Mon, Dec 15th - 1:05PM
Titus 2:8 Sound speech, that cannot be condemned; that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you. Sound speech here denotes metaph. teaching which does not deviate from the truth.
It is possible that someone may not like what we say in response to them. However the point is that we are to always speak that which comes from the eternal truth of the Gospel, which cannot be condemned. It pricks and enters the heart of the hearer even if the Christian does not like it at first. We have God’s power to be restorers and helpful to one another which arises out of godly motivations and love. Let us put God first even in our speech. Paul had to tell the Galatians that they were doing things that amounted to putting themselves in bondage and false worship. It appeared the Galatians got mad and saw Paul as an enemy for telling them the truth. Paul had to ask them seriously!!! Gal. 4:16 So then am I become your enemy, by telling you the truth? Paul’s motivation was to guide the Galatians to worship God according to the Gospel and avoid the bondage of false worship. The Galatians had a lot of zeal-in the wrong way for the wrong things. The Galatians came to accept the truth through Paul the Apostle's telling them the truth. Our Lord grants every Christian the right, privilege and authority to tell Biblical truth to one another and the whole world- truth correctly understood and lived. (See Galatians 4) Open your Bible brethren let us make this an interactive study, thanks. Prayer of repentance: Lord Jesus we repent of the times that we used our words to hurt and injure other brothers and sisters. Now you have told us the truth and given us the power of how even our words are commanded to be an instrument for your use. Lord we thank you, and know that you enable us through the Holy Spirit to obey you out of love. You alone are worthy of the totality of our worship and praise. Amen
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