Fri, Oct 24th - 3:12AM
Beloveds of the Lord, so yes, speaking naturally , we all have free will, but not absolutely. Yet there are those deviants who do desire absolute free will, and to get it they must use deception, manipulation, and often use force to change the norm, to make the unacceptable acceptable. Through out the history of mankind many such persons have arisen, who reject the norm, and who will continue to do so, on national, international, as well as individual interpersonal levels to attempt to dominate, control and have the power over others to ensure their desire for absolute free will. Nevertheless, for the most of us, even free will and our choices have constraints within the norm. We are expected of ourselves and others to restrain our own wills. If you or I went out today, most likely we had clothing on. Why? Who told us that we would be naked without them? You and I learned at an early age that appearing naked in public is unacceptable- not the norm, therefore even if it was your will to go out without clothing, you would restrain yourself from doing so.. People who arrive at adulthood without the ability or impaired ability of self restraint are said to be lacking impulse control, or to be immature, to say the least. The study will be continued. The Lord Jesus, who has washed and redeemed us by His own blood, continually keep your hearts and minds stayed on Him. Until next time, as God permits.
love serola
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Wed, Oct 15th - 1:57PM
DEALING WITH THE PAST UNDERSTANDING THE NORM (part eight) Well, Beloveds of the Lord, one might feel that they do not recall learning or being taught much in the past, and feel they learned most things on their own. They would be mistaken, much of this learning takes place non- verbally, below conscious awareness, over a long period of time, and is internalized by or before the on-set of adulthood. That is-we accept much of this learning as how life ought to be without question. Well one might say I have free will, I make my own choices, I am independent of the norm. This would only be partially true. Lets say you have the choice to wear any type of clothing that you want. However, if you showed up at your job wearing a neon green blazer, and bright red and white polka dot pants, unless you are part of some circus, most likely your employer would request that you go back home and return dressed according to his or her office’s norm. Most of us notice when others do not seem to know the norm, and such statements of “ he or she does not get it, or does not seem to have a clue or be clueless” comments may be made about them. Some may note that such persons seem “gullible”. Do not seek to spiritualize this information, it cannot, and must not be done. The reason for this will be presented later, and I assure you, my beloveds of the Lord, that those reasons will be made very clear. Not everything can or should be spiritualized. I am not painting with a broad brush here, dear saints, for there are multitudes of saints who rightly divide the word of truth, and know the difference between the spiritual and the natural. But I once knew a lady who said she was a Christian, and who spiritualized everything, particularly her car. She made a good income yet, she often praised God, because she was able to drive her car long distances on an empty tank! She mostly went to work without lunch, for she said that God would provide and she would be fed. She loved shopping and had a lot of fabulous and expensive clothing. She did not pay rent, because she said here too the Lord would provide. Beloveds, you know the results of this story: the engine of her car was damaged beyond repair; her co-workers branded her a moocher and withdrew from her; finally her landlord evicted her. She attributed this turn of events to satanic persecution, rather than her misapplying the word of God, quit her job and left town! Next we will look further at free will, and I look forward to seeing you children of light then. Love serola
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Tue, Oct 7th - 9:21AM
Clarification: Dear children of the living God, I know some may ponder if this aspect of the study regarding dealing with the past cannot be spiritualized, how then can the scriptures I posted prior to the study, be used to inform this aspect of it? I believe these scriptures can be used to see the contrast between the natural and the spiritual at this point of the study and this is the purpose of them at this point of the study. Later on when we go into the spiritual portion of the study these scriptures will speak for themselves.. Nevertheless, precious ones of Lord Jesus, everything cannot be spiritualized. Unfortunately some do try to spiritualize the natural and naturalize the spiritual, causing chaos and confusion in the body. The word of God dictates that we should make every effort to know the difference between the two. While we dwell on this earthly realm, we do not have to spiritualize everything for it to be useful. love serola
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Mon, Oct 6th - 5:37AM
DEALING WITH THE PAST UNDERSTANDING THE NORM (part seven) Children of light, I mentioned earlier that : So in a sense it is not unreasonable to understand or think of the past as * the school in which we learned about life and gained life skills for adulthood. This capacity can continue to grow, fluctuate, or degenerate. So we see that we bring skills learned in the past that helps us to function in the present, or not. *But everything we bring from the past is not necessarily helpful in the present. The important thing to remember, children of the living God, is that we can and do continue to learn and grow throughout our life span. The mental processes take longer to develop and are the most difficult to master. In fact dear saints, physical and emotional growth initially outstrips mental development. **We are speaking only naturally, not spiritually. This part of the study cannot and should not be spiritualized. There are those who attempt to bring this into the church, and try to make a hybridized version of the gospel with it, causing some to stumble and prolong their difficulties unnecessarily. The study will be continued, holy brothers and sisters, and I hope to see you next time. love serola
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