Wed, Sep 27th - 1:23PM
Brothers and sisters, praise and thanks be to God for sending
us His Son Jesus Christ, through whom we have received the New Covenant, which
is eternal, inerrant, explicit, exclusive, exhaustive, final, finished, and
complete for all time.
It is set permanently by God the Father, dearly beloveds, wherein He
commands that it be taught and understood firmly in absolute truth in its
entirety, and accepted of all by faith in love- as eternal, unchanging, impossible for it to
be abolished, cancelled, nullified, neither in part or whole, nor mixed or
adulterated in any manner, fashion, way or shape whatsoever by any person, thing nor,
God Himself, in that He has declared Jesus Christ its High Priest forever by His
eternal oath: Heb
7:21; Heb
God curses anyone who willfully changes, mixes or adulterates it in any manner, and counts all such as His enemies, anti-Christs: Gal 1:8-9; Mar 3:29.
We know that the Bible is not a debate, brothers and sisters, it is the eternal declaration of God. It is the sole Authority to the church from God not mere men or women. We can rely on the authority of the Bible to share the gospel. No need to argue with anyone just set the truth before them. It is between the hearers and God whether they believe or not, either way the consequences are irreversible.
Faulty understanding or ignorance of the New Covenant leads to faulty conclusions. God wants us all on the same page, which strengthens and builds up the church in love and truth. Ignorance due to faulty understanding or lack of knowing what the Bible is about has led and will lead to terrible consequences for some. Especially about salvation and faith. There are too many stories of those with faulty understanding or ignorant of biblical faith "stepping out in faith" who were instead tempting God trying to do some work, ministry, or exploit without any preparation or effort to have the things they needed to successfully do it and failed, causing suffering, damage to themselves and/or others.
Didn't Lord Jesus Christ teach us to COUNT THE COST to see if me you or us could finish what we started? Jesus declared people would mock us when we fail due to lack of seeing to it that we had obtained what was needed beforehand to sustain or finish what we started: Luke 14:28-29. This is why God commands that we should always have compassion, love and care for one another to aid all of us to mature in understanding the whole gospel message.
But God expects and knows His people will be faithful and
commands us to warn and share all of this with others to protect the body, teach
the ignorant, and correct the unruly and all men.
Peace and much love to you saints (G40 hagios). The Lord God bless
you richly from the crowns of your heads to the souls of your feet with every
spiritual blessing, given freely by our Great God continually to us in His love and
Before continuing to go forward, let us look back again at
Gen 18:19 For I know him… Abraham was a warrior; he was not a coward or
weak. But on his road to faith, he had times in traveling with his good -looking
wife, that he feared men more than God, although God had promised to protect
him: Gen
15:1; Psa
Abraham feared losing Sarah, although God had promised to preserve
her. Nevertheless, he was afraid that men would kill him to take her from him. So, he lied a couple of times and told them Sarah was his sister to prevent any of
this, and we all know how that worked out.
He feared displeasing Sarah his wife more than God and went along
with her in making the hand maid a surrogate, and we all know how that worked out.
However, we know that
the faith of Abraham would later be perfected in his choosing to love and trust
in God above himself and all that he had. He
would no longer fear men, but God only. Therefore, he was able to go on by
faith to do exploits in defeating kings to rescue his nephew Lot. He was found worthy
to receive bread and wine from Melchisedec, and worthy to receive alive Isaac
his only son whom God had commanded that he sacrifice, and to receive the token
of circumcision.
We see clearly that God tested not only Abraham’s faith, but his love also:
The love of God, brothers and sisters, again, can never co-exist
with fear. God forbids us to choose to fear any but Himself in reverential fear of who He
is. Choosing to fear men or anything over God is not an option for His people.
1Jo4:18There is NO fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He
that feareth is not made perfect in love.
Gal 5:6For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any
thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love.
Physical circumcision was a token of proof of the New
Covenant to come in effect where the token would be the spiritual circumcision of the heart of all
who believe.
Rom 2:29But he is a
Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.
Faith can never exist
or work without love.
1Co 13:7Beareth all
things, believeth all things, hopeth all
things, endureth all things.
1Co 13:8 Charity never faileth: but whether there
be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they
shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall
vanish away.
We can know whether we have weak, strong, or no faith at all
through searching our hearts in the light of the Word of God to see whether we
choose to love God fully heartily above all, for He accepts nothing less. without love there is no faith at all. Love is the driving force and power of our faith that works and pleases God.
