellowhip with one another gives a wonderful example of God's family. We are not to be lone rangers; and none of us should be satisfied with just showing up to worship on our preferred day of the week, to sing songs, hear songs, a sermon, and leave to have absolutely no other connection with another Christian. Weekly worship with other believers is very important; but there is much more to the life of God's family. We cheat ourselves, brothers and sisters, when we isolate ourselves from spiritual fellowship; and sharing our lives with other authentic believers. We are all totally dependent on God; and interdependent on one another. Sharing our lives, cares, and concern with and for one another helps us to grow, comfort, encourage and strengthen one another. Even through the frictions and difficulties that can be a part of any relationship; we learn through experience how to best get along with one another; as God commands. We smooth out our rough spots and help others do the same. Our love and compassion grows as we share our hurts and needs in prayer one for another. God's family together; most importantly is one of the most powerful witness to this fallen world, when we come together as one in Christ; based on the scriptures correctly interpreted and lived: John 17:23 I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that you have sent me, and has loved them, as you have loved me. Brother or sister; don't think you do not need other Christians; don't think you can go it alone. God has ordained you and me to be a part of the world's biggest family-His eternal family- the people of God. God's plan is to grow and develop us in relation to Him; and through fellowship with the saints (G40 hagios). Maybe you might not feel you are much of a saint; but it is not about what you or anyone else feels; it is about what God said. Lord I pray that you will put other Christians in the lives of those willing and wanting fellowship with other authentic believers. Grow them in your grace, love and compassion as they pray for one another, love, care and share their lives in the way that you desire. Amen love serola
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