Mat 10:37-38.
Love and truth forever, serola
Comment (0)
Fri, Sep 22nd - 3:02PM
CHAPTER 11 VS 17-19
Brothers and sisters, let us bless the Lord Jesus Christ God
the Son of God, our Indestructible, Invincible, unconquerable, Unbeatable, Almighty
Saviour/High Priest/Mediator, who is our sole Life-Giver, (Rom 6:23), and source
of eternal salvation by the will of God the Father, whom the Father has set
before us as the supreme example to us forever of perfect humility, faith;
love; patience, and obedience to God the Father in all things: Phl 2:8-9; Jas 5:7-8; Mat 20:26-28.
Jesus teaches us that God the Father commands humility as
necessary before honor, that we should serve, minister and wash the feet of one
another and in so doing receive promotion of the Lord: Phl 2:8; Mat 20:26-28;
Mark 10:45.
Mat 23:12 And whosoever shall
exalt himself shall be abased; and he that
shall humble himself shall be exalted.
Therefore, brothers and sisters, God warns me, you, us,
against pride. Pride is very dangerous and forbidden by God. Pride is of the
devil, for by it he fell from his exalted place in heaven: Isaiah 14:12-16. See
1Co 8:1
Pride: empty, braggart talk; an insolent and empty assurance,
which trusts in its own power and resources and shamefully despises and
violates divine laws and human rights; an impious and empty presumption which
trusts in the stability of earthly things.
We know, dearly beloveds, that humility is not valued in this
present evil world, where men and women take pride in themselves and the works
of their own hands: 1Jo 2:15-16. 1Jo 2:17And the
world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that
doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
HIM WILL LAST FOR ALL ETERNITY. Nothing here, brethren, is preaching asceticism-
harsh treatment of the body, or that one should not enjoy things or have no pleasures
in life, for we can have rightful pleasures without abusing them to excess.
God warns us to remember the big picture- that we all have only a limited time on earth and
commands that we learn, live, and share the word to save all who will believe, that
We don’t know, holy people, when this world will end, only
God knows that. However, Lord Jesus has clearly declared to us in many places in scriptures the signs that would be
manifested signifying that the end was near: Mat 24:3-51.
1Jo 2:18 Little
children, it is the last time: and as ye have
heard that antichrist shall come, even now are
there many antichrists; whereby we know that it
is the last time.
Therefore, God has given us His Word, that each and every one
of us should be fully and perfectly prepared and able to do good works, not be
deceived, but protected, and well able to learn, defend, share, and live the
word of God both in public and in private. There is no excuse for any of us to
have never shared the gospel message with others, as it was shared with us.
There are some who only like to teach scripture in
narrow bits and pieces or a topical manner, and this has a place, but not the
only place or method of teaching scripture. Those who only receive this kind of
teaching often do not come to understand the New Covenant as a whole, or even
know what it is, and its purposes in
serving God.
We find throughout scripture and in the book of Hebrews Paul
teaching topically and also in a comprehensive way the whole gospel. Showing us
that both methods of teaching can be done at the same time. Again, brothers and
sisters, this kind of combined teaching is prevalent throughout scripture,
without question it is most effective.
Saints (G40 hagios), let us go on into the study to feast
deliciously, and fully on the Word of God Jesus Christ who is our spiritual
food that God has given to us that we will be completely satisfied in Him.
Let us keep our minds and hearts trained on where Paul the
apostle is taking these Hebrew believers and us too in fully grasping the eternal
truth that all the knowledge, he has taught them is meaningless, and has no
value to God if we do not believe in God without doubting or wavering. No one can please God without faith in Him.
If one looked at Abraham with natural eyes, they might not be
much impressed. They might think God should have chosen someone better, more
faithful, because didn’t he lie, didn’t he laugh too when God told him of the
promises, didn’t he obey his wife to use a surrogate to have a child rather
than wait on God, didn’t God have to intervene to prevent the death of Hagar
the surrogate with her son that time that Abraham sent them away into the
desert with insufficient water? Didn’t the poor child Ishmael not suffer the
pain of rejection by his father?
However, dearly beloveds, we are commanded to look from God’s
perspective first of all we understand that God loves and tells the truth about every thing and everyone-the good, the bad, and the ugly, sometimes of the same person. While
its true that God did not stop Abraham from doing his own will, it is also true
that the consequences of their disobedience from God was to delay them having a
child for many years until they were impotent. There are lessons here for us as
It is true that Abraham in obeying his wife to use the
handmaid as a surrogate to bear a child did not please God. Firstly, it showed clearly that Abraham loved Sarah his wife AND HIMSELF TOO more than God: Mat 10:37. Secondly
God absolutely commands first place in all things. He is absolutely not ever
going to take second place to anyone or anything.
The only one Abraham loved more than Sarah and himself is the child Isaac
God granted them in their old age. We
find, brethren, that God does not throw Abraham under the bus so to speak,
instead God gives Abraham another chance in a final test- the command to sacrifice his
biological son that he yearned for such a long time and greatly loved.
Heb 11:17 By
faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered
up Isaac: and he that had received the
promises offered up his only begotten son,
Heb 11:18
Of whom it was
said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be
Heb 11:19
Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the
dead; from whence also he received him in a
Gal 3:16-18; 1Pe 1:7; 1Pe 4:12-13 .
Abraham passed his final test. First in trusting God’s love, faithfulness, and power to raise his son back
to life even if Abraham slew him. Secondly, Abraham put God first above himself and all he
loved and held dear. Finally, Abraham gave himself in complete submission to
the will of God, regardless of what it would cost him, for he counted God worthy
of everything and everyone he had including himself.
Holy people, God gives us a wonderful look at His eternal faithfulness
in which we understand that the faith of God only deals in absolutes. God never
deals in uncertainties, speculations, trials and errors, regarding the expected
outcome of anything He chooses to do, or those whom He chooses to operate
God does not see with the eyes of a mere human being. He is
able to know all that is in the heart, and thoughts of men and women too. Absolutely
nothing can be hidden from Him. Therefore, He rightly judged Abraham declaring
of him: Gen 18:19 For
I know him, that he will command his
children and his household after him, and they shall
keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and
judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which
he hath spoken of him. What about Ishmael and the children Abraham had with the two wives he married after the death of his first wife Sarah? We have to look at this, dearly beloveds, with the long view, that is the far view-fore sight of faith, the big picture of what Abraham accomplished to make sense out of this initial mess.
Praise God all of the children of Ishmael along with the other children who believe, can freely enter into the kingdom to receive all of the blessings, promises equally with the believing progeny of Isaac, along with believers of every nation and tongue. Faith is the end and the total sum of this matter for all the believers in Abraham and his Seed Jesus Christ.
Let us, holy people, remember not to provoke our God to jealousy. For our God is a jealous God, He will not give His glory to another nor His praise to graven images. We know idols can be made of things we hold more dear than and above God in the secret chambers of our heart.
Love and
truth, serola
Comment (0)
Tue, Sep 12th - 11:59AM
CHAPTER 11 VS 12-16
Brothers and sisters, let us continually give abundant worship
and offerings of love, thanks, praises, blessings, honor, glory, and adoration
to our Almighty God and Father, who gives every believer the command, right,
authority, and power through the faith of and in Jesus to bless His Holy Name,
and to bless His holy people.
Brothers and sisters, holy family, and priests of the Most
High, love and peace to you in the wonderful name of our Lord and Saviour God
the Son of God Jesus Christ, Messiah, High Priest/Mediator, Deliverer, Redeemer.
The Lord bless each and every one of you, brethren, from the
crown of your heads to the soles of your feet with confidence in the power of
God Almighty our Father, resting in His eternal love, truth, and Joy always.
Mankind is obsessed with finding the cure for aging and death
itself. The global anti-aging market was valued at around 62 billion
U.S. dollars in 2021 and is expected to increase to some 93 billion by 2027. Countless
millions are also spent on cosmetic surgeries to hide or diminish the signs of
Sadly, the tabloids
exploit aging actors by posting before, and after pictures of them as though these
poor folks had made themselves age badly. One billionaire has spent over two
million dollars trying to turn back the clock and even used stem cells from his
teenaged child.
Billionaires are rushing to fund projects to extend life or find
a cure for death. Some of them have preserved or taken steps to have their
bodies preserved after death in hopes of being restored to life and/or cured in
the future. The National Institute of health has published on a search for the
tree of life focused on a certain type of forest. Some scientists are
studying the mystery of death, greatly desiring to know what lies beyond death
and have documented brain activity continuing in persons pronounced dead.
Brothers and sisters, we know an unsaved world has every
reason to live in the utmost fear and terror of death. But as for every
believer we have heard and believed the testimony and seen the patience of our
brother Job: Job
If a man die, shall he live again? all the days of
my appointed time will I wait, till my change come.
Job 14:15 Thou shalt call, and
I will answer thee: thou wilt have a desire to the work of thine
And we like Job, holy people, are fully convicted, convinced,
and persuaded that Jesus has called each of us by name out of death into His
eternal salvation and life everlasting:
Let us therefore agree and confess with brother Job:
Job 19:25 For I know that my
redeemer liveth, and that he shall
stand at the latter day upon the earth: 26 And though after my
skin worms destroy this body, yet in my
flesh shall I see God: 27Whom
I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not
another; though my reins be consumed within me.
Brother Hosea left us the testimony of God Himself:
Hos 13:14 I will ransom them from the power of the
grave; I will redeem them from death: O
death, I
will be thy plagues; O
grave, I
will be thy
destruction: repentance shall be hid from mine eyes.
Thanks and praises be continually to God our Father through
whom we have received the eternal atonement through faith in and of the faith of
Lord Jesus Christ who has declared: Jhn 10:28
And I give unto
them eternal life; and they
shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out
of my hand.
Heb 5:9And being
made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;
We know, saints (G40 hagios) that eternal salvation and
eternal life is our inheritance. Some of us might lose our rewards but never
our eternal salvation or eternal life, which is a gift given us through the
atoning work of Jesus Christ alone and never by any works of men no matter how
pious or religious they may be or appear.
1Co 15:22For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 1Co 15:55-58.
Dearly beloveds, God our Father declares of God His Son Jesus
Christ: Isa 9:6
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is
given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his
name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The
mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
We can easily test our own faith by the word of God. If we
have believed what God has eternally written then the answer to both of the following
questions have only one absolute answer, and that is absolutely YES, Praise God.
If eternal salvation and eternal life were not permanent, God
would have to destroy the Bible, and we would just eat, drink, be merry for as
long as we could, then just die like a dog.
However, that will never happen for it is IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD TO
LIE for He has given all believers eternal salvation and eternal life with Him
who is eternal forever.
We are all commanded by God to study, learn, live and share
the WHOLE gospel message. Among the multitude of mature believers who are
rooted in the whole gospel message, Let us remember that there are always some who are
ignorant newly come to the gospel, or may have been saved a long time but still
Some of our ignorant brethren, have been initially much
disturbed, terrified, and perhaps shocked as the gospel message is uncovered. I
pray they will be encouraged and come forth to believe God, faithfully trusting
in Him without doubt or wavering: Heb 10:23;
As for the weak in faith brother or sister, due to their
ignorance, the Bible instructs us as to how God commands us to patiently nurture
them and gently help them to grow in grace, even as we have been helped. I am
not a hunter searching for ignorance in any brother or sister. The truth is
that its unavoidable, and usually in plain sight, we cannot unsee it when it becomes evident.
There is much good news still to come in this study and some
news that will also be shocking to those who are ignorant. Yet our shock as we
look into the spiritual world of God is overcome in believing, because we know our
God and that we can trust in His eternal sovereign truth, love, power and
goodness to His people.
Again, and again, let us remember not to be angry or seek to
shame those who are ignorant, seeing all believers are ignorant to some extent when they are first
saved, and some even after they are saved a long time. But rather let us freely
share the gospel as it was and is shared with us. This is the way that God has
ordained that we should all come into the unity of the faith in love and truth
of the gospel. Ignorance is not benign
for we act and teach others out of what we know, and if what we know is in ignorance-well
you get the picture, brothers and sisters. Thanks be to God none of us have to
stay ignorant for God will always help us to grow in grace and in His Word.
Always, brothers and sisters, I thank you for your patience. Let
us continually thank and praise our God that He has given us His word in which
He is much pleased that we can eat and drink into His Son Lord Jesus Christ freely,
in His presence, the Holy Spirit standing by with generous portions of
spiritual food to satisfy our souls heartily, and to take plenty home to
meditate, reflect on live and share with all that we can that Christ will be
glorified. This spiritual feeding is imperative for church leaders and for the whole church as well: Acts 20:28.
Let us continually keep focused on Paul’s train of thought in
teaching these Hebrew believers, (and us too), that all of our knowledge and
works are absolutely worthless in the sight of God and we can NEVER please Him without
absolute unwavering steadfast faith in His New Covenant as set within the whole
boundary of the Standard of Jesus Christ God the Son of God and His eternal
work of atonement as final, finished, complete, inerrant, exhaustive, explicit,
and exclusive forever. God is well able to take us to the place of faith in
We know that God has placed His curse of eternal punishment
upon anyone who willfully adds to or takes away from His everlasting gospel.
Our Faith must bear the fruit of patience, which is evidence
that we steadfastly believe and understand the absolute faithfulness of God who
will most certainly manifest Himself and His kingdom at the appointed time.
Heb 11:12
Therefore sprang
there even of one, and him as good as dead, so
many as the stars of the sky in
multitude, and as the sand which is by the
sea shore innumerable.
Innumerable: Cannot be numbered. A sum so vast that it is impossible
for any man to number. This rendering, dearly beloveds, is confirmed thoroughly
in scriptures:
Gen 41:49And
Joseph gathered corn as the sand of the
sea, very much, until he left numbering; for it was without number.
Heb 12:22 But ye
are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the
living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels,
At the end, the righteous will be in such vast numbers that
it will be impossible for any man to number them:
Rev 7:9 After this I
beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no
man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the
throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with
white robes, and palms in their hands;
However, at the end All the wicked can be numbered: Rev 20:7And when the
thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out
of his prison, 8 And shall
go out to deceive the nations which are in the
four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to
gather them together to battle: the number of
whom is as the sand of the sea.
Our understanding of the faith of Abraham is greatly enriched
by the preceding verses of the scriptures.
One might ask why do some preach that few will be saved
based on: Mat
7:14; 1Pe
4:18. I believe that sincere, but ignorant believers preach this because
they fail to read and/or understand the Bible from beginning to end. In the
first case Lord Jesus was speaking to those under the Law, and in the second
case after His resurrection the Bible gives many scriptures on the sufferings
and difficulties of Christians: Rom 8:35, but
never in the sense that God will abandon them, nor that the Christian is left
on their own to stand or fall: Phl 2:13.
Heb 11:13
These all died in faith, not having
received the promises, but having seen them afar
off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them,
and confessed that they
were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
Abraham and his sons as the godly believers before him had the vision, they could see the
unseen glory of God afar off, which is why they whole heartedly confessed that
this fleeting temporal life which is but for a moment cannot compare to the eternal
kingdom to come. Even at death they absolutely refused to identify themselves as
native of or residents of any land on this temporal earth, although God promised
them certain lands on earth.
Heb 11:14
For they that say such things declare
plainly that they seek a country.
They boldly declared before God and men that the only kingdom
they were looking for was God’s kingdom. Abraham and his sons were wealthy,
they had power, they had control over many servants to do their bidding and could
enjoy a life of ease and comfort freely on this present earth. Even so they kept their eyes fixed on God their greatest and only treasure and on His world to come.
Heb 11:15
And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they
came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned.
Abraham and his sons had plenty of time to return to their
homeland if they had been homesick. However, they cared nothing for it neither
did it enter into their minds.
Heb 11:16
But now they desire a better country, that
is, an
heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be
called their God: for he hath prepared for them a
We don’t like to think that God can be ashamed of us. We
should not be surprised that God has feelings, He gave us feelings, but His is
always just and in control: Luk 9:26; 2Ti 2:15.
In the case of Abraham and his sons God made it clear that He
was not ashamed to be called their God. We can rest assured that God will say
the same of every believer who rests patiently in faith towards Him.
Love and truth, serola
Comment (0)
Fri, Sep 1st - 1:33PM
11 VS 11
and sisters, let us from our hearts bring abundant love, thanks, blessings and
praise offerings to our Triune God continually who has made us one in Him, eternally inseparable from
Him: Jhn
10:28-29; Jhn
17:23-26; Rom
8:35-39; Heb
7:26; Jde
know that our God greatly desires for us to know Him, and over time, through consistently,
consciously, willingly, correctly, learning, understanding, retaining, obeying, and
living His word daily in public and in private out of love and trust in Him our
spiritual growth towards maturity in Him is both guaranteed and derived
believers say in ignorance that no one can know the will of God. However, the
Bible clearly teaches us:
1:8 Wherein he hath
abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence; 9
Having made
known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good
pleasure which he hath purposed in himself:
1:4 Who gave himself for our sins, that he
might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of
God and our Father.
brethren, never have to fear not being
able to know and do the will of God on earth for God assures all believers: Phl 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to
do of his good pleasure.
are commanded by God our Father to feed ourselves and one another on the
spiritual food of God’s word. We are
spiritual people; Jesus Christ God the Son of God is our only source of
spiritual food:
Jhn 6:57 As the
living Father hath sent me, and
I live by the Father: so he that eateth me, even he shall
live by me.
God commands us to know of all that He is, He has made clearly available in His
word, freely given and open to His people to learn/study, benefit from and
share in the world, that all who believe will be saved. The church of God grows
individually and as a whole towards maturity through being spiritually nurtured
and fed continually by the Living Word of God.
many Christians don’t know that God expects and commands them to be taught the
scriptures, as well as to study/read it for themselves from beginning to end.
addressing any apostates who are willingly ignorant (see 2 Pe), all believers
come to Christ with some degree of ignorance, most of us just knowing we are
saved. Let us not be angry, or impatient with new believers that need our help.
Let us not assume that all Christians have heard of or know what the New
Covenant is. To some, the Bible is just a collection of books, or just a book
to keep in the house or coffee table, or to show up with at church.
believers are not able to articulate how they know that they are Christians and might not be able to know what the gospel or New Covenant is.
us not be surprised that among the multitude of mature pastors/elders, and body
general, there might even be some who’ve been saved a long time, even in the
pulpit who are still spiritual toddlers when it comes to handling and
understanding the word of God.
might say that it’s understandable that a new believer might not know much, but
how is that possible for any long-time believer, or some in the pulpit?
the New Testament we find the apostles working to alleviate problems in the
church due to biblical ignorance of the elders and/or within the body general. We know,
holy people, that it still happens today, and we urgently need to help those
who are ignorant, out of love, without shaming them. Jesus Christ gave
commandment for the sheep to be fed for a reason.
we look at these Hebrew believers Paul shows us plainly that they were ignorant
of the need for every believer to retain what they know of scripture to be able
to continually nurture themselves spiritually and live out their faith daily
through it. They were not able to share with others what they did not know
because they simply failed to retain the word, again it was out of ignorance, not willfully.
Brothers and sisters, we see that Paul
is so patient with them. We never find him saying how stupid they were for not
knowing it is necessary and commanded by God that all should retain and live
out their faith by the truth of scripture. Instead, he set about to remedy
their ignorance by reteaching them the scriptures, which they gladly received. They did not
get mad at him or tell him to mind his own business, or that this was their thing and had nothing to do with him.. The word of God is all of our
business to obey, defend, and share it with all that we can. We know when
anyone rejects the correction of scriptures, they are not rejecting us but God.
people, as we go on into the study, I thank you for your patience. Let us
retain Paul’s train of thought focused like a laser beam, that after these
Hebrew believers had faithfully endured sufferings/persecutions for the Name of
Christ, they did not bear the fruit of patience to continue to wait on God faithfully
expecting to receive their rewards according to His timing not theirs. Instead,
they had grown frustrated, tired of waiting and wanted their reward from God
then and there.
reminds them and us too, dearly beloveds, that all of our knowledge about God is
of NO value to God without faith. We can never please God without faith. Note the
whole Bible never teaches that any can please God through various
denominations, organizations, institutions, philosophy, doctrines of men.
no mistake, all of these entities teach salvation through themselves, although
they might attach the name of Jesus to it, it still remains a lie, false
doctrine, nullifying the word of God: Jesus
Christ God the Son of God declares!
Mat 15:9 But in vain they
do worship me, teaching for doctrines the
commandments of men.
Paul had warned and gave many examples of those Hebrews in the past who having
seen and witnessed the power and actions of God in their behalf still failed to
enter the kingdom due to unbelief, whom God destroyed in the wilderness, and
also some under the Law: Heb
3:12 Take heed, brethren, lest there
be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the
living God. ("evil" AND "heart"
occurs 76 times in 33 verses in the KJV, including 6 exact phrases).
heart of unbelief, one who fully understands the gospel, but in unbelief, rejects it and without repentance hardens his or her own heart by
willfully, deliberately, choosing to do their own will rather than the will of
God, thereby trampling under foot Jesus Christ God the Son of God, and calling his sinless blood unholy and calling the Holy Ghost a liar.
note that Paul taught the Hebrew believers these things not expecting or
believing that they would choose to disobey God to do their own thing, but
rather that they would clearly know and fully understand that God remains the
same God who will never bow down, nor compromise His word with men, and will
not fail to destroy the wicked who reject His Son.
this knowledge of biblical boundaries well established and absolute, that God has a
line that none may cross with impunity, these Hebrew believers, (and us too),
would permanently close the book for all time on thinking even remotely, that
we could escape the wrath of God and eternal punishment if we too turned away
from Him, and did not prevail in faith unto the end.
temptation has a purpose in the lives of Christians, not to destroy us but to strengthen us. The faith of All is tested, tried, and
proven by God, even as our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ's was- no mere human
being ever suffered or been tempted like Him. Yet He remained faithful even unto death.
free to study on your own, holy people, Christian persecution, temptation, trials their
purposes, and the ability/availability of help in Christ- God the Son, Saviour/Redeemer/High
Priest/Advocate/ Deliverer/ and God the Holy Spirit before the throne of God
the Father.
we go on into the study, unlike in the time before the flood we have little
record from God of women in much detail, other than Eve, who did not sin as
Adam did, she was tricked-deceived by the devil.
Paul gave a synopsis on the faith of these believers of the past, the Hebrew
believers would have had their whole back story to flesh out as it were the
full story of these saints, (G40 hagios), of the past. They had been taught the O.T from an early age as commanded by the Law, later on these believers would know the N.T as well. Now we gentiles have the
whole back story too in that the O.T. and the N.T are also made available to us through
the Jews, Praise God. Therefore, we too can understand these passages fully within the full context of scripture.
created woman, and He knows what a woman is and understands a woman’s heart. God
gives us much insight into the marital dyad as it relates to the spouses and in
relation to Himself. God promised a seed first directly to Abraham after he left the home of his parents, although his wife was barren.
God later changed her name from Sarai(princess), to Sarah (mother of multitudes),was eaten up by the fact that
she could not give her husband Abraham the one thing that he desperately wanted-
a son.
We recall that after ten years having left her homeland with
Abraham, Sarah grew impatient and gave up hope that she would ever bear a child
as God had shut up her womb, so she decided to help God out.
Nevertheless, God did not accept Sarah’s self -help in giving
Abraham a son through a surrogate. We
can see the problem with being impatient and not waiting on God’s timing, that
it is never a good thing nor pleasing to Him. God’s way is the only right way,
and the only right way is God’s way. Sarah failed her first test of faith.
We all know how her self-help ended and what a mess it made and the pain even emotional trauma it caused to the maid and the child she bore through surrogacy. The child did not bond with Serah but to his birth mother and Abraham his father. Sarah saw her mistake and compelled Abraham to send them away, which God allowed. Even so, for Abraham's sake for he loved the boy, God had mercy and blessed him greatly and his birth mother too.
God stuck with His plan, and later God would speak directly to Sarah of the
same promises He had made to Abraham. For the second time in human history God
speaks directly to a woman, although initially she laughed after God opened up
His promises to her, she nevertheless found strength to trust in God in faith. God
knows the heart and many years later found faith in her and changed her name
too, before she bore a child.
like faith all women are the daughters of Sarah, who believe and therefore can share equally with believing men in all
the promises of the Covenant of circumcision. In Christ circumcision is spiritual of the heart, not of the flesh.We know this would not be the
last time that God will speak directly to a woman.
Heb 11:11
faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed,
and was delivered of a child when she was
past age, because she judged him faithful who had
The questions that some might ask is why did God shut up
Sarah’s womb in the first place? Why did God make them wait until the time they
were too well stricken in age for it to be possible for them to ever have a
Had they been able to conceive a child in their younger years
would they not have been tempted to think that the child was from natural
conception, and not a supernatural act of God? We also see that God uses time as well as
situations, circumstances or conditions that arise to test, try, and prove our
faith. She failed the first test, but many years later God gave her a second chance and she
passed. So, we see the mercy of God and also His patience and compassion for His
We recall that initially Sarah had laughed when she heard the
promises of God, to which He replied, “Is there anything too hard for God”.
Therefore, God made a way out of no way and performed the
impossible by granting a child OF HIS CHOICE to a couple so advanced in age
that it would not and could not have ever occurred naturally, rewarding Sarah and
filling her with laughter that comes with joy in the power of the awesome and
faithful God for whom nothing that He desires to be done shall be impossible to
them that believe.
Love and truth, serola
We can easily test our faith by the word of God.
1 JOHN 110If we say that we have
not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
